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“Alright. I'll listen to you. What do you suggest?” Yeong spoke pensively into the receiver. He was not sure what an ancient Orc could offer in regards to a purely technological power. But, giving faith to the man, he explained all he could. Malik listened patiently throughout the whole explanation, barely speaking or asking anything of him.

“How does 'video' work?”

Yeong thought on the question. “I'm the wrong person to ask, but from what I know, a recording is made and stored somewhere on a device for later viewing.”

“What kind of device?”

“Cameras. Phones. I think... There's lots of stuff.”

“Can these devices be hidden somewhere on your body?”

Yeong paused. “I'm not sure?”

“Can you find out?” Malik questioned impatiently.


The answer, as Yeong found out, was yes. He was able to go to a small, innocuous boutique that sold Tek. The procedure was not even particularly intrusive or expensive. The mini, single use projector could be the size of a ring and before he could ask for one to go around his finger, Malik intervened and advised the Aoian to get it installed in a stud that would be pierced in Yeong's tongue. It would be both discreet and unassuming, so Yeong agreed, had the stud built and placed, then returned to the warehouse and the privacy of the tent.

“Alright. You catch how this thing works?” Malik asked.

“Yeah. So... According to the guy, I take a video with my phone and connect it to the device that'll store it. Then, whenever I want it to play I can activate it by clicking it against one of my teeth.”

“Good. Good. Show me.”

Yeong lifted his phone into a selfie position and began taking a very basic video. His intent was just to have him be quite obvious in the frame.
“It has to be short, the guy said. It can't store a lot on it's own.”

“But all you need is something short, right?”

“I think so?”

“Let's test it out!” Malik said. Yeong could read excitement in his tone.
“Simple. Step out. Use the device and try to enter.”

Yeong nodded and slipped out past the other members of the group. Lacie was doing some cleaning up while Janna and Kai were holding a meeting with Sebek upstairs. Yeong gritted his teeth.

“Wonder what they're doing up there.” Malik taunted subtly. He phrased it as a leading question to send Yeong's mind racing off in various different directions.
“Well. Now you have something of his, right?” Malik comforted.

“Yeah.” As Yeong stepped outside he clicked his tongue stud against one of his teeth, opened his mouth and stuck the appendage out. In front of his face a small, rectangular, flat projection played of the short video he took in a loop.
“Okay.. Here goes.” Yeong touched the projected screen and immediately found himself in a dull black void that was only illuminated where his camera was pointed. Outside, the parts that were not within view of the phone were dark. But not just dark. They seemed to absorb light. Yeong was holding his phone and he knew from this position he could touch the screen and get sent out into the real world. As he was about to, a voice came from behind. Male, but not overly masculine. Soft but firm.

“You are making a mistake.” It played and echoed, as though it were bouncing constantly off of walls that did not exist.

Yeong turned and saw nothing. “What?” The voice came against from behind, or possible all around, now that he was listening intently.

“Lessons I learned. Do not overuse powers that are given. Do become overcome with greed or jealousy or want of a woman. Do not make deals with Malik.” He could hear the words vaguely, or so he thought. What it really was, was he could feel the words like they were floating through his head and all around him. Like some people said they could see sound. There was something about the space that allowed him to feel within him what the strange entity was saying.

“What am I supposed to do!? I'm...” He gulped.
“I'm getting fucked here.” Yeong whined pitifully, throwing his arms up.
“It's not fair... This is supposed to be MY story. She promised.” The Hero stared down at what he was standing on. The same void that surrounded him.

“You break so easily when things don't go your way? Can you call yourself a Hero? Are you the one that deserves for this to be 'your' story?”

“The hell do you want me to do?”

“We want the same thing. She does not know, but she will if you tell her that it is about stopping Raithe.” The words explained calmly.

“Raithe? Who? Why didn't you say all this sooner?”

“My strength, my ability to reach out through the roots she made... I can not overextend. I am using much of my strength to warn you. I will not have much left for a while after I speak to you.  Do NOT trust Malik.”

“I've already decided I'm going to accept Malik's advice. He's helping me get what I want.” Yeong argued stubbornly.

“W-” Before the voice could finish Yeong touched the screen and found himself back in the tent at the point in which the video had been taken. Just a few minutes had passed.

“You were in there for a while.” Malik commented.

“Yeah. I was just looking at some stuff in the space.” He chose not to alert the Orc to the separate voice.

“Back to the point. How did it work?”

“I'm here.” Yeong looked himself over.
“Seems like, from past and present experiences, when I am in the electronic world I can interact with things there that are within sight, sound or detection of some device and the world changes to reflect that somehow. I can interact with things as though I were really there. I sustain damage and can potentially die... If I change something there, however, I can affect the present.”

“The present?”

