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NTR Quest - Odyssey 26 - Collect Djir

  • Seafolk Diplomacy 10
  • Chasing Aoians 3
  • 2023-12-29
  • 13 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 26 - Collect Djir', 'choices': [{'text': 'Seafolk Diplomacy', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Chasing Aoians', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 29, 21, 24, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 13}


You shrugged, as if it was not really a consideration. To come this far and simply leave Djir behind felt wrong, especially after the two of you reached the junction you spoke of and he chose... You.
“Alright, Djir. We'll have you.” You smiled as his lips curled up into a big dumb smile. He cackled a little happily and lifted you up off the ground by the waist, hugging you.

“Excellent! My heart was racing... I'll make preparations.”

“Is it really alright?” Fiona asked, still sitting with her arms crossed staring at the two of you.

“Yes?” You intoned.

“She means to say... Am I really giving up all this or just pretending to?” He exhaled.
“I'll show you soon enough. It's not gonna be ambiguous. Since you accepted me like this I'll do what I need to do on my end. No half measures.”


Over the course of the week Djir proved to be at his word. He disbanded his power structures in plain sight with you at his side. He signed his holdings away to his family. Meaning his mother. Fiona was skeptical, saying that it was simply signing over power to have it passed back later but you related to her the truth of Djir's relationship with his mother. It was enough to convince her. Not that she could say anything against him. He was taking the steps that he promised. Making it impossible to return if things fell apart was never part of the deal. It wasn't even implied, but he was still doing exactly that. He really was leaving everything behind.

When Djir explained what he was doing to his skeptical detractors it was cathartic to watch them stumble over themselves. They were prepared for a fight only to have their primary opponent leave. The only thing they were concerned with was when he was leaving. The strangest thing to you was that Djir did not seem to regret or question his choice at all after it was made. You asked him and he answered easily.

“It all goes away after I die, anyway. I'm not immortal. What do I have to gain from sitting on a throne accumulating riches. It was never what I liked, anyway. I enjoyed the conquest. I was never going to really rest, even after winning, even after getting everything I'd look for something else and it would keep going like that until I faded away. That... Doesn't even sound bad to me. If you weren't something that existed in my life I think that would be the best thing. Now you are the best thing.” He stated affectionately, causing you to blush.

“So... You knew that you were rolling towards ruin with your plans?”

“I did. But I wanted to anyway. Whatever happened to me or Garm didn't matter.”

“And now?”

He leaned down and licked your cheek. “Now Garm doesn't matter. But... I wanna live for as long as you're alive.”

You laughed. “I'm also not immortal or invincible.”

“I'll die when you die.” He promised.

“Don't say something like that so cheerfully... I'll have to give you something to do after I'm gone in case you outlive me.”

Djir cackled as you pondered the question. “Hehe. What?”

You looked up. “If I have children, or children of those children-”

“Descendants.” He nodded.

“Sure. Descendants. If they're still alive, even if I'm not I'd want you to stay alive to watch and look after them.”

“I will. What if I die?” He asked hopefully.

You furrowed your brow. “I'm going to keep living! I'm not as crazy as you...”

He laughed extremely hard at that. “I was gonna ask that you don't bother following me if I die.”

“I wouldn't, even if you asked. That's stupid...”

“Good.” Djir grinned.

- One Month later -

After traveling, you finally arrived back in Xandria. According to Fiona the people were close to rioting with a man in charge, let alone one that had only married into the royal line. Instead to placate them Fiona placed Merit, Cyyani's little sister, as the Regent that would rule while you and Fiona were away.  With no influence from Garm the Kingdom became a holding of Cheshire in name, while the wealth drawn from it was shared proportionally among the involved parties. Under fiona the two captured cities were returned and there was no contest for them, so there was enough goodwill to coast for at least a decade so long as nothing went poorly. After months away you and Fiona were finally able to return to the expedition. In tow you had Djir, Amun, Teuta and Jeane. For Fiona, she had formed a bond with Cyyani in particular, as you and the Princess had drifted apart. However, considering the relationship between you and Fiona was mended, there was barely a distinction between your people and hers. Though, it was clear to anyone that Djir would only listen to you and would only humor others if you asked.

When you arrived, the fleet had noticeably dwindled. You boarded the ship where Marrien, your mother, made her home. She was waiting above deck as you boarded with your party. She opened her arms wide and hugged you and Fiona snugly.
“Welcome back.” She was still as beautiful as you left, though she had a bit more jewelry. You were thankful that there were no signs of stress.

“Where are the other ships?”

“The Aoian's didn't have a piece of the pie over here so they went on ahead to find their own 'Aniyufar' to brag about.” She explained.
“Some ships returned, since they had come to strike gold and... Well.” She motioned out to the bustling port city. Since it had been a few month there were accommodations in port for Tryskan vessels and there were also Tryskans and Aoians and anyone in between walking among the Aniyub.
“Let's just say that this one conquest has made a lot of people rich. Cheshire is growing and coming into it's own at this point thanks to what is being sent back so there is a lot of work for my Aides.” She breathed a tired sigh, then perked up as Djir climbed up onto the ship after Jeane and Teuta and Amun.
“Oh my.” Marrien covered her mouth. She had never seen a Gnoll before so his large frame and somewhat hunched figure was striking.

“Mother, this is Djir he's-” Before you could finish what you were saying Djir came up behind you, rested his big hands on your shoulders and bent forward to lick your cheek near your mouth affectionately. You were too stunned to act or interject.

“Fin's Lover.” He held back a laugh as best he could and whispered in your ear jovially.
“Payback.” Marrien's face flushed bright red. Her mouth hung open and opened and shut a few times, seeming to show that she could not find the words that she wanted to say immediately. You could feel Djir tense a little, as if he somewhat regretted what he said right after he said it. You remembered the stigma he faced back in Garm, and the abuse he faced from his own mother. He relaxed as Marrien finally collected herself and spoke.

