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One2One - Goblin Lover 7 - Lead

  • Goblin Lover 27
  • Bad End Academia 6
  • 2023-09-18
  • 33 votes
{'title': 'One2One - Goblin Lover 7 - Lead', 'choices': [{'text': 'Goblin Lover', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Bad End Academia', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 18, 22, 10, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 33}


“There's an active suspect?” Wendie's eyes widened and her Police training kicked in. The location was a small tenement complex within Pridehale. These affordable player housing locations. The building in question was on the edge of the city where poorer characters would make their home. The woman pressed her back to the wall near the entry and peaked inside. As she was preparing an entry strategy in her head Sherri rushed right past through the front arch.

“I'm coming to save you!” The famed Detective announced loudly before she even made it through the arch.

Wendie's eyes almost bulged out of her head. “What!? Wait, no!” She slapped her forehead and muttered under her breath.

“Come, Dr. Wendie!” Sherri called out.

Wendie entered cautiously. The Detective was already out of sight. She cocked her hand crossbow and drew her dagger with her non-dominant hand. Her larger weapon, a proper repeating crossbow, was slung across her back, but it seemed unwise to use if she was headed into close, quarters. She paused before moving from the long entry hall through the internal arch. As she entered she moved to one corner and looked left, then turned right to make sure it was clear. She entered to see the open area of the two-story tenement. There were some characters outside in their underwear seeing what exactly is going on.
“Sherri?” She shouted.  Wendie tried to find her but failed initially.

“Over here! I found the dwelling in question!” Sherri announced. The voice came from upstairs so she carefully made her way up the stairs and found to her surprise that Sherri was waiting outside the door.
“I have heard strange noises coming from this room in particular. I believe the assailants are STILL inside.” Wendie inspected the door. It was the number that the witness suggested. The report specified strange noises 'beyond the usual.'

“Okay. We need to make a plan for how we're going to-” Wendie cringed again as Sherri simply opened the door and stood inside it.

“Surrender yourselves!”

Wendie cursed, pulled her back and pointed her Hand-Bow inside. It was dark, only lit by the light coming through the door, so she could not see anything. She did hear scampering however.
“I need light.” She sheathed her dagger and then reached into her pocket for a scroll. She quickly broke the seal and and directed the location of the bound spell inside. The room suddenly lit up like a flare was thrown inside. Wendie gasped.

The room was a disaster area with items strewn about. The first and most important thing of note however was the body of a woman on the bed with her face down and her ass up. Her pussy and ass were both dripping with thick, gross semen and in the side of her head was a thin spike, almost like a knitting needle. There were visible small, wet tracks all over the floor. Wendie got down onto one knee, then lowered herself to the floor to see under the bed. She could not see anything. The only other place left to check was the closet.
“Single female occupant, looks to be alive.” Wendie declared.
“Need to finish clearing the room. It should be treated as a crime scene.”

“Nonsense, we help the poor girl out, first.” Sherri stated as she barged past, trouncing over several clear tracks unintentionally. She stood with her back to the closet and pulled the spike from the woman. She immediately sat up with a start, swinging her arms and knocking Sherry back into the closet.

“Dammit.” Wendie groaned, delicately stepping into the room.
“Calm down, miss. We're here to help. We're sanctioned by the city.”

“Oh...” The woman seemed to calmed down, then notice the state she was in. She blushed deeply and sought to cover herself with a blanket.

“Sherri?” She called out.

“S-she's in the closet. They came from there.” The girl stated.

“Shit!” She rushed to the closet and drew on it, only to see Sherri's flailing legs poking half out from the wall. She seemed like she should have been calling out for help but whatever she was trying to say came out garbled.

Within the the dark wall Sherri found herself stuck and getting pulled deeper. As that happened she felt two warm orbs fall neatly over her eyes while a long, slippery thing was guided between her shouting lips. It was small at first but with a few thrusts it grew to prod her throat and pry her lips. It was salty and had other strange notes that the famed Detective could not place. It began grinding shallowly between her soft, stretched lips. Her arms were still being held and she was consistently being tugged down. The minor thing saving her was the angle. Her back was being bent, but it was awkward to get her through and down. The second thing that saved her was Wendie gripping her legs and pulling back.

“Mmf...” Her mouth watered out of her control and her nose twitched. The thing that she was sucking and the sack that was sitting over her eyes both smelled foul and unwashed. After a few more thrusts the rod released and pulled free, depositing a thick substance into her mouth that stuck to her cheeks and her tongue and annoyed her throat. She swallowed a bit of it before she knew what was happening. Then the tugging stopped and Wendie pulled the wide-eyed detective out. Her face was covered in sweat that was not her own and she tried to spit what was in her mouth but it dribbled down her chin and onto her clothes. She blinked and gave Wendie a confused look as the assistant stared back in disgust.

“Oh god...”

“W-what?” Wendie swallowed with some effort but she had the constant feeling that something was in her throat.

“You were just-” She did not get to finish what she was going to say before the Detective interjected.

“The assailants injected some type of 'glue-like' substance into my mouth with a thick, salty syringe... It also appeared that they attempted to blind me with something warm, but it did not stick.” She assessed.

Wendie stared in disbelief. Either Sherri was in denial out of shock, or she was actually clueless. Either way, she did not have the heart to tell her boss.
“O-okay. Sure thing, Ms. Sherri...”

Sherri wiped her lips and looked at the substance. “Soapy in taste, thick in texture... Strange. There was quite a lot of it but it does not seem to have had an effect on me as of yet.”

“That's good.” Wendie sighed, looking past her to inspect the hole.
“There's a hollow space within the wall. Felt you being pulled with some strength... So they were small enough to maneuver in the small space, but strong enough to pull you in.”

