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As much as it pained him, Yeong was advised away from returning to Ali. According to Malik 'He did not provide the necessary experience that would inoculate you from Sebek.' and he trusted Malik implicitly. Yeong felt as though Sebek was against him and the group was being swayed. In most of his forays into the various futures it felt as though Sebek had taken charge for the most part. Malik tactfully skirted the fact that Yeong was not active or present in any of those timelines.

Yeong began from a baseline that already had him off on a good or bad footing with Orcs, depending on where one stood. The petite Aoian hero had short dark hair and a punkish attitude, but was very receptive to the big green men. Unexpectedly so. He was not sure what to expect when he set up a date with the first non-Ali Orc. The man was large and muscular and far more brutish-looking. He was chosen on Malik's recommendation.

Yeong entered the meeting with the Orc much the same way he did with Ali, though things had changed somewhat. His demeanor screamed meek and his attitude, though very standoffish, bled the real bias he had towards the man. The result of all these subtle changes was the Orc taking one look down at the small human, lifting his thick brow and asking.
“You down?”

“H-huh?” Yeong stammered, lifting his hands.

“Yeah.” The Orc smirked.
“You down.” He decided, gripping Yeong's raised wrists. While the Hero could undoubtedly fight back or overpower the man, he simply allowed himself to be pulled under his massive arm and ushered down the sidewalk next to him like a girl being escorted by her man. Yeong gulped and looked down. They were not in little Waren yet, so the sight was undoubtedly going to draw whatever eyes there were in the mid-rise section.
“Open up your phone.”

Yeong raised his phone and looked up at the tall Orc. “This?”

“You speak Trysk?” He asked bluntly. It was the first time someone had asked him that.

“Yes?” Yeong stared up in confusion, opening his phone like the man asked.

“Malik failed to conquer Aoia. Think that's gonna be a problem between the two of us?” He inquired slyly.

Yeong blushed deeply and shook his head. “Not sure.”

“Cute accent, by the way. Open up that dating app.” Yeong smiled and opened the app. He was blindsided by the compliment. The first time someone asked if he could speak Trysk, and the first time someone called his slight accent cute.

“Okay, but why?”

“Delete that.” The man ordered confidently.


“You're not doing that anymore so delete it.”

“Okay...” Yeong shrunk beneath the man's arm only to be pulled closer to the Orc's side in response. He timidly tapped away at his phone in plain sight and deleted the dating app.

“Now all the contacts.” He ordered jovially. The man was looking down, watching Yeong's screen closely.

“Why?” even if it was an experiment with little actual risk, he was still hesitant.

“Because I told you to. Need a reason?”

“Uhmm...” Yeong gave in and began deleting the contacts.

The man threw his head back and laughed. “Damn! You meek Aoian girls are the BEST! Wasn't expecting you to actually do all that.”

Yeong gulped. “Well-”

“No well. You're into new-lyfing, aren't you?”

“No.” Yeong insisted before backtracking and questioning.
“I mean, what is that?”

“You really don't know?”


The man sat down with Yeong and took him down a rabbit hole. New-lyfing was a fetish most commonly associated with Orc men. It involved taking someone normal and average like a businessman or in some cases a politician and separating them from their life. Their friends, contacts, social media, job, family in order to turn them into a brand new person. The individual is then gaslit, brainwashed or coaxed into their new identity and position in life.

“This shit would've been fantastical decades ago but now with all this modern Tek... Look.” It was a drastic before and after that was shown. The Businessman entered the boutique and in the same shot she appeared from the door a beautiful woman. She hung off a man's arm and walked away.

“So, like... You just take people off the street and do that?” Yeong scrutinized.

“I never done it before. But sorta. What you actually do is you find people that want it. They give off subtle or not so subtle hints. Way I understand it, part of it for the girls is, they don't know who they're gonna be made into.” The man explained with a wide grin.

Yeong was intrigued. “So if I have those hints in my bio, or elsewhere someone will come up and do it to me and I wont even know when or what I'd be put through?” He was getting a little hot just thinking about it.  

