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You awake to a tightness around your throat. As your eye struggle to wink away the mist of the short sleep you were allowed you are finally made to regard the Gith; Lae'zel. She has a firm grip on the collar of your clothes and her form is bent over yours in diminutive posture. She makes an intonation in her language with a sound like a mechanical latch catching on something, then speaks.
“Sleeping so soundly despite the imminent danger we face.”

“This is so sudden, we just met!” Even one such as yourself should have standards, you think. That is the thought but in contrast you are ready, preparing for ravishing by this insane warrior.

“Shut up! If I wish to have you, I will. I do not... At the moment.” She stares down at you appraisingly. “You are a fool but I have seen that you are not useless with the proper direction. You will become ghustil. Healer.”

Words catch in your throat so easily. Protests are so hard in the face of the brick wall of a facade that Lae'zel presents you with. Finally after some struggle and force you project your pleas in hopes that she will find reason.
“But I'm a Sorcerer.”

Lae'zel tilts her head to one side like a curious animal as she stares down at you. “In your language, I believe the proper term is 'were.' You 'were.''

A shudder runs down your spine at the thought. Both fear and pleasure ravage your senses. She wishes to change who you are. You feel some affinity to magic. It is a birthright that is yours and no one else's. Many have such gifts but there is something special within your blood in particular that simply can not be placed. That also means it can not be adequately explained.
“W-well... What if I ref-” Before you canfinish that sentence Lae'zel is on top of you! She jerks you up to her by your fragile collar and kisses you. The disagreement and the world itself wash away in an instant. The world returns a moment after her tongue leaves your mouth but the disagreement feels settled without you having any room to respond.

“We are finished talking on this matter. I will take ownership of you now.” She states haughtily.

“Oh! Okay...” You give in. It is what your body and your bones want, though something your blood screams and boils in response to your submission. Your vision goes red and then... Nothing. Blackness envelops you.

When you awake again you feel a pain in your body. Lae'zel is sleeping soundly and it appears you lost quite soundly. It is to be expected. She is a proud Githyanki Warrior and you are but a humble Sorcerer without origin. Or... Is it a Cleric, now? You have idea how that should even work but the decision made for you lingers on your mind as you stand over her. Something about her green skin seems bruised, like a vegetable that was dropped. You have now memory of fighting back at all. How could you, even if you wished it? Staring down at your hands you feel an itch. Brief but certain; the desire to close those palms around something soft and squeeze. You have strength but you feel as if you could crush anything with these hands if you were only to take the extra step and-

Your pondering is interrupted by a snap within the camp. As you turn you see the peculiar undead that you met in the crypt. His bald head and scholarly robes are unmistakable. His presence is enough to draw your attention away from whatever you were about to do. As you approach him, just as in the cave he does nothing.
“What are you doing here?”

“Observing.” He says frankly, without looking at you.


“Because it is my calling.”

“Did you see what happened after I blacked- redded out or whatever?”

“Yes.” He answered with a voice that was not unlike the crypt he came from; Dry.

“Could you tell me?”


“Oh.” You lower your head, feeling drawn towards giving up.
“But, you are in our camp so you should do something if you are going to stick around.”

“I should.”

You smile at him. “Then-”

“When the time comes.”

“Don't bother.” Shadowheart calls out. You jump, not expecting anyone else to be awake. You enter her area of the camp to find far nicer furnishings than you have access to. You wonder where it all came from, then remember the tomb you already sacked.

“He barely answers questions. He seems harmless but it's unsettling having him around. Don't you agree?”

“Somewhat.” You say truthfully.

“Did you see what happened between Lae'zel and I?”

The Elf sneers visibly. “Why are you asking?”

“Because I do not remember.”

She becomes intrigued instantly. “Truly? That does change things. I did see what the two of you did.”

“Will you tell me?”

“Is it worth something for you to have me tell you?” Shadowheart asks smugly.

“I do not have anything... I also thought we were pooling resources.”

“Then you'll have to find some way to pay me. I can wait.”

“Did you hear the part where Lae'zel basically forced me to become a healer?”

“Hah? No, I didn't. But, it makes sense considering what followed.”

“I do not know what followed, but I am pretty sure I agreed so I have to be a healer now. But I don't know how. You're a Cleric, right? You would know how.”

Shadowheart seems incredibly amused. “You're joking.”

“I'm not.”

“So because that Gith asked, you are going to become a healer? A Cleric? What god, pray tell, does this new Cleric wish to follow?”

“I have no idea. That's why I'm asking.”

