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All the points that Meru missed before began to sink in. All of the times Melony would not-so-subtly hint that it was pointless for him to be working out since there was 'no point building muscle on his noodle arms.' She made increasingly aggressive moves to choose what Meru wore, favoring tighter, more revealing clothes and then there was the fairly overt physical domination she treated him to in their day-to-day interactions.

“Why're you refusing to get fucked?” Once they were alone she pinned him to the bed. Despite being a Beastfolk that was naturally positioned to be stronger than an actual human, Melony was strong than him. She had an unseen strength that did not show itself directly in the way she looked. She was muscular, but less like a body builder and more like an athlete and when he asked her how she became so strong she would never answer directly. She would choose explanations like 'I was just born strong' or the cryptic 'special training.'
“It's obvious you want it. Nobody would be stupid enough to get put in a cage without knowing what it was.” As she pinned him, she stared down at him with a crazy expression; her eyes were wide and her lips were stretched into a wide grin. At the same time she looked happy like she had found something she had been looking for for a long time.

“Mel... Are you-” He closed one eye as a drop of saliva landed over it, causing Meru to flinch.

She kept him pinned with one arm only and wiped her mouth with the other. She giggled a little, showing a very pleased and excited set of golden eyes that were centered on him.
“Hehe... Then you end up on your back with your legs up like it should be...” In an instant she became perplexed with him.
“So then why did you stop? It doesn't make any sense... I told you to keep going so why didn't you and your boyfriend keep going?”

Meru blushed deeply and tried to look away. She turned his chin back immediately so that their eyes had to remain locked.
“It's not like that.” He claimed weakly.
“Kaid is just a friend.”

She exhaled sharply through her nose. It seemed like she did not buy it at all. “He was probing your ass pretty insistently and he's the one that fitted you with that cage and...” She reached out and touched the pink clip-buds that he had forgotten to remove. Melony looked touched by the sight.


“So cute! Ah! It's so adorable. I'd thank him from the bottom of my heart.” Her face returned to a harsh stare.
“If he wasn't such a hesitant bitch like you...” She sighed, shaking her head. She leaned back, no longer pinning Meru but instead just straddling him at the waist. He could not rise with her on top of him, it was as if her weight was even greater than his by a lot despite her being the same size in appearance.
“I can't fault you, actually... This is what I like.” She pondered out loud.
“I like how nervous and pure you are.” She seemed to be in deep thought.
“You really just got 'tricked' into this thing?” She poked at his caged member.

“I promise.”

Melony smirked. “Well... Something like that is pleasing all on it's own. So naive that you let him do this. I guess I was both happy and sad when I saw you two.” She admitted.

“Mel..” Meru trailed off as he looked up at her forlorn expression.
'It must've been hard for her, in actuality.' He reasoned.

“Despite that, though, you're still my cute, vulnerable Meru.” She reached out and pinched his cheeks.
“So I'm lucky. We get to have lots of fun together since you're so innocent and pure. I thought that Gnoll stole all of the fun 'first's from me but it seems like I can-” She shuddered. Meru felt a little fearful looking up at her. Her face became a mask of lust; eyes lidded in pleasure and her tongue licking out over her faintly parted lips. She rubbed her own face, then down her neck between her breasts.
“I can still take so many more of those firsts from you instead.” She was giddy. As insane as she looked, Meru would have been lying if he said he was not intensely aroused. Melony was his girlfriend precisely because she was his type. Her height which was above his and her figure which was far more athletic. It was a cope to say that he wanted a girl with similar interests. The reality was, there were stacks of magazines below his bed and in files on his HanComm with tall, toned women.

He closed his hand in prayer. 'Lord, forgive my selfishness and lust... Is this a punishment? Or.-' His eyes widened as she split his hands apart.

'Or is she a devil?'

“Gods can't help you now.” She chuckled. She brought his hands up to her body and guided them over her toned stomach and up to her breasts. Meru felt hypnotized by the gesture. His ears twitched as she blasphemed:

“You would be way better served if you prayed to me instead.”


