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Astranaar was a town in western Ashenvale. It was host to a full lodge with armaments and a natural moat. It had the largest population in the territory and while there were many outposts, the town was the source of power projection in the province due to its ability to hold out under assault, though Astranaar had never truly been assaulted. The town was built to last a prolonged siege and that is what was expected by the defenders. Since the Horde approach was predictable, defenders were positions east along the road with the plan to fall back over time as opposition became heavier. They did not want to simply allow the Horde to surround Astranaar. This was Shandris's strategy and it took into consideration the fact that pride had already been their, and her downfall so far in the invasion.

Duriel knew quite well the least expected route of attack. It was least expected because it seemed impossible, but the sensible mobilization of the Kaldorei and the opening of a corridor in stone-talon made it possible. Before the corridor was blocked by Kaldorei resistance, Kor'kron slipped through. Combined with the turned Kaldorei forces under Duriel and Anaris, they were fully capable of operating behind enemy lines in ways the Horde would never manage.

The forces managed by Duriel were small. Just a few Kaldorei that had been broken down enough mentally and physically that serving against their own kin seemed a favorable option to further enslavement. Thus, many of them were quite mad. Duriel was quite mad. She was kept on a short leash, which she did not mind too much. Her mind had already lost the battle, so she loved her leash and the man who held it.

Duriel nuzzled up to her Orc Master's cock lovingly. “Mmm.” She moaned, salivating over it. The woman dragged her tongue from the base up to the tip. The Orc stared down at her with interest. Whenever she would get close like this he curled the literal leash he had to keep her close, but she barely had any desire to pull away.

“You...” He huffed.
“You're an 'example' to your forces.” It was hard to say if it was a compliment or an insult. Those girls that had been turned and recruited all leveled on Duriel hungry, traumatized stares. It was a great aspect of their brainwashing to see someone who was so strong brought so low. Those who were already less than Duriel were left with the intrusive thoughts; if she can't or won't fight it, why should we? Some of them were being used idly, as it was their de-facto purpose. As servants they had more privileges, but to the Kor'kron, they were still just elves.

Duriel considered it a compliment. Her eyes turned up happily and her lips pressed lovingly against the tip of his cock.
“I am SO happy to hear you say that, Master.”

“You girls surrendered to escape this torture, but the moment you submit something in your little heads snap. Like lost sheep you climb into the jaws that you were so eager to escape from.”

Duriel licked her lips sensually. “That is because, to LOVE to be eaten is pleasing to the worg. Any lamb would rather climb into those jaws for a chance at mercy, than certainly die escaping.”

He grinned, running his hand through her long hair. “That's all well and good. But a lamb is a lamb and will be eaten eventually as soon as the worg gets bored.”

“Then we feed the glorious worg other sheep so that he has MUCH to eat and barely thinks of us as food.”

He laughed out loud. “So deranged! You lost it.” The man cocked his head to one side, pushing her head down on his member.
“This's what's waiting for your kind, I guess. If you can get like this, who on your end can't be broken the same way?” He wondered out loud.


“My Lady. What do we do about the prisoners.” As soon as Shandris arrived she cut one down in the line up, then wiped her dagger.

“The answer is simple. Treat them with similar mercy. Kill the men, take their women as hostages.” Shandris ordered coldly.

Her second seemed taken aback. “We don't mean to-”

“We shall see how I feel later on.” The General walked one more spot down the line.
“Next... What are you all waiting for? No need to skin them, we aren't that barbaric. Just slit their throats and leave them to bleed.” There was a shout of affirmation from the Kaldorei around her. Without knowing, she was staring down at Gokk. Shandris lifted her dagger and was about to follow her own order with the Orc when she sensed something behind her. She moved just in time to only have the long, hewn shaft of a Kaldorei arrow lodged into her shoulder, as opposed to her back.

“No!” Shandris's second shouted. She began to pull the General away with the rest of the personal entourage. She looked back.
“The rest of you, just kill them quickly and prepare to fight while retreating!” She ordered.
“My General...” She whispered.

“I could not find the archer... Who in this forest could manage such a shot?” Shandris grumbled.

“Aside from you?” The Second shook her head.

“The number is counted on one hand without even needing the thumb.”


Lokk sneered at the Blood Elf. His green skin was enough reason for him to disrespect a warlock, let alone an Elf and a woman. Braelyn was a walking bad impression before she opened her mouth, then as she opened her mouth he found an even greater reason to dislike her, somehow.
“Are you LISTENING, Lokk? I have grievances. I am a member of the Horde as well! I can NOT be mistreated like this!” She glowed back at him.