“Quite a conundrum indeed... It seems we may have a Gnome Killer on our hands.”

“Uhm...” Wendie glanced back at the witness.

“Well, they were definitely Goblins.” She stated in a shaky tone.

“They even used Goblin techniques.” Wendie added.

Sherri tapped her chin. “Witness claims to have seen Goblins, despite no Goblins being capable of planning such a daring caper, nor being strong enough to carry it out. She may be in hysterics. The Gnome suspect must be utilizing Goblin tactics to throw us off. Frame their crimes on monsters.”

“There... Were a few of them before I got knocked out cold.” The girl clarified.

Sherri blinked. “A cabal of Gnome assailants?” She muttered under her breath.
“Not impossible.”

Wendie and the witness exchanged a look of disbelief. Wendie stood up. “Have to noticed anything strange in the building before this happened?”

“Hadn't seen my neighbors in a few days but never thought much about it. I'd see them often but if someone doesn't show up you just assume they're out adventuring or traveling.” She shrugged.

“Seems as though we check the neighboring dwellings.” Sherri advised.

“I agree.” It was one of the few sensible things she said in the past hour.

After a thorough search the two women stood outside the complex. Guards had replaced them after what they found. Several rooms were empty. Signs of struggles and holes in the wall in each.
“Something's going on, Ms. Sherri.”

“I agree, Dr. Wendie.” Sherri lit and puffed on a signature pipe.
“Whatever it is seems quite big. Truly a case worth my attention.”

“I'm glad we agree.


Mel opened her eyes to a grimy wall. She was staring through a loose veil that hung over most over her face. She was not bound and felt free to move about which felt like a definite mistake on her captors part as Mel was a skilled Battle-Mage with equal parts physical and mental skills and Attributes. The only thing her captors had on her originally was the element of surprise. She was about to make them regret it.

'Even thought I'm naked, it feels like, I can summon my armor and weapon to me easily. They probably did not consider that.' She thought proudly as she began concentrating on activating that ability. After a few seconds of nothing happened she stopped and fully took in what she was wearing. Sandals with straps crisscrossing up her leg tightly. Then there was nothing right up to her neck where she wore a lacy collar. Despite how flimsy it felt she could not pry it off of her. Starting at her wrists and covering up to her shoulders were two pink sleeves.

'Wait...' She cupped her breasts. They felt heavier and fuller than usual. She then rand her hands down her body. Softer and her ass and hips were bigger.

She finally just opened her character pain and gasped in horror to see her level had been dropped to 1 with all 34 of her other levels for Battle-Mage separated into brackets. Her stated class was 'Breeder.' She only had time to read the name of the set she was wearing 'Vestments of the Sublime Breeder' before she saw her first culprit responsible for bringing her here. A small goblin male with a wiry frame . Not at all intimidating to her. She readied herself and attempted an attack. There was a failure sound that played in her head followed by:

[The Attack option is not available to this class] “W-what!?” She instead prepared to defend as the goblin stepped confidently towards her.

[The Defend option is not available to this class] “What IS this class!?” She took even steps back without looking where she was going as she opened the information tab.

[Breeder is a class devoted to creating and flourishing life. Upon changing class the Breeder reverts to level one and segments all levels of their former class. For each child born the Breeder loses a level of that class and transfers it to their young. An additional level is transferred for consistent Breastfeeding as decided by the life-cycle of the father species. Breeders lose all combat actions while gaining bonuses to Physical resistances, health and gain the trait 'Extreme Mommy Instinct' and the weakness trait 'Subsumption Instinct.'] “What the hell?”

[Subsumption Instinct: You are permanently submissive and your personality will gradually shift to revolve around bearing children and adoring men. This change is permanent and any personality developed over however long of a period will be wiped so far as it conflicts with Submission and Motherhood. (Caution: effects have been known to cause mental issues outside of game. Do not contact developers concerning this feature.)]

“I have to get out of here before-” With the veil over her face she barely recognized when the male moved quickly towards her. He mounted her with his arms resting on her wide hips.
“He-” She felt his long, hard, misshapen goblin poised to enter her. It's dripping, flared tip was sliding within her folds in an attempt to find an in to her cunt. Her whole body shuddered out of instinct and her back arched. She spread her legs and crossed her arms above her head.
“H-Homigosh... I'm actually gonna be a M-mommy!” she squealed in pleasure as he finally found purchase and pushed his entire length inside by swinging his lower half under her legs. The Goblin warrior flexed his core muscled to rut up into her. Oddly, she felt no pleasure from his thick member stretching out her insides, but there was a shock of the type of feeling she was used to every time his head slammed into her cervix.
“Ah... It's happening...” She grunted, feeling inside based on his throbbing that he was ready. Her pussy tensed and flexed and squeezed his cock in response. She weakened, falling to her knees as the new father unloaded into her womb. That feeling of being filled up with his warm, thick seed sent a wave of pleasure through her entire body.
“Oh god... Yes! The daddy is so cute, too... Little Goblin babies!” She squee'd.

[Veil of the Sublime Breeder is now active.] She received.

[As the Host's mind weakens her identity permanently becomes her class. Her chosen name is lost.]

She smiled and bowed her head. “This Breeder thanks Daddy for his sperm!” The Goblin said something to her. She stared blankly for a moment until she was notified.

[Collar of the Sublime Breeder is now active. As the Host hears the Language of the father, her knowledge of former languages fade. Her sole language becomes the Father's language.]

“-to the warren, idiot! Back to the pits.” He stood gave her heavy tits a sharp smack, bouncing them together.

She nodded in recognition. “Sorry daddy. This Breeder will return to the Warren!”



The start of 020 was great because we had a single character being corrupted over multiple chapters, the current chapters you have random people we have never met before immediately falling and it just doesnt hit the same.