“Shh.” Melony pressed a quieting finger to his lips.
“Little Jackal, I can feel your desperation. Your little trapped cock wants to grow but it can't. Your balls ache for something you can't have. Your insides are turning and you can't do anything about it. You. Need. Help.”

“How'd you know?”

“It's super obvious.” She said brightly, booping his nose. She lifted a finger as she began to lecture.
“I know all your perverted habits. You're a complete degenerate that jerks off in the show at the gym when you think you're alone. You do it like... Three times a day, sometimes more. I know for a fact that you jerked off at my place on more than one occasion because you were so horny. You a pure degenerate like me, just in a different form.”

“Not true.” He protested weakly, even though it was all basically true. The only reason he did not perform his usual ritual at the gym before was because Kaid was there looking at him so closely.

“I also know you like girls that are taller and stronger than you. I'm pretty sure it's because you crave someone that can push you down and do whatever they want to you.”

“That- That is speculation, at least!”

“Hah! Does that mean all the other stuff is true?”

Meru gulped. “Well...” His face became even more red than before.
'I slipped up. Not that she would listen if I said anything different.' His heart skipped a beat as that thought crossed his mind.

'Why is that so exciting?' His head went blank as she leaned down to kiss him. As she broke the kiss he was speechless.

“So... You really haven't done anything with Kaid yet?”

“That's the furthest we've gone. I don't even think I wanna go any further. I was just really really swept up in the moment.” He argued.  As he said that he could see she was shaking. Her pale cheeks were slowly gaining a bit of color.

“If you aren't interested... That's even cuter!” She squealed.
“Obviously... You're going to go all the way with him, regardless.”

“What!? Aren't you supposed to be my girlfriend?”

“Boyfriends and girlfriends satisfy each other in different ways depending on the relationship. Seeing you eyes roll up as you get pushed down and fucked by someone stronger than you is going to please me and we're going to make it so that it pleases you, too.”

“Impossible.” Meru frowned.

She looked disappointed. “You have no idea how possible it is.” She slid back and lifted his legs up while spreading them out. She smirk, staring down at his caged cock and his cute, twitching hole on display. Meru held his hands up to his face, covering it weakly. She cocked her head to one side at the sight, then unceremoniously pushed to fingers between his lips.
“You need something to suck on.” He blinked rapidly as saliva unintentionally coated her fingers. He did not interact or suck at all. She sighed and pulled them out. There was still a satisfying amount.

“You know this is more for me than it is for you.”

“How could that possibly be t-” His sentence was cut short as her nicely manicured fingers were pushed into his ass with her palm facing up. They slid right in. Her nails were short enough and smooth enough and even so, she was skilled, so he did not feel them so much on the inside. For the virgin Meru, two fingers was about right for an intro. It was uncomfortable but not difficult or painful. He was confused what she was doing as her fingers slowly rubbed and pressed against the walls of his insides. It felt strange. Then, when she his a certain point he jumped and her face lit up like she had just hit a jackpot.

Grinning widely Melony hummed. “Found it.”

“Found what?” Meru questioned.
“That felt weird so don't-” His back arched steeply on the bed as she circled the spot with two fingers while gently pressing.
“Oooh... W-what?”He covered his mouth as other than speaking, his voice escaped in little whines and whimpers as she massaged him. It was a spot that he had no familiarity with. It was something he did not know he had. When she touched it he could feel it through the entire area to his caged cock, which began twitching in response.

She poked the cage while massaging his prostate. “This and this are connected. Most guys don't know this, but this button in here can make you scream like a girl if pressed correctly.” Melony explained mischievously. His eyes became unfocused as she redoubled her efforts. She pressed a little harder and circled a little faster just to hear Meru truly moan. He did, even through the hand over his mouth.
“You don't need this, you just need this...” She teased, flicking the cage. His body twitched. She could see that his eyes were unfocused and confused. His bronze skin was bright red on his face, like a ripe tomato.