“Yeah, exactly.”

Yeong's lips curled up subtly. He tapped the stud on his tongue against one of his back molars.


When Yeong knew what to advertise, it always happened so suddenly and it was just like the man said. When the subject was wanting it and waiting for it... Anticipating it, it was so easy for the men that wanted to do it. The very first time was instantaneous. If Yeong was quicker and more eager to resist the sudden hand over his eyes and the cloth over his mouth would have been simple to defend against. Instead, he let it happen and after that, however much time passed after was more akin to a blink for him, or rather, her. She opened her eyes to see that she was looking down at a sink in an upscale apartment.

“Morning hon.”

“M-morning?” Yeong returned in a feminine tone. She looked to the source of the masculine voice and saw a very well put-together Orc in a suit and tie. He leaned down to kiss her and without a second thought she leaned the rest of the way and pecked his wide lips. In turn he gave her rear a pat. The acts were routine and like they had been carried out a thousand times before. Like they were normal. Yeong felt her head.

“What's wrong?” The man, her husband asked in a concerned tone.

“Just... Just a headache, I think.” Cindy claimed. She arched her back submissively as Cane rolled her dress up over her plump rear. The girl spread her stance wider for good measure. She of course did not wear any underwear in the house. He gave her butt a squeeze before positioning his large self behind her. She could feel his thick bulge between her cheeks.

“You know what cures that, right?”

“Yeah...” Cindy moaned.

“Think it's probably time. You need something to focus on around the house, Cindy. You need a kid. I know I'm not traditional but you're a woman and you're not getting any younger.”

She relented. “I know... You know what? You're right. I'm not on anything right now. Just do it here. No condom.” The woman begged. Cane wasted no time pushing his cock inside of her. The reality was, she was so eager to be a mother. She had no idea why they hadn't tried sooner. She was ecstatic.

A month down the line as a bump began to form on her belly Cindy became aware of an odd holdover while sucking off Cane. Her tongue had rolled over his green cock-meat a thousand times but it was the first time she truly considered the stud that remained in her tongue. She was an upscale girl with a fantastic lifestyle. Rich friends, rich family. Why did she have a piercing? Out of reflex she clicked it against her back tooth.


Yeong gulped once he returned. It was a dangerous adventure, but it was exhilarating. He could stop, but Malik did not recommend it and he was hopelessly aroused by what had happened. He compartmentalized the trauma he experienced being transformed into a maid and converted those feelings into a rather dangerous fetish that he felt empowered to carry out an unlimited number of times.


Yeong fought the Orc gang to the last man. He really tried and he really destroyed them. He was an incredible fighter vs mundane individuals after all. When it came to the last Orc and the last punch however, he fudged it. He missed and allowed the Orc's blow to hit.
“Fucking bitch!” The Orc shouted, putting Yeong on his back and lifting his legs. He tried not to show that he was enjoying the ensuing loss and what would likely come of it. The Orc fucked him in the ass like he was breeding him and offered no chance for Yeong to recover or fight back. At first the loss was intentional but the moment the Orc had his pants off and his legs bent up behind his shoulders, with that powerful body on top of him there was no longer any possibility of fighting, and the sex was surprisingly mind-numbing and painful to the point that Yeong wanted to fight at first, but could barely muster the resistance. Gradually he submitted to it and accepted that, though it was an act at first, he had well and truly lost after he was taken to ground.

“I-I-Ib sowwy!” Yeong groaned, twitching and mewling beneath the large male.

Yeong legitimately did not expect what was going to happen next. He kept his identity but was trained by the leader. It was a notable experience because Yeong did not want that. He wanted the instant gratification, not the slow, arduous training that he was aware of for every second. For that reason he fought, and it was the fact that he fought actively that made the experience all the more mind-sundering.

“Yeong! Comm'ere girl.” She entered the room with all the Ganger's present and rushed to the leader. If she had a tail it would be wagging. She dropped down into a spread-eagle squat and lifted her hands into paw position.

