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NTR Quest - Odyssey 27 - Seafolk Diplomacy

  • Visit Prince Ashur 9
  • "I am very Busy." 7
  • 2024-01-05
  • 16 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 27 - Seafolk Diplomacy', 'choices': [{'text': 'Visit Prince Ashur', 'votes': 9}, {'text': '"I am very Busy."', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 5, 19, 31, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 16}


“Diplomacy.” You said simply.
“We can't say the Aoian's made a good or bad decision without seeing for ourselves, so why follow them?”

“Agreed.” Marrien smiled warmly and gave a short nod.

Fiona glanced between you and your Mother before asking. “If we can get through faster by diplomacy, do we take the opportunity? Is it a race now? Technically we're supposed to all be in this together but--”

Marrien sighed. “Certain actions set in motion a scrambling for land and loot. I wont say who...” She tried not to look in any direction in particular.
“Now we have Orrans asking questions, Aoian's leaving for their own spoils and-”

“Rest assured.” A young voice around your age rose from behind. You turned and saw the young Prince with his short black hair and emerald eyes. Black silk clothes with silver and gold embroidered into Draconic imagery. The line that tamed the Dragon, or so they say.
“Partnership between Cheshire and the Empire has only grown stronger. It's not a sure thing but I've gotten word from my Father that he is considering raising Cheshire to a Duchy.” He bragged.

Marrien stared at him blankly, then tactfully deflected. “That is not something to discuss out in the open, my Prince.”

He cleared his throat and blushed. “I suppose.”

“With respect, we should discuss such matters with the Royal Nanny present.” Marrien added.

“Her?” The prince nearly spat, but stopped himself. He saw the mood on deck and seemed to restrain himself. He smiled at Fiona of all people.
“Fiona.” He bowed loosely, then returned to the cabin, stomping as he want.

“Why did he call out Fiona specifically?” You asked.

Djir chimed in. “Fiona's the Queen of a new territory for your people. Also sounds like they wanna raise the status of your home territory back home.” He chuckled.
“But in the same breath he's showing desire to marry the only Daughter, binding your families together. It's the same as pouring sauce on a tasty slice you wanna eat.”

Marrien stared at Djir appraisingly. After a short pause she said to him. “We should talk about many things. Come with me, Djir.” Marrien motioned for him to follow. Before she disappeared into the cabin she asked. “Fin, tell the captain we are sailing north along the coast. We'll gather more precise bearings as we go.”


Fiona cringed. “I don't have another man to worry about, do I?”

Fin looked at her. “He is very, very into men.”

“Ah... No interest in women at all?”

“He said he dislikes them.”

Jeane added. “He always treated us cordially, though he never lingered around us at all so it rings fairly true. I believe Lady Marrien is going to be fine.”

“Fiona, I don't think he'd give up this much and come this far to do something to our Mother that would make us hate him.” You reasoned.

“Fine, fine. I see your point.”

As you descend into the cabin yourself with Jeane and Teuta you are startled by the green-eyed prince to your right as you descend. “Fin!”


“Please, call me Ashur!” As the two of you spoke, Teuta's grip around your arm tightened and she seemed to be shrinking away from the Prince. He noticed and gave her a subtle look of confused disdain. Jeane merely looked down, placing herself outside of the conversation completely.
“Why is this one so scared of me?”

“I'm sure... Ashur.” You watched for his expression to change. He lingered on Teuta for a moment before returning his gaze to you. The Prince was about your height, though he looked quite skinny and weak. You knew that a nobles power did not necessarily have to rest in their strength, however.
“Uhm.. Why are you aboard this ship, if I may ask?”

Jeane sighed lightly and interjected. As the prince began to take offense. “What he means to say, Prince, is that the accommodations aboard this vessel may be lacking.”

He was defused and nodded his understanding. “Too true, Elf. Yes... This ship is different. The Royal Vessel is of Tryskan make. We spared no expense. I would love for you and especially Fiona to come visit me there for lunch, or snacks.” He offered brightly.

“Honestly we have quite a bit of-” You were trying to say no, but something about the way his emerald eyes pierced you made you sweat.
“I- I will think about it. We are in a spot where Fiona and I need to be on alert. That's for all of our sake.”