“Mel I can't take it...” He complained. The feeling was pleasurable and intense but it wasn't immediately satisfying. It built like an orgasm, however it was in a way that made every part of his body react strangely. He felt like he had to pee even though he had gone recently and on further inspection it was clear that clear fluid was leaking from his tip. His insides turned with each pressed and glide of her fingers inside of him and it just kept becoming more and more in every regard until...
“Uh! Uhh!” He gasped and tensed up as he felt his small body pushed over the limit into an orgasm. Despite it originating in his rear, he felt it there and through his cock as well, even while access to it was completely restricted to him. Drool pooled and dripped down his cheek.
“Devil! You're a d-devil!” He panted.

“That's not nice.” Melony pouted, sliding up his body to lick from his chin to his cheek and over one eye. He cowered beneath as she went further and nipped at his instinctively retreating ears. Meru felt like he was melting. Her fingers were still inside working, keeping some tender, sensitive sensations rolling over into the next build to an orgasm.

“Admit it, you're in love with this method.”

“I-” He could not say that he intensely disliked it and if he had to describe the feeling of her massaging his sensitive spot inside, he had an instinct to get away and stop it but once he was forced down with nowhere to go the successive rubbing and pressing actually made him so horny and helpless.
“Okay! I get it, it's- It's good. Can we just take a break?”

“Huh?” She intoned close to his ear.
“We're going all night. I thought you were into body building. I'm gonna make you sweat and squirm for hours. You aren't going to be able to get up in the morning, that's how sore your muscles are going to be.” She teased. Though, it felt like she was being quite serious and she had a strange look in her eyes where they were almost glowing with how much mad excitement she was showing.
“This-” She considered wiping her mouth of saliva but thought better of it, instead letting it drip into his mouth and over his lips.
“This is 'training' hehehe.”


“So...” Kaid began.
“That's why you look like a ghost right now? Need me to carry you or something?”

Meru's eye twitched as his friend said that. “Y-you bastard! This is your fault!” The Jackal accused.

Kaid raised his hands. “That's probably true, but you're the one who got with that crazy bitch to begin with.” He began walking backwards, keeping one hand on the strap to the bag slung over his shoulder.
“Melody is nuts, based on what you told me. You should stay away from her if you know what's good for you. And... Uh... If you want someone who'll do the same stuff just a bit more gently-” He stopped, noticing Meru staring through him in horror.
“Wha- Aack!” He felt a sharp pain in his side as a fist with a knuckle poking out jabbed into his side. He then felt a foot with a heel on it slam the back of his knee while hands that were far too delicate for how strong they were gripped his mane as he dropped to one knee.
“Ow ow ow! Help! Is it a mugger!?” He blinked.
'But... I'm a Gnoll... No one has ever messed with me before.' He looked over and saw Melody's small face with wide gold eyes staring him down.


Kaid gulped. For some reason the little Human felt far, far bigger than she actually was. “I'd never say that! Promise!” He knew she heard him, but the Gnoll closed his eyes and hoped the crazy girl would have mercy.

“Oh.” Surprisingly she released him.
“Okay. That's good because you have to get to know Meru VERY well. Understand? It would be a shame to have a friend that isn't compatible with both of us.”

Kaid nodded slowly. 'Wait. Could she actually be-' His eyes followed her as she walked over to a terrified Meru and pulled him into a tight hug from behind. She kissed his neck and licked his cheek sensually in plain view of the walkways. He wanted to think ally because of the way she was pushing the two of them together but by the look in her eye he thought:

'Completely crazy!'



Roland Taranis

For a moment, before I checked the names, I thought Melinda was Sherry, the Grand Master that taught Yeong about body language. Mel sure gives similar vibes, extreme competence with a rotten core ^_^'

Tanya Wormald

lol! Sherri had an obsession with creeps and Mel unabashedly IS a creep. Both 'rotten' in differing ways.