She pauses to ponder over the situation. “If I asked you to change to something else, would you? Just like that.” Your answer is painted all across your face as ripe redness overtakes the pale hue of your cheeks Shadowheart is amazed and amused by the betrayal of your honest body.
“You would.” She blinks.
“That is... Frightening. There must be something wrong with your head.”

“It feels like it's full of holes.” You say honestly.

“Let's see...” She steps into your space and begins inspecting you closely. After spending a short while touching your head and looking you over she steps back suddenly, a look of horror filling her expression.
“You weren't lying! This is beyond my skill... Beyond anyone's. They must have done something terrible to you on that ship.” She shudders.
“I'm so sorry...”

“So... Do you want me to be anything else?” You ask her.

Shadowheart sighs at the pitiful request. “Are you asking because you want to change, or because you want an excuse to have you change back? I'm not going to tell you what to do on that level. If you don't want to be a Cleric then don't. I won't be the reason you do or don't.” She took in your saddened expression and exhaled deeply.
“Well... Don't Drow typically worship Lolth? Surely you could pray to her and find a path forward.”

Your mind swirls with recognition. The Spider Goddess of the Drow. Your people. You remember dark temples and sacrifice. It is not unfamiliar to you, but it also feels like nothing to you. If there were any significance you could have found that path forward, but despite being a Drow you feel no innate fealty. Perhaps it is the holes in your mind. Those pieces missing are where your devotion lay, and now they are lost, waiting to be filled with something new.

“I do not feel anything about Lolth or any other god. I don't know.” Your eyes rest on Shadowheart. There is a power emanating from her that feels both cold to the touch and welcoming, like a freezing blanket that only warms after you have spent many shivering minutes inside of it.
“Who do you worship, Shadowheart?” She grows silent very suddenly. For a Cleric to hesitate to state their Deity there must be a reason.

“I don't intend to say right now.”

“So how am I going to become a Cleric?”

“You may just have to figure it out on your own.” Shadowheart said to you in annoyed tone. It was clear that she was done with the conversation.
“I can't even be sure that you're serious, right. You are deciding something so serious on a whim. I knew Drow were cruel, but stupid was not something I expected.

“I understand. Thanks anyway.” You turn around to see the sun rising over the hills. You had lost so much sleep and time to things happening in the night that you felt weary. As Lae'zel begins to wake you approach her nervously.
“About what happened last night-”

“Tchk.. No need to speak.” Lae'zel grunts, spitting dark blood onto the ground beside her.
“I underestimated you. You are more challenging than I first anticipated, however you will not be able to resist next time I decide to have you. Prepare yourself for when that happens. I wait with baited breath to see how you will struggle.”

You are terrified and confused.


As you crest the hill leading out of the narrow passes you traveled through from the beach you remember the peculiar things you witnessed. There was a pig drained of blood and stranger still was the hand sticking out of a portal in the wall. Without thinking you gave the hand a clap with your own, then bumped it with your fist. Once that greeting ritual was complete the entity inside must have been satisfied because they disappeared into the portal with naught but a scream. To cap the odd day, you hear shouting in the distance.

“Goblins. Where there's some there's many. This is bad.” Shadowhearts observes. They are attacking a settlement. It is a gate stuck into the side of the mountain with Tieflings stationed atop it. Goblins cornered a group of Human adventurers against the wall and there seemed to be some disagreement about whether the gate should stay shut or not. As if things could not get any more interesting, a dashing swordsman jumps down from high atop the walls to engage the Goblins head on.

“This is a distraction from our goal.” Lae'zel utters forcefully.

“What if there's a healer inside that can cure us faster than we can find your Creche? Shouldn't we be trying for the fastest route, and not the one that only caters to your sensibilities?” Shadowheart reasons.

Lae'zel's sense and desire to not fall to the infection seem to cut through Shadowheart's smugness, allowing the Gith to understand the reasoning.
“Very well. We will find a healer within the camp. If there is none, we may search for signs of my Kin nearby.”

“Deal.” Shadowheart smiles.
“What's your opinion in all this, 'Urge?'”

“Urge?” You ask.

“I assume you don't want to constantly go by the embarrassing title you introduced yourself as... Unless  you really do enjoy that type of thing.” To confirm Shadowheart's derision you feel a combination of shame and arousal at the thought of having to introduce yourself as such. You resist speaking your position out loud, but both companions can see the truth on you as clear as day.

“I am embarrassed for both of you.” Lae'zel snaps.
“We will discuss this when there is time!” With that she charges the nearest Goblin, knocking them off of the small plateau to their certain demise. There is not much to do except join in. As you move to the edge and are able to look down you witness much of the battle already done. The Goblins are outmatched by your party flanking them, the defenders and the adventurers.