Yeong took a deep breath. “I spent a lot of time. Like, a whole month. When I got into the past at that point and affected the events there, I came back at my phone where... Where I guess I would've been had those choices changed? Does that make sense?”

“Yes.” Malik claimed. Yeong was surprised.
“You know what this is?”


“You can get out of any situation. You can send yourself back and resolve then that you will not make the choices that got you there. So long as you were the impetus for the way things were going, it should change and bring you to a present where nothing happened. You follow?”

“Kind of...”

Malik was grinning as he spoke. Yeong could hear it in his tone. “That also means you can experiment all you want with no consequences.”

“N-no physical consequences.” Yeong held himself and shook lightly. He still remembered the time he spent as a maid.

“You need to get over that. You know what the best therapy is?”

“I'm listening.”

“Immersion. Take control. Take agency over it. You're the one in control so there's no need to fear. You can go in, do whatever you want and then get sent back.”

Yeong felt empowered by the explanation. “Yeah! I am in control.”

“Knock knock. What're you shouting about?” Kai questioned from outside the tent.

“N-nothing!” He blushed and opened the flap.
“What is it? Need something?” He looked out and saw Janna and Sebek were behind her.

“Yeah. You good?” Kai asked. She was giving him a concerned look.
“You've been keeping to yourself a lot, lately. We talked about it and Sebek thought we should maybe make sure you're okay.”

“He did?” Yeong held back his emotions.

“So that's what you were meeting about...”

“What'd you think we were doing?” The Fox smirked, punching Yeong's shoulder lightly. The Aoian chuckled.

“No offense...” Janna began, resting her hands on her hips.
“But lately you've been acting like you have a stick up your butt.”

Yeong shifted uncomfortably. It was not a stick. “I'm fine. Thanks for your concern.” Yeong bowed his head politely.
“I've just been... Figuring out new and better ways to utilize my abilities.”

“Oh.” They exchanged a look and a shrug. It was a good excuse. It made sense. It was a quick end to the inquisition in that they had both reason and feel for how and why Yeong was no around as often, and why he was acting different.
“Well, if you need anything, let us know. Sebek says it's a good idea to cool it on jobs for a bit while you train with the Great Master. So take your time.”

“Did he?” Yeong stared past the two girls at the Orc.
“Did my Halmeoni ask you to do that for me? To babysit me?”

“No.” Sebek said simply.

“Okay. Well, I'm fine.” Yeong said with a short tone.
“So you all can go back to what you were doing.” Yeong closed the tent flap and inserted one of the earbuds.

“He's tricking them.” Malik claimed.

“What do I do? And why does it seem like he's just acting nice... It'd be easier if he was a dick.” Yeong whispered into the receiver.

“That's what he does. Do you want to fight it?”


“You can't.” Yeong's heart sunk at that simple assertion.
“Do you want him to get the girls?”

Yeong hesitated. Sebek not winning was not the same as fighting him. It had many different connotation.
“I don't want him to get them... But-”

“You're falling for it, too. You are so close to submitting, just like them. You feel it, too.”

“What? No way.”

Malik laughed. “Yes. They're so close to falling.”

“You're right.” Yeong admitted.

“You need to act.”


“You need more experience with Orcs.” Malik threw a curve ball.


“Sebek isn't like other Orcs. He uses methods that will fail on someone that has been exposed to REAL Orcs.”

“That sounds sketchy...”

“You train, no?”


“When you lift a bigger weight over and over again, does the smaller one give you trouble later on?”

“Of course not...”

“When you practice the more advanced moves, do the beginner moves become harder?”


“Sebek limits himself and that is to YOUR advantage. You can build a defense to him by exposing yourself to real Orcs.”


“I dunno.. You live in this time, not me. Figure it out like you did with that Tek solution.”


“Let's see...” Yeong muttered to himself. He bit his thumb as he prepared his dating profile. He put in all of his details. His height, weight. His hobbies, saying he was 'athletic.' Then of course he included an image of himself. When it was done, the rather bare-bones profile looked inadequate. He hit complete to put it out into the world.
“This might take a while.” He sighed.
“I'm not that-” His eyes widened as his phone suddenly pinged with message after message. The plan was to date an Orc and once he received the experience he could send himself into the video at the tent and make the decision not to, which would change it so that he never did it. According to Malik it was 'consequence free.'


The Orc named on his profile as 'Ali' whistled as he saw Yeong. Yeong did not dress up or do anything to his appearance in particular. Malik hinted that it was not necessary and that the appeal of his profile was the promise, not the product. Yeong stared at the tall, muscular Orc. Ali, unbeknownst to him, was far weaker than Yeong in reality. The appearances did no justice to portray such a fact and so the Orc approached confidently with his chest out and a definite, cocky gait. Even though Yeong knew Ali was weaker, the way the man carried himself triggered some of his submissive instincts right away.
“Wow!” The man commented.
“Didn't get catfished for once. Your profile said male. You're male. You didn't dress up at all, huh?” He smirked.

