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“The three Jobbers have entered the North Maze. The breakdown seems to be Human, standard; mild Tek footprint. Human Martial-artist, av-”

“Good. Fennek suggests more tests need to be performed versus Martial-Artists. Soma specialization?” The doctor asked. Within the control room there were four controllers in gray jumpsuits. Seated at the only desk in the room as the only Goblin in the room, the Doctor shuffled through some of the written notes scattered over the surface of his desk.

The assistant made a face coupled with a disapproving gesture. “Above average but below the level we'd like to see.”

The doctor frowned and leaned back in his swivel chair. “Our CB's have already proven that they are too much for Aura specialists below the sixth Ring and 'Master' level Martial-artist. We should put out our feelers for more Martial-Artists so that we can show the company these results are repeatable.”

“I'll make note of it and hand the directive down to the Imps.” He smirks.
“But who knows what they'll do with that.”

The Doctor smiled. “Indeed.”

“Speaking of Aura Users, the Beastfolk mage is below fourth ring in development.” The assistant mentioned.

“Useless.” The Doctor clicked his tongue, pushing off with his feet to spin around in his chair for no reason in particular except to amuse himself.
“So this just a slaughter. It is necessary to feed the beasts every so often.”

The assistant cocked a brow. “The mobsters or the CB's?” In response to that both the Goblin and the Human assistant laughed. The Assistant dropped a clipboard on the man's desk.
“Notes from the 'backdoor.' Cybersecurity proves effective throughout the whole facility against any street-level hacker.”

“Good.” The goblin nodded.
“Need to test against more nuanced operators but my theory about auto-targeting hacking threats on a hardware level seems sound.”

“There's one more thing you should know.”

“Mhmm?” His chair was still spinning.

“Spyder grabbed a subject and pulled them back to her cell.”

He leaned forward and gripped the desk to stop himself from spinning while pulling himself forward. “Pardon?” The Goblin pushed his large, reflective glasses up his long nose.
“I am guessing you aren't just telling me this to deploy cleaning crews...”

“He's still alive.”

“For now? It's possible she is just playing with him.” The Doctor suggests.

“They spoke briefly. He antagonized her in ways we have recognized to be a trigger for her. He is alive and she has left the room.”

The doctor adopted a confused expression. Before he could offer anything else one of the operators occupying the security monitors glanced back over his shoulder quickly and shouted.
“Spyder's in the North Maze!”

“What!? We did NOT tell her to do that, correct?” The Doctor questioned.

“Affirmative.” The assistant responded from beside his desk. They all stared at the screen.

“This is unusual behavior...” He muttered.

“Protocol suggests that a deviation in expected behavior warrants a call to corporate for tightened sec-”

“I WROTE that protocol!” The Goblin snapped.
“No no. My collars are perfect. My CB's can only seem to act independently within the facility because we allow that freedom. This is unusual but within parameters. Continue the tests. Prepare to observe Spyder's actions more closely. Keep tabs on all three targets.”

“We already activated three other CB's in the North Maze to test against the Jobber's. We have no idea which target Spyder is after. We should recall all three just in case.”

“We should...” The Doctor began. Before the assistant could give the word he held up his hand in a halting motion.
“But this could also prove to be valuable to our dataset.”

* *

“This place doesn't feel too dangerous, but it just keeps taking us around in circles.” Gait commented. The group took a tight formation with Finch in the middle, Gait in the back and Leto in the front. The three women had been moving cautiously for about fifteen minutes through the dimly-lit maze before deciding to speed up.

“Maybe it's a joke and this place is just a glorified haunted house?” Finch speculated.

“A haunted house should have props, no?” The maze was essentially bare. Narrow halls with only one way forward or back.

“Sh sh.” Leto shushed.
“Hear that?”

“What?” Gait lowered her voice.

“Rumbling.” No sooner than she said that did several walls open in some spots and lift in others.

Finch gasped. “What the hell is that?” She pointed to an opening. Within it stood a large eight-foot creature with a an average-human looking body. Where it diverted from that mold was it's head. It's face was a mess of gray tentacles where the mouth should have been. It had no eyes visible, but still seemed to be staring at them.  As it stepped into the light Finch gagged a little once she noticed that it's slick gray skin was somewhat translucent.

“Whatever it is, it's about to be dead.” Gait claimed. She spun her pistols in her hand and aimed them both at the creature. She shot center mass. The other two girls covered their ears as Gait shot. They all looked like good, clean hits. Something akin to blood spatter burst from the chest in the places where it was hit. On further inspection Gait squinted and stared at shrapnel floating just below the surface of it's skin, lit by the flicking light.
“What the...” It was like shooting at water. It's skin took bullets like that. There was a splash, but the bullets stopped a few inches in and broke apart. The wounds closed instant.

“Bullets don't work guys.” Gait announced. When there was no answer she asked again while turn.
“Guys!?” Leto was facing another one that was slowly making it's way down the opposite end of the hall. Finch was backing into one.

“What?” The mage asked worriedly. Her shoulders lifted as she tensed up the moment a cold, wet hand pushed down on her shoulder.

“Don't just stand there! Use magic, or something! Electricity! Ice!” Gait advised before being forced to give more attention to the monster in front of her.

