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You were left to wonder what exactly Kara meant when she said she needed to 'attune herself to an Orc target.' She was simply meditating and coalescing aura from her surroundings. From your training, you found that to be normal and you were unsure what she was doing that was special. You certainly were not going to interrupt her and ask. As you were waiting in your little camp you felt a hand tug on your wrist.
“Huh?” You glanced back and saw a Beastfolk woman tugging you away. She was too weak to actually drag you anywhere but you found yourself moving regardless. As your eyes trailed down to the lower small of her back where a very cute stamp decorated her pale skin.
“You're an Orc, right? What's happening?”

“We need you in tip-top shape for the event!” She announced proudly.


“When Malik finishes the Fox.”

“About that. She's meditating to find a solution.” It was a soft snitch, but it did not seem to matter. The girl just giggled, her curled up tail wagging.

“Oh, that doesn't matter.”

You blinked hesitantly. “What does that mean?”

“Never mind. We need to get you ready or he'll be annoyed. You're already very pretty but you could be better.”

“I'm sorry... What?”

She groaned. “What what what. Is that all you say? Malik is going to take her and take all the love she has for you and turn it into love for him and for the ceremony you have to be there as a witness.” She pulled you towards a guarded tent near Malik's area.
“You should look cute for it.”

You grimaced. Despite the arousing conversation before, when put so bluntly it was just... “That sounds ALL bad! Why would I want this?” You pulled away just before the entrance. As you were stopped you felt a big hand on your shoulder.

“Because your cock can't fill her. Mine can.” Malik claimed.
“Because you're attitude can't interest her but mine can.” You shuddered. The way your mind had been warped already, it made it so that your tiny cock was dripping and your ass was throbbing with need. “You don't get to have her love you, but you get to witness her love for me. That's enough for you, isn't it?” You gave a weak, short nod while reaching up to wipe saliva from your lips.
“Now go in and get ready.” He gave your perky ass a little tap to go inside the tent.

You swallowed and looked back before entering. “Kara, she's-”

“I know.” He shrugs.
“Thanks, though.”

You sat uncomfortably in the Salon chair. Beastfolk girls surrounded you and preened your hair. You felt as though you were the one who was actually being made ready as they filled you dark locks with product, then styled them into something decidedly non-masculine. Each effort by them was a shear against everything you had left that sustained your image as a Hero. You felt them massage your hands and feet somewhat soothingly while filing and painting your nails. You felt razors dangerously slide over every inch of you that needed it, followed by a layer of some smooth cream that left behind even smoother skin. You tiny cock was decorated with a little pink sleeve; your balls tied with a matching bow. Finally as you were urged to stand and bend over you felt something gliding swiftly across your skin at your lower back like tiny pinches.

“There...” One of the girls breathed. You began to glance towards a mirror only to have your head turned.
“Don't look yet! Not over sweetie.” You reluctantly stared straight and held still as your face was painted by subtly brushes and blotted by pads. The fumes made you dizzy, but not aggressively so. At some point, something like a corset was wrapped around your chest and tightened. It surrounded your flat chest like a tube that was tied in the back and left you belly and upper neck open. You were then guided into a pair of very small shorts, not unlike the ones worn by Kara when you first met her. They were snug around your hips and cupped your small package nicely in the sense that once they were buttoned it barely looked like you had anything down there at all. You were finally allowed to turn and look.

“Oh...” You mumbled.
“I look like you.” You added, turning to and fro. You looked like an Orc girl. At least, what you've seen of Orc girls.
“Is this just what I am?”

“Mhm.” One of the attendants said flatly.
“We should get going. I think they're waiting for us.”


You were guided out to Malik's Area. There was an additional tent set up around it with many of his minions gathered. You were lead dumbfounded into the back where Kara was waiting, looking about as confused as you. She stared at you with a blush.
“They got you, too?”

“Uhm...” You did not want to tell her that you basically followed willingly.


She looked around. “They got me while I was meditating but I think I got it... I just had to focus in on his essence and bam!”

“Wait, you can actually beat him?”

“Yep.” She grinned.

You were pleased and worried all at once. On one hand, it was perfect. On the other hand, your rewired brain craved the feeling of loss that would come from Kara, then subsequently you, losing. It was not to the point that you would betray her. At least, you hoped it wasn't.

“W-what's the plan?”

“You're meant to walk me down the aisle and hand me off, I guess? I'll strike when I'm up close and deliver my secret weapon.” She eyed you.
“What're you wearing, by the way?”