“There it is. Better than a Dog Beastfolk.” The leader commented, rustling Yeong's long, messy dark hair.

“She fixed?” One asked.

“Yeah, got her fixed, caged, collared and registered.” The only reason Yeong did not get out immediately was she thought he would not break. The reality was, the training worked. It worked amazingly well and she was filled with the warping sensation of fear and love for her master that only a dog could feel. With it done, and nothing left to do she clicked her tongue.


Yeong went through many more mind-numbing iteration until finally it all came to a head. “You sure?” A female voice asked.

“Yep. he says that's the group that stole Lacie and this is the leader. He's putting out suuuper heavy New-lyfer signals in his Socials. Asking for it.”

“What's the big man say?” The first one asked. Yeong opened his eyes to see two attractive Beastfolk women. They had fluffy grey and black stripe tails, black ears and when they turned to look at Yeong he could see the dark mask-like spots around their eyes. They were Racoons, a rare variant Species.

“Dad says.... Leave Lacie alone so long as she's safe. Didn't say nothing about this guy. My thoughts were, if he's asking for it....”

“Didn't say nothing or did not say anything?”

“Shut up... Know what I mean.”

“I guess, if you mean Dad doesn't care.”

“Need another worker. Put a lot of money into that chick for some reason and now we don't do a retrieval?”

“Is what it is. So we convert this fellah? Oh! He's up!” The woman leaned close to Yeong and waved.
“Heya. Riiise and shine.”

Yeong struggled in his bonds. He gulped and clicked his tongue but did not feel the familiar metal ting.

“Oh... Yeah we took all your piercings and other stuff off. Always do that before a procedure. Still, weird that you have a...” She furrowed her dark brow.
“basic video of you in front of a camera for a few seconds? Is that intentional?”

“I mean, he's a New-Lyfer, so it's probs part of the fetish, sis.” The other Raccoon claimed.

“I-I'm not a New-”

“Shshshs... It's chill. We'll play along.” The one girl giggled.

“Yeah! Shucks, you got caught, right? Damn... How could this happen?” The other said sarcastically.
“We got you. Any last words, bro?”

“Uhh...” Yeong stammered and hesitated, his eyes flitting between the two of them.

“Lame.” The one groaned. Everything went dark.


Her ears twitched as she woke up. She groaned and collapsed back into bed. “Dammit...”

“Yo, Sis, wake up!” Scora ordered.

“Who are you talking down to?” Yang uttered in annoyance.

Deva held  a plastered on smile and leaned in to whisper to Scora. “Any reason why we went this rout?”

“Dad got involved...”

“The hell are you two talking about? I got a killer headache, what's so important that you gotta wake me up?” Her Aoian accent was gone and she had a far more low-rise tint to the way she spoke. Like a city girl. As she sat back up her tail wagged angrily. She glanced across the room into the mirror and admired herself. Big tits, slim waist, toned. She loved the way she looked.

“Nothing, 'sis.'” Deva relented.

“Acquisitions.” Scora explained.

Yang chuckled. “Great, but what are you two gonna do?”

“Cheeky slut.” Deva chided. Yang stuck her tongue out. No stud, nothing.

Scora smirked as Yang got up and stretched. She walked her naked body over to her dresser. They were already dressed for an operation. Tactical armor with vests and weapons and climbing equipment.
“Funnily enough, she actually fits in pretty well.” The girl admitted.

“Better, for how much it costs...” Deva muttered.
“Dad coulda taken me on a shopping spree with that scratch.”

“Dad's taking ME on the shopping spree, if anything. Who else is around to carry you through acquisitions like this?” Yang boasted cheerily. She slipped a gray tank top over her tits and shimmied into some tight panties.

“Waait... Wait.” Deva furrowed her brow and held her head.
“I had a bad headache a while back.”

“What?” Scora asked curiously. The two girls stared at Yang's backside.

“What if we-” Deva began.

“DON'T think about it!” Scora ordered.

“Got it...” Deva, unsatisfied, crossed her arms tightly over her chest.




I feel like the raccoon part was too brief.