“R-right!” Finch nodded and concentrated on a spell. Her concentration was broken as her legs slipped out from under her. The thing had pushed her firmly down onto her knees. Her eyes widened as, over her shoulder she saw a tremendously thick, long, dripping cock. It, like the rest of him was clearly translucent. It's balls as well. It had the shape of a penis, however. The inside had thin, non-translucent vains visible running through it. It throbbed, as though the thing had a heartbeat or something similar.

“Magic. Magic!” She reminded herself. It rested a wet hand on top of her head. It felt gross, like she was taking an extremely thick shower.
“Eh?” It tilted her head to the side as she prepared her spell.
“What's it d-”

The Beastwoman's eyes rolled back as it's cock pushed into her ear unceremoniously. She immediately lost all concentration. Finch's jaw dropped and she began drooling. Her cat ears twitched wildly. It should not have been possible for that massive member to push into her ear. It was a small hole without give. But it did not need to fit. The flexible skin gave where it needed to, reduced and filled every nook and cranny like a liquid, even while moving like a solid. To the outside observer the creature was tilting her head to one side and slowly fucking her with it's full length. The only possible place it could be entering was her brain itself. After a few seconds Finch's brain started to feel cold. As her drool was replaced by an unfamiliar slime she also began to feel giddy and euphoric. It was to the point that, when the tip of it's long member emerged from her other ear, despite what that seemed to mean she just felt it with her hand.
“Woah...” It slipped back the moment she could touch it. The thing held her head with both hands and finally, once it had fully made it's way through began fucking her. Finch moaned as though she was enjoying it quite a bit. Inside of her brain the thin, solid tendrils were reaching out, altering things while the liquid that was the things 'skin' coated every part of her insides as it passed over them.

It pulled it's cock out. Finch stared dreamily at it as it bounced in front of her face. “This thing is awesome...” She admitted, smooching it on the tip. She licked around the head and turned to worship the thing.
“These things are better than us. They're superior.... I want to give him everything.” She moaned.

“W-what the hell!?” Gait gulped. It was a horrifying sight. Finch waved.

“Gait! It's super fun!” The mage announced happily. She did look like she was cumming.

It was not like the gunslinger had much of a choice. She stared up at the large creature. She faced it, at least.

“Everything's useless. But what'll it do if I cover my ears?” She thought as a last ditch effort.

“Try it!” Finch cheered her on as the creatures cock flossed her brain with it's cock.
“You can do it, Gait!”

As it came too close for comfort Gait finally just covered her ears. None of the other things she had worked. No caliber or weapon. As far as she could tell the things were unkillable. To her surprise, undeterred the thing merely arced back it's hips and thrust forward towards it's face. It pushed it's long member up her nose rather suddenly. It felt almost like she had dove into a pool without pinching her nose, only a hundred times worse. Gait cringed, convulsed, then slowly began to feel the same things Finch was feeling as wet fluid began to leak from her ears. Her tongue fell out while the creatures strange, viscous phallus thrust in and out of her nostrils, splitting to fill both holes. She tried licking it's balls. They moved under her tongue like they were normal, but tasted somewhat bitter.

“You were right...” Gait announced as soon as she was able to catch her breath. She did sound as though her nose was plugged, however.
“This does feel great! Leto, you GOT to try it!”

“Fat chance.” The Martial-artist grunted. She was being consistently pushed back.
“But... Maybe I don't have a choice. At least they seem happy.” It moved forward, steadily cornering her between her two friends. Suddenly, just as she felt like she was going to be the next thrall in a line, a pale hand rested on the head of the thing she was facing. It pushed down as though it was crunching a can. A woman appeared attached to the hand in a black bra and panties. She slapped it down to the ground until it was a puddle. The pale woman smiled brightly at Leto.

“Are you that boy's sister?”

“L-lad?” Leto responded hesitantly, because even though the pale woman was her savior, she had a look that was not exactly comforting towards her.

“Perfect.” She stepped forward into Leto's space, grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss. Leto's consciousness faded. She felt as though everything that she was was being pulled out through her mouth. It was over in less than a few seconds. The two thralls looked on in horror, even from their respective bad ends as their friend deflated in front of them into a thin, flimsy suit of skin, clothing and all.

* *

The door to the room swung open. Lad's expression brightened as his sister entered. As she got closer he slid back on the bed.
“Uh...” It was obvious at a second glance. Around 'Leto's neck was the same thick collar. His sister had an expression, with dark eyes he had never seen on her before. As if it was not obvious enough she smiled brightly and sat down on the bed.

“Now I can be your most important person, right? I look like her.” Dri announced. Lad screamed.




EARFUCKING and the even rarer nosefuck! I keep underestimating your ability to write fringe erotica, this definitely opens new paths...


You know I bet even the boss of the bad end club would have been a bit unnerved by Dri here. I mean let’s be honest……she definitely forced herself on Lad wearing his sisters skin


Reading this for the first time and it really makes me appreciate how Lad's story in Rangers is going. After something as horrifying as this, dude and his sister deserve the happiness they have. Also here's hoping Dri won't go quite so... off the rails in the new timeline.