“You listen!” He grunted. The Orc plucked her ear by the pointy end, got a hold of her and shouted into her ear, dazing her.

“Ah! Ahh..?” She felt dizzy.

“You yell in my ear, I yell in yours. Only one of us can take it.” As he let go of her and continued to walk forward she stumbled a few steps, then wobbled and fell forward onto her face.
“Serious?” He rolled his eyes and walked back, turning her over to see her head was spinning.

“Un- Un Called...” She centered her gaze on him from below. Braelyn's cheeks flushed as his big face entered her view.
“For.” His mild concern, even if it was mixed with heavy annoyance, was new. She kept her stare as he grunted and picked her up to place her back on her feet with nothing more than a pat on the rear, then her back and front. He was dusting her off.

“Uh-” The warlock somehow felt flustered and stood still. As he turned to keep walking the moment he noticed she could stand on her own, albeit shakily, she commented after him with clenched fists.
“I-I could be a cripple for life because of that! How are you going to take responsibility, Lokk.”

He shook his head and exhaustedly remarked. “You're already an Elf. Whether you're an Elf or a cripple, all you have to do in your life is let a man look after you. Dumbass.”

She gasped, covering her mouth with both hands. “Are- are you offering to-”

“Oh god! Shut up! You aren't worth it!” He shouted back.

She stared him down angrily and rushed to catch up, almost stumbling again. “Looookk... Lokk!” Her shrill voice stopped as they crested the treeline and saw smoke.

“Damn! There's already a fight goin' on. I hope we aren't too late!”

The Lumber Camp where his father was stationed had been set ablaze. Apparently the Kaldorei had no issue with fire so long as the trees were already cut. He ran over corpses of a long-finished ambush on the outskirts with Braelyn surprisingly keeping up behind him. He arrived in time to see a Sentinel trying to jam a sword into Gokk, his father. The stubborn Orc was holding the blade to keep her from finishing him but the girl was obviously winning.

“Father!” He was too far away, but as soon as he shouted that the Kaldorei's head burst into purple flames. She screamed, dropped her weapon and began to run madly off in a random direction. He looked back to see the Warlock looking at him with a smug expression. He reluctantly gave her a brief nod before rushing to Gokk's side.
“Father.” He said again.

“Boy? Heh.” The old Orc laughed.

Lokk inspected the wounds. “Groaning over these flesh-wounds? Walk it off.” He grinned. It was a stab to the shoulder. Nothing significant.

“Finally got me back with that one, huh boy?”

“Yeah... Thought you'd be dead, old man.”

“Me too. The General herself was about to slit me clean across my neck. Only thing that stopped her was an arrow striking her in the back. All sorts of chaos after that.”

“Lucky they left a pup to try and kill you.” Lokk smiled.

“Where's my Draenei?” Gokk grumbled, sitting up to look around.


The assault on Astranaar was prepared, they were simply waiting for the right time. At dawn the eastern bridge into the town was destroyed by sappers. Duriel, her Master and all of the Horde aligned Elves and Kor'Kron rushed the west bridge. The west was barely guarded and seemed a poor approach because it was far behind Kaldorei lines. Couple that with the fact that the Sentinel Lodge was right across the west bridge. However, Duriel reasoned, all of the negatives were advantages.

“Attacking the west bridge means that the moment we cross we can deal with the sole source of might in the town immediately. It will be less guarded and most of the forces will be trapped on the eastern side of the river. If we can accomplish this capture under their noses we avoid a siege and even set up the threat of an encirclement of the majority of forces in Ashenvale.” She explained.

It was a good plan.

Raene finally woke up. Her arms and hands were tied straight behind her back extremely uncomfortably. There was no way to bend or move them. She could stand, at least. She knew she was still in Astranaar. Her neck was bent down by some pressure, and she could not look up.
“Mnn... What?” She groaned. As she looked down she noticed her bare legs and feet, then saw a chain connected to a stake driven into the ground. The chain rose up to her neck and jangled as she moved. She felt the cool metal on her skin and realized she was chained and collared to the spot where her wolf was kept when he needed to be restrained.
“H-hey!” She yelled, kneeling down. Once there was slack on the chain she could look up again.
“Uh...” Her eyes widened as she saw a Kaldorei and an Orc looming over her. The Kaldorei was on the Orc's arm, leaning into his side.