You are naturally considered heroes by both parties involved, however the animosity between those who were locked out and those Tieflings stuck inside was palpable. There was talk of a Druid that was lost, and you are then made aware that the walled settlement you entered is a grove soon to be closed to the outside world. You meet the man that claims to be the Blade of the Frontiers and allow him to join you all, but also somehow get caught up in the middle of the struggle between the Tieflings and the Druids. You wish you had picked up most of what was going on but you feel as thought your broken mind was dormant through so much, right up until Lae'zel found a Tiefling that saw sign of her Kin. The Druids were no help and at best had only given up on murdering you due to your blind cooperation with anything they asked. Kagha is keen on taking advantage of you and Zevlor seems nice, so you of course lean towards the thorny druid. The day is capped with you completely and hopelessly falling under a siren's spell and falling unconscious, only to wake up in camp during the night.

There is a pale face with snow white hair looking down at you, surprised to see you wake. You are surprised to see him, as he is unfamiliar to you. His mouth is still open and you witness fangs glistening in the moonlight. The thought of the drained pig returns to you and your mind bypasses fight and flight to simply freeze beneath him. He notices this and smirks charmingly.
“Why so startled? I was just trying to introduce myself.” He motions to himself like a noble poff fresh from Baldur's Gate.

You look to see the others sound asleep. “You were going to bite me.”

“What?” The pretty man feigns surprise at your accurate accusation.
“What madness is that? Why would I bite you, darling? I was simply getting a better look at your charming features. Well done, by the way.”

“Thanks.” You give in, much to his satisfaction.

“Who are you?”

“Asterion. Before you say anything strange, if it hadn't been for me your group some little brat would've been food for the Harpies.”

“Oh. So you came to help while...”

He chuckles quietly at you. “Yes. You know I would like to say I've never seen someone be so inescapably mesmerized before but actually I am quite used to it.”

Something about him makes you wish to crack his solidly cocky demeanor. “How long have you been a Vampire for, Asterion?”

He is truly surprised and a bit horrified. “How?”

“I have holes in my head but I'm not actually stupid.”

Asterion slumps and takes a seat beside you. “So, dear inquisitor. What will you do with me now that you know?” He has a way about him. His staring into your eyes feels entrancing. The situation dawns on you and excitement begins to build.

“Actually... I'm still feeling pretty helpless right now. I don't know what I can do if someone comes along and takes advantage of me in my bed.”

He seems both pleased and disappointed in you. The Vampire leans over you and is quite sultry aside, from his blank eyes, as he brushes hair from your neck and says.
“Poor thing.” He leans in and bites into your neck. A feeling like fire emanates from the twin pricks and spreads through your veins, followed by a shudder and intense pleasure as you can feel yourself being pulled out and into him. To you it is a deeply erotic sensation, to him it must simply be dinner, but he holds you so snugly with a strength that feels too much for his small frame. Your arms wrap around him as he takes more and more from you without any sign of stopping. You tap him on the side to alert him but he does not care. You try to speak but words will not come out. Finally as you begin to lose consciousness and the blood that he is taking from you begins to boil in your veins your vision reddens and your eyes shut.

“Ow!” You hear a male cry of pain, then open your eyes to see Asterion leaning away from you while holding his own neck. Warm red blood seeps between his fingers. You feel faint, as if close to death. Weakness has overtaken you due to the bite.
“You bit me!” He shouts indignantly, asking.
“Why would you do that?”

You are confused to be treated to the all to familiar and delicious flavor of milky, smooth iron in your mouth and on your lips. You touch them with your fingers and see the telltale red.

“You should be! This is going to leave a scar!”

As everyone begins to wake up you speak a milk protest in response. “But you bit me, didn't you?” Realization washes over him as the others stir. He closes his eyes for a moment, steadies his breathing and then puts on a mask of a smile as the others open their eyes fully.

“Well.. It seems the mistake was mine. Let's leave it alone for now.”

You see a ray beginning to creep into the camp from the sun peaking over the hills again. “Asterion, the sun.” You whispered.

He shrugs. “Doesn't affect me, darling.” He approaches you and taps your nose with his bloodied hand. The wound is already healed. He winks cheekily.
“Charming your worried about me.”




It would actually be funny to see Shadowheart and Lazeal fighting over Urge to get her to devote herself to Shar or Vlaakith


OH GOD……urge is going to encounter that sadomasochist in the goblin camp and become a cleric of Loviatar……or maybe rather then being a baalspawn she is a Loviatarspawn

Jane Hexum

oh god gale got the fist bump of death!