Yeong nodded slowly. “I'm new to this.”

“I know. That's what I mean. That's what I'm into. I love 'educating' an interested party. Come on, we got reservations.”

Yeong followed and was immediately pulled into the alternate world that was 'Little Warren.' It was a community within the city that consisted mostly of Orcs and those who identified as such. The shops were geared towards that crowd and Yeong could see several Humans and Elves and Beastfolk all walking around on their own. He could guess that each of them thought of themselves as an 'Orc.'
“So, what interested you in joining an Orc dating app?” Ali questioned. Yeong did not feel like he was being grilled. It was more conversational than anything.

“Orc men are interesting.” Yeong stated truthfully.
“I honestly just want to learn and experiment a bit.”

Ali's face lit up. “That's just perfect! I'm a lucky guy.”

“Why're you so lucky? It's not like I'm obsessed with you, or already on my way to becoming a girl or something.”

“That's the point. Isn't it more attractive that you aren't, but that you definitely could? It's waaaay more appealing for us to convert those from outside than to have someone that's already kinda 'in' you get  me?”

“Yeah, sort of.” Yeong shrugged. He was still just looking around. His eyes fell upon a clothing shop that specialized in serving Orc 'women.'

“You want some clothes? What you're wearing Is kinda...”

“Not right now, thank you.”

Ali chuckled. “Yeah, no problem. I'm glad, actually. Mean's you're the real deal. Any other girl would've jumped at the chance to get 'dressed up.'

“Glad I'm 'proving' myself?”

“It's a compliment, I swear!” Ali said jovially.

The two ate a modest dinner at an Orc restaurant. Ali saved Yeong from ordering the 'special sauce' from the female menu. Ali ordered for him and guided him through the night. Yeong was surprised. Despite the fact the the Orc was not being forceful or at all bad intentioned, he still felt the dominance inherent in Ali's behavior. The man was confident, so he did not need to force Yeong. It was an arousing thought. The Orc believed he could have Yeong at any point if he wanted, and Yeong felt it. At the end of the night the man spoke suggestively.
“I live nearby. You wanna come up?”

Even Yeong could infer what that meant, with all his inexperience with dating. He gripped his arm and did not say yes or no. He was ready to get taken in by the Orc. Taken advantage of. To his surprise, in response to his hesitance Ali smiled widely.
“Next time. A kiss?”

Yeong shrugged. “S-sure?”

“Is it your first?”

“With an Orc.” With that, Ali leaned down. His large mouth pressed around Yeong's. His large tongue pushed between the Aoian's lips. He relaxed. It was the first, but he did not mind it at all. Ali felt like a good kisser, by his perception. True to his word, Ali dropped Yeong off.

“The hell is up with these kids!?” Malik shouted in frustration. Yeong was barely listening. He was staring down at his phone, at Ali's profile.
“It's all 'can I' this and 'are you ready' that... This is ridiculous. Where're the real men? We need to get you a diffe-”

“I had fun.” Yeong claimed.



At the end of the second date, after the second kiss Ali, the great Orc, looked down at Yeong. “This was the demo. If you wanna keep doing this, I'm gonna be getting more forceful. You're gonna have a choice here. I'm gonna go walk into that building and keep the door open for five minutes. If you wanna keep doing this, you come up. But, if you do I'm gonna stop being so soft on you, okay Yeong?” Yeong nodded,s taring at Ali with amazement as he walked into the nearby building. The choice was completely up to him, but it was barely a choice to Yeong.


Ali sat back comfortably with his legs spread out. Yeong rested on the floor between them. He smiled. Yeong was nervous, his heart was racing. The man's cock was out and it was standing up prominently. Ali could flex it, causing the veins in the big green member to bulge and the whole thing to flex and move like a muscle.
“You know...” He began.
“Ancient Orcs could apparently steal away a man's masculinity by having them worship our dick. It was ours, so the stories go, so we could take it back just as easily through magic.” He let out a sigh.
“We lost that at some point, I guess? Or maybe it was never real. I think it works, though. Not on the body but on the brain. I bet if you visualize pushing all your masculinity into my balls... Well, lessee.” He motioned Yeong onward with a rolling gesture from one hand.

Yeong leaned forward on his hands and knees and submissively kissed the underside of Ali's cock. He kissed from just under the tip, down the twitching green length to the big, sloshing balls. He did not buy it, but all the while he visualized pushing his masculinity down into the thick member, down, down into the balls. Something about it was not doing anything for Yeong, even though he was trying. It took Ali's smooth, dominant tone to fill Yeong's ears and complete the act.