“Hello Raene.” The Elf lifted her Horde red mask that was a mockery of the General's and smiled down at her.

“Duriel?” She still felt groggy.
“They captured you, too?” She asked sadly.

“Oh yes.”

“Why do you sound pleased?” Raene grimaced.

“There's just three words you need to remember to survive: Submission or Death.” Duriel advised, crouching down to be on the same level as Raene.
“I'm a pet!” the woman said giddily.

“You can be, too. Doesn't have to be all bad.”

The Orc patted her on the head, his cock flopping out over her shoulder. She turned her head to kiss it casually, then took it in her hand and pulled Raene closer by the collar with her other.
“What is this?” Raene tried to turn her head, but it was a mistake. Her expression went blank as she turned and saw what the rest of the town had become. In plain sight Kaldorei were being fucked by Orcs. It was being overseen by obedient, almost jealous-looking Kaldorei. Raene witnessed another Orc that had yet to begin. He dragged a stripped civilian and kicked lightly at the inside of her heels to spread her stance apart. Then, abruptly he gripped the back of her neck tightly and bent her forward fully so that her torso and legs were at a 45 degree angle. Her tongue fell out and her eyes rolled up as he entered her while bending over her bent form. Saliva flowed from her mouth onto the dirt beneath hr face. That scene was being played with most of the women in the town simultaneously all over the street.

“This...” Duriel forcibly pulled Raene closer and had the Kaldorei's lips press into her Master's cock. The unwilling smooch, as well as the sight of the town being sacked, played an obvious toll on Raene, but the Huntress did not snap.
“Is your indoctrination.” Duriel licked her lips.
“Yum! Open up and accept it inside.” She ordered gleefully.

Raene's lips were stuck on the member but she shook her head and refused to go further. Duriel pushed her off of it and kissed Raene instead, much to the Orc's amusement. He let off on Duriel's leash so she could kiss Raene intensely. Duriel stuffed her tongue between Raene's lips while holding her cheeks, softening her up rather easily despite the circumstances. As Duriel's tongue rolled around Raene's mouth she stopped thinking for long enough that as Duriel pulled away, the tongue was easily replaced with her Master's cock pushing between her lips. Raene twitched. She tried to bite but it was too hard. She tried to bite several times but even her sharp canines failed to break skin. All she could do  was let the taste of Orc dick soak in her mouth with her building saliva. Slowly without thinking she began to suck while Duriel encouraged her. After a minute the Orc was done being gentle. He gripped both of the ears that he considered long and dopey and used them as leverage to yank her very suddenly deeper over his length. She gagged and teared up as his cock prodded the back of her throat once, twice, three times before the bothered open gave in and allowed the invading member to freely dominate her soft, sore throat. With that warmth envoloping his massive member he came directly into her stomach and slowly dragged himself from her. As his cock came free she coughed forth copious amounts of sperm, as if his cock was a cork and she was a container for it that had been overfilled.
“Uuughh...” Raene groaned.

Duriel turned her again, then kissed her again. “Submission or Death. All you need to remember.”

“Su-sus... Oh... Deh...” She mumbled dizzily, cum still dribbling from her cocked lips.

“Oooh.” Duriel sighed.
“So close. Master, I think she needs another 'dose.'”

“Hah?” Raene stared up with wide eyes as the Orc gripped her hair to tilt he head back, smacked her lips with his member, then more easily than last time stuffed it between.
“Mmmm...” She groaned, losing track of where or who she was in the moment. She started sucking right away as she was able and he allowed her to do that for a minute before pulling out again. Cum dripped from the tip and a strand of it connected his tip with her tongue. It snapped and landed on her chin. Raene lowered her head and closed her eyes, exhausted and feeling almost drugged. But she was not sure if she had taken anything or been given anything. She was just dizzy of the Orcs scent and taste. It was mind-numbing.

“No good. Don't pass out.” Duriel lifted Raene's chin.

Raene looked at Duriel and sighed. Her eyes were glowing but the actual pupils darkened. It was a sign of Raene losing part of herself in the acts that she was being exposed to.

“That's the look.” Duriel smiled.
“I think we're similar! Now try again.”

“Sub-” Raene gulped.
“Submission or De- Death...” It was a threat and a mantra that was all too real. She noticed the bodies strung up, as well as the ones being fucked. At least those being defiled were alive.



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