“Fin, is that true?”

You blushed. “It's true.” How could you deny it? You said it yourself so happily to Djir's people. He was just doing the same, though you could tell he was doing it quite a bit more mischievously.
“He and I are... Close.”

“I see!” She smiled warmly and bowed.
“Djir... Thank you for looking after my Fin and for being a companion. I could see that you two were close right away, so I was wondering.”

Fiona laughed. “Mother you were speechless.”

Marrien rung Fiona gently. “A Mother is allowed to be surprised when she hears something like that!” She stated awkwardly.

“Pardon.” Djir looked at her.
“You said you could tell?” He asked in an intrigued tone.

Marrien adjusted her glasses and spoke confidently. “I am the High Chancer of the Empire and the Marchioness of Cheshire. I can see through someone's intent. I know if they are good or bad.”

You looked at her in disbelief. “Then why did you deal with Sam?”

Marrien rolled her eyes at you. “Just because someone is bad and has bad intent doesn't mean you can't deal with them. There is a difference between bad and trustworthy-”

Djir added. “So long as someone keeps their word and their agreements predictably, knowing their intent whether it's good or bad doesn't matter, because it's all up to your own skill in negotiating at that point.”

Marrien's eyes lit up. “Exactly! Come here.” Djir stepped forward, a giant before the dainty woman the was your Mother. He looked down at her curiously as she inspected him.

“I did not think I would be able to read an expression like this... It is a type of face that I am unfamiliar with, but I get that feeling that you are someone who keeps their word.” She rubs her chin in thought.
“That's enough, I think.”

“What about my intent?” Djir grinned.

Marrien laughed nervously. “You are very single-minded. It is best not to say in polite company.”

Djir shook lightly and covered his muzzle. You could tell he was holding back nervous cackles. He returned to you and whispered.
“She's a talented woman.”

Marrien looks down at a scroll. “Seems you have already looked after affairs in the Capital, Fiona. I have some of my own people to advise your Regent so we should be fine. I am surprised you are already done with being a Queen.”

Fiona shrugged. “I'm already a Queen in everything I do. I don't need to live as one every single day.”

Marrien could only smile and stare blankly as her only daughter said something like that. “Fair enough... Fin?”

You cleared your throat. “I am... Ready to move on to what's next. The World Tree.”

“Djir.” You motioned towards him.

He nodded. “The continent does not have anything like that on it. In the north, east and west, land ends and gives way to the Seafolk domains. Aniyufar is in the south, but we always assumed it was the same that way as well.”

“Seafolk?” Marrien questioned curiously.

“If you think about a continent as a shelf above water, there is a vast sea between the Erup Continent and... Whatever land is beyond it. Since Seafolk live in water, that entire territory beneath the sea is split into kingdoms that those people govern and guard themselves. They consider the water above their territory to be theirs, so vessels and travelers moving through there are typically sunk.” You suddenly began to understand why the continental Kingdoms were not too concerned about venturing beyond shallow waters. By their knowledge and experience there was simply no point.

Marrien looked perplexed. “That explains a few things.. The Aoians were in an ongoing fight to move their ships through that expanse. They assumed it was Beasts that were attacking them but it is actually territorial defense forces? I assume they have caused quite a stir already diplomatically without even thinking.”

“How far have they gotten?” You asked.

“To be Frank... With their Hero and their other people that they brought they have almost broken through completely. I think that there may be a lot of mad Seafolk in their wake but if we wanted to join them we could follow their path pretty easily.”

“Are we thinking about this wrong?” Fiona asked.

“What do you mean?” Marrien closed her scroll.

“The Aoian's are trying to slog through to the other side but if what Djir said is true then there are Kingdoms worth of riches below the sea. Different people with their own economies that trade among themselves.”

“Is that true?” Marrien looked to Djir.

“Mining... It sounds strange but the ocean floor must be a lot like the surface in terms of gathering minerals and gems. Since they live underwater they have methods of mining and crafting weapons and they tend to be superior to what we have access to.”

Marrien blinked. “That sounds... Lucrative, but our goal is the World Tree. Honestly, we have already side-tracked enough as it is. It is possible the Aoian's will get there first since they have been pushing through this whole time.”

Djir chuckled. “Well... If they are doing as well as you say I'd assume the Seafolk should be forming an Alliance right about now. They've never been opposed before so your Aoian's may have caused a renaissance for them.”

Fin groans. “So we help the Aoians or...”

“Or fuck them.” Fiona punched her open palm.

“Language...” Marrien uttered in annoyance.
“But she is right. We could potentially meet the Aoians and go with them to break through at the same time. Alternately, it is a gamble but we could deal with the Seafolk and try to forge a truce that could allow us to make it through unopposed.”



The change in the mom and sister compared to the early chapters and previous works is so palpable and a good change of pace. I know the author has certain writing tropes and sexual styles that the audience loves but to see them have agency AND not be sexual addicts like most women so far is a breath of fresh air. No offense to the author because the writing is solid all around no matter what.

Jane Hexum

1st of Sqeee Djir and Fin are way to cute together. 2rd 0_o did we bring Amun and Innad or did they get left behind 3rd Hell ya underwater stuff is my favorite i hope it is a long arc :)


Djir's already made bringing him worthwhile with that "I'm Finn's Lover" line. XD We did bring Amun and Innad as far as I'm aware (it mentions that Amun and Cyyani join you on the ship) Voted for chasing the Aoians myself, but now I'm wondering what we'll actually see from the seafolk. Mermaids maybe?