“You can feel it.” He asserted.
“Every time your lips touch it, more and more gets sucked out of you.” It wasn't sociomancy, but something different. A plea from one player in a game to another. A promise that something would be gained from playing along. Yeong was into that.

“It is?” Yeong was breathing heavily.
“How can you tell?” As he asked, without thinking his tongue, with the stud lapped out and dragged across the length experimentally.

He chuckled and rested a hand comfortably on top of Yeong's messy head of dark hair. “You just licked. Why?”

“I-I don't know.”

“You do.” Ali stated.

“You're getting hornier. Hotter. You wanna do more because you're getting girlier. You can feel it now, like your heart fluttering and your breath shortening and your skin getting hot. That's what it is. That's all your manhood getting sucked down, down, down and going away.”

Yeong gulped, his eyes widened. He pulled away from the cock. IT was a trick of the mind, but he felt it. Nervously he asked.
“W-where's it going?”

“There it goes... It's gone.” Ali teased with a  wink. Yeong gripped the shaft.

“Tell me.” He begged.

“Down there. In my sack, apparently. That's where it's stored.” Ali taunted. Yeong stared at the sack.
“It's safe... But you're gonna do something.”


“You're gonna massage my balls while stroking me off. It'll churn up all that manhood you gave me for good.”

“I-It'll disappear?” Yeong was getting sucked into the fantasy. As Ali patted him on the head gently he let his other hand move to the Orc's sloshing green sack.
“Ali...” Yeong begged, looking up past the massive member he was stroking. The Orc was just sitting back and relaxing.

“There it goes...” As he said that, fluid began leaking from the tip, down the shaft and over Yeong's hand. He gulped. He knew it was not real. He thought it was not real but the effect was so strong. So... Feminizing. He stroked Ali to completion. The Orc was surprised by Yeong's grip and stamina.
“Damn, girl!” He shouted as the load landed all over Yeong's face. In the fantasy, what was coating him was his churned up masculinity. It felt odd to think of it that way. It was also the first time he called Yeong 'girl.' It was later than expected.


She could go back at any point so she acted the part. She learned to apply makeup and allowed Ali to buy her clothes. She hung out with him. Around his friends. She had her first real time with him as he pinned her down and fucked her in the rear with her face down in the bed. She clutched the sheets tightly and made far too much noise, but he promised the neighbors were used to it. That was when Yeong came for the first time from her ass. The second, third and fourth time were what made her addicted. The Orc stamina and the multiple rounds in one night. Her superior, Soma-bolstered form was perfect for going all night and Ali loved it. She felt like she loved and adored him in turn. It was a relationship where he was in charge, but Yeong did not feel worse off for it. In fact, she felt amazing. He took command, decided things for her and made plans. He also entertained her and gave her things and made her feel fantastic.

“You can't do this! Your- “ Sebek paused.
“Kara didn't want this for you!”

“Who cares? What about what I want?” Yeong asked, forcefully pulling her hand away.

“What about the group? The mission?”

“What about it?”

“Is this what YOU want? Have you looked at yourself?”

“What do you mean?” Yeong was surprised when Sebek shoved his phone up to Yeong in selfie mode. She stared into it and saw a toned girl with semi-long hair, small breasts and a slender waist. The point was how much her body changed from the treatments she volunteered for knowing she could just go back. She had not truly looked over herself until this moment. The only saving grace were her clothes. A cute blouse, a jacket and a skirt that fell around mid-thigh with heeled boots; all of it a bit gothic in theme. Yeong wondered how she hadn't noticed sooner what was happening. But, it was the point. In a panic, knowing that not only was she in a  situation that fit the description of returning, but that it was obvious enough that the group knew, she gulped and tearfully clicked the stud on her tongue against a took. She returned to the space, back to normal. Rather than feel the anxiety of having experienced things, as had happened with the maid incident, Yeong instead felt a subtle sense of loss as no longer being in that time. The feelings of feminization were no longer as intense, but they were present. The desire was still there. The whole experience. Yeong was at the point where a decision could be made to alter the type of time he would come back to.



I’m reminded of a fire emblem three houses story where byleth begins to enjoy instadefeats knowing that she could rewind time, and just becoming more depraved, she set up an all female strike team, from their perspective they were unbeatable. But byleth would experience a defeat at every battle, her and her unit paraded naked through the streets of the kingdoms capital. Turned into drugged out bandit sex slaves, raped in a pillory in the imperial capital city square next to the archbishop


You know now that I think about it if Yeong winds up becoming full on orc woman due to these time travel shenningans……just imagine how crazy this would look from the other girls perspective. The order of events would be yeong walks in with Sebek and Kai, backs away, gets on the phone, hands the phone over to Sebek and then walks away for a bit and then POOF full blown orc woman