He perked up. “Ah! Is that so? It was boring waiting here all this time... I'm just glad we're finally moving.” He cleared his throat and waited. As things became awkward he angled to leave. He eyed the nervous Teuta's behavior one last time and sneered.
“Fix this person's attitude before next we meet.” He waved his hand and ascended the steps, likely looking for Fiona. He had been staring at the steps, waiting for her to come down the whole time. As soon as he ascended, she slide lithely down through a porthole.

“God... So annoying.”

“You're avoiding him?” You asked.

“Oh should I meet with him?”

“He's the prince... We have to tread carefully.”



“I kept refusing to send him invitations to visit the palace the whole time I was in Aniyufar.”

“Haha...” You chuckled nervously.
“He's a Prince in the Empire. You couldn't at least pretend to humor him?”

“No.” Teuta gasped.
“He's dangerous... Dangerous.” She claimed.

“What?” Both you and Fiona asked, looking at her.
“Do you know something?”

“No... I just get a really gross feeling.” She rubbed her temple.

“There you have it.” Fiona shrugged, walking past towards her room.

“He invited us to have snacks aboard his vessel.” You called after her.

“Obviously I decline!” Fiona disappeared into her room.

“Let's just say we're busy.” You supported Teuta with one arm and brought her to Jeane's room.

Jeane smirked. “We do not have to just say it. We are busy. Do you know anything about the Prince?” She asked as the door to her room closed. You shook your head.
“It seems like the Royal Nanny came with him on this expedition and it seems like she carries most of the actual authority. The prince is someone to be careful of... As a hazard, mostly. His orders still carry some weight but can be reasonably ignored or subverted. I believe if the Royal Nanny gets involved and is against us it could mean trouble.”

“You know a lot.” You remarked.

“Tower politics tend to mix with Noble politics, unfortunately. The nobility are the ones who tend to fun Aurar's the most. That means factions fall neatly along those same lines and we have to be in the know about all of these things for fear of suddenly slighting someone and losing funding.” She took a breath.

“Are you part of a faction?”

“The Crown Prince, Paul II faction, yes.”

“Oh? Why?”

Jeane did not seem to have any greater reason. She barely registered much excitement when talking on the topic.
“It is the easy choice. Most people who don't care to get involved would just prefer to side with the strongest, most assured faction and get it over with, myself included. I have no particular preference but Paul is a kind Prince and takes care of the Third Prince who is an Aurar, Aiden, as well. I trained the lad for a spell and he is quite bright, if a little timid.” Jeane smirked.
“To sum it up, the fight for the throne is basically over. That would be why the Second Prince is here.”

“Would there be any point to making friends with Prince Ashur?”

“There is no downside to befriending royalty. Ashur is still Prince, even if he never becomes King. That holds weight. Plus, the Royal Nanny, who is the closest servant to the current King, favors Prince Ashur and is a pilot of the Noble faction. Those people would, ironically, tend to be more aligned to Marrien's interests as a Marchioness, and possibly a Duchess.”

“She's a servant, and she's that powerful?” You thought out loud. Jeane smirked at you smugly.
“What? Am I missing something?”

“Black hair, Green eyes, beautiful, fancy despite her status. It is gossip, but the Royal Nanny is an unofficial consort. The Second Prince is likely her child, not the late Queen's.” Jeane took a breath.
“I have to admit, it feels good to talk about these things. I feel like I am airing out my head.”

You gripped your hair in frustration. “Should I visit or not!? I'm not actually so busy along the way that I can't set aside some time to humor him.”

“Yes.” Jeane said.

“No!” Teuta argued vehemently.



Few more observations from me: While the jokes about Djir and Marienn are hilarious, the Djir we've seen in this story would unironically be a better partner than Sam would've been. Dude actually seems capable of loving and respecting his SO, unlike Sam. So either way Fiona shouldn't worry. If anything I'd be more concerned about Djir being interested in her, since she's Finn's twin XD Also while we may have lost the opportunity to bang Djir's maternal figure, with these new revelations we might have a chance to get with Ashur's Mom. XD

Jane Hexum

Dam iv changed my vote 3 times i just dont know what the right move is

Roland Taranis

Jane, just so you know, a few hours before the next chapter is published, Winter take a look at the vote and makes a mental snapshot, freezing the result she's going to write for. Unless there was a tie, she doesn't end the poll. The next chapter of Odyssey has been published around an hour ago. Visiting Ashur won. I don't wanna spoil so I won't say anymore XD