“You looked down.”

“Oh, just something they put me in.”

She stepped closed to you, her fluffy tail swishing back and forth. “It's actually kinda cute. Maybe we keep it after all this is over.” She tilted your chin up with her finger.
“Would you like that?”

Your cheeks flushed. “If- If you like it.”

“Good boy.” Kara leaned down and kissed you deeply. Her hands slid down your slender body to your tight shorts. You hurriedly unbuttoned them so that she could hook her thumbs inside and pull them down your thighs.
“Oh!” She looked surprised to see the wrapped present waiting for her in a cute pink sleeve.
“This is so pretty. Just makes me wanna...” She lowered herself, kissing her way from your mouth down your neck and chest and belly to your member. She smooched the tip. Though it was impossible to make the thing hard you still felt a rush of euphoria at just the act.
“This...” She said, standing up to hug you tight.
“Is the best outcome I could've hoped for, I think.”

You found it impossible to disagree. You hands were on her. You had access to her body, her lips, her warmth in general and you were possible the only man to feel it from her. As much as you felt your brain begging you to help Malik corrupt her, you felt even more that you were pulled into her orbit. If you could hold onto this, keep things like this, you would be happy no matter what she chose. None of that happiness involved Malik, however.


“My brain was buzzed by him. I dunno what he did but it made me feel and think weird things.” You finally admitted. She chuckled, confusing you.

“Yeah I know. I figured. But I'll be able to take care of everything so don't you worry your pretty little head one bit, Hero.” She reassured you. It felt safe.


In that moment a Beastfolk thrall pushed her head into the room. “It's time for the cuck to bring the bride before Malik.” She advised.

“Play along.” Kara smiled.

“Sure.” You nodded to her.
“We're ready.”


For the ceremony Kara did not dress any differently out of defiance. She held her head high. You hooked your arm under hers and followed her out into the main taint. It had been set up like a chapel with seats placed on the ground on either side of the carpet leading up to the Orc himself. He also did not dress for the occasion. He was standing shirtless at the other end. On either side as they walked, Orc women that you know had been brainwashed completely followed you closely with an interested gaze. The number of girls present put into perspective just how many Malik had converted on his own. You wondered how many of them lost their goals or ambitions to him. You questioned how many were men that lost their loved ones to him before succumbing themselves. It was difficult to tell. It was the fate that awaited you if Kara had not have come in clutch.

You stared up timidly at the Orc as you both walked closer. “You got this, right?” You whispered.

“Of course. All preparations have been made.”

As soon as Malik was in earshot he smiled at the two of you, then his gaze centered on Kara specifically.
“Alright.” He said with a bored expression.

“What? That's it? Isn't this supposed to be a ceremony?” She taunted.

“Oh, no. I was just waiting for you to carry out your plan.”

Her jaw dropped, but she quickly collected herself and responded while readying. “Just because you know, doesn't mean you can defend against it!” She stepped away from you towards him and closed her eyes in concentration. The Fox held out her hands, power coalescing within them. It did not feel like nothing. She grinned to herself.
“Bye bye, Orc.”

“Dramatic.” He criticized. You watched with horror and arousal as Malik simply stepped forward and took her wrist in his hand and lifted it, then took her neck in his other hand and used it to slam her struggling form onto her back.


“It never stopped being the easiest thing in the world to warp your brain into thinking you could beat me. Easier than changing someones mind is convincing them of something they want to believe.” He explained, releasing her neck to give her cheek a light slap as he nearly mounted her. He effortlessly lifted one of her legs to spread them apart. She squirmed beneath him but it was no use. As his cock freed from his pants and fell down over her cunt with a wet, heavy smack he flicked her forehead, sending a wave of submission from her brain down her spine and then spreading over her whole body. You watched as every muscle she owned that fought against him seconds ago relaxed and gave. Her legs spread wider, her body opened in general as if inviting him in.

Kara groaned. “S-sorry... Hero... Fuck!” She threw her head back. The simple act of him grinding his cock back and forth over her netters seemed enough to send her into a heat with the fur on her ears and tail standing up.

You stood there, stunned and unsure what to do. You could not get hard but you were still hopelessly aroused and absolutely helpless. You covered your mouth.
“What do I do?” You muttered to yourself. He heard you.

“You're the one officiating this ceremony.”

“M-me?” Malik motioned you over to him and leaned himself back. You dropped to your knees and grabbed his cock. It was slick already from Kara's wetness.
“What do I do?” You whined, cupping his balls as well. You felt ever more masculinity and strength leaving you in those moments.

“You know what to do.” He patted your head and ruffled your styled hair.

Kara looked at you. “Hero, don't!”

You looked to her, then to the cock. The words entered your head. “Do- Do you, Kara take this cock and it's owner to be your one and only love for all of time?” You managed to get out. Your insides twisted with pleasure and your body heated up to the point that you felt the need to pant.

“You fool! You're literally cucking YOURSELF! We could be happy together.” She derided.

Malik chuckled. “You'll still be happy together. You aren't going anywhere, Hero.”

“I'm not going to go along with this.” Kara assured the both of you.

Malik was still just looking at you. “How about I show you the ultimate ability in Sociamancy.”

“Ultimate?” You whispered.


“S-sorry?” It sounded bad.

“You can only initiate it yourself. You have to want it.” He claimed.
“If you don't... Well, why don't you and her just leave here now. That's fine.”

“Let's go!” Kara urged you.

“If not... Kiss my cock and beg for it.”

You breathed heavily, gave one final glance back to Kara, then kissed his cock. In your warped mind you knew she would be happy with him, just as all the girls were. As you kissed his member deeply with a wet, sucking noise you felt his hand rest on your head. You felt the urge to kiss down the shaft towards his green sloshing sack. The moment you did you felt something leaving you. Something abstract. When you pulled away you glanced back at Kara. There was a shift, like a world change. She was no longer looking at you. She was staring up at Malik as if he was the only important thing in the room. But it wasn't just that she was ignoring you.

'It's like-'

“You don't exist?” Malik hinted.


He leaned over Kara and entered her. “Yes! I do!” She moaned, no longer feeling any impediment to following him.
“I take you and your thick cock to be my ONLY love until the end of time!” She announced proudly as he pushed into her and squished her athletic body into the floor casually with just his weight. Their pelvises made contact as he rammed into her like it was already their honeymoon. Maybe it was.

Malik grunted. “You're lost to the world and everything in it. Your existence? Gone. I'm the only thing in this world that knows you exist. The one one that ever will. You looked around, dumbfounded to see not a single eye on you. Even in a reflection of an eye you did not appear. It was like you were invisible.
“Your family? Your friends? Your enemies?” He smirked.
“They've all lived a life without you as far as they know.”

A pit formed in your stomach deeper than you had ever felt. He not only took Kara from you he took everything. The joy of living and meeting new people. Of talking and loving in general. All of it was lost permanently according to him. You could wander the earth as a phantom, but how lonesome that would be. In front of you, rutting into your former love like an animal, stood your only possible lifeline for sanity and love and interaction in the whole world. Something in your mind cracked and you simply submitted. There was no need to even think about it. As Malik fucked Kara you leaned in attentively and kissed his balls, sucking one into your mouth.

“Please have strong babies...” You gasped, practically begging. You slid around the amused Orc as he worked and stared down at her.
“So long as you're happy.”  Her ears twitched and her eyes swiveled to look at you. Malik's eyes widened.

“Insane! What?”

“What's wrong, sweetie?” Kara asked.
“Who's this.”

Malik breathed. “Seems you're relationship... To the world is... Stronger than I thought.”
“Fine.” He relented, adopting a warm smile as he regarded Kara.
“This is my servant. He'll attend to me and he'll also do every single thing you ask him to without question.”

The memory was gone of you, but your existence was secured. What that meant could be decided in the next few seconds. You chose the path of least resistance, simply happy to be around.
“Y-yes! I am. Ms. Kara, I'll help you however you require before, during and after your pregnancy. It's very important you have strong children.”

“Hm.” She shrugged.
“Yeah I heard that somewhere before. Well, nice to meet you boy.” She looked to Malik.
“Will you fuck him?”

He nodded. “Just as a warm up, though. His cock is permanently limp because of some bitch and his ass doesn't feel nearly as nice as your cunt.” Malik claimed.

Kara laughed. “Make sure this guy is nice and hard every time I enter the room!”

“Yes Miss.” You smiled contentedly. You felt affection still and some sense of camaraderie and inclusion. It was not all taken. You felt it was a miracle, or possible something beyond your understand taking pity on you.




That was excellently written


I find it interesting, personally, that Malik still used male pronouns for the Hero/Finn even by the end. Considering Orc culture, that's a rather serious acknowledgement, even if Malik is currently actively cucking Finn.