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“Stop!” Yeong begged while stepping back against the railing to create distance. It was clear to him that  Kai's mother was more than a little unhinged when exposed to certain triggers. But that also held other implications. Lacie's golden eyes widened. Her perfect red lips curled down slightly into a rare, genuine frown. He held a hand up to stop her and added.
“I don't believe that last thing you said was programming. It was anger. Frustration. It showed that you knew something about where you come from and what you're doing now. Are you actually all gone, or is there more of you left than you let on?” The fox tilted her head to one side quizzically. Her large tail gently swept left and right behind her. It was a cute expression, but not quite what he was after in response, so he pressed further.

She closed the distance far too quickly to be perceived fully and gripped the railing behind him, bending it with what must have took immense strength. Yeong was not sure he could do the same so effortlessly. She leaned inescapably close this time. For a moment as her eyes locked with his clarity formed within her gaze.
“You don't care. Why do you want to know? Another day. Another john. Another man claiming he wants to get- g-g-” She twitched and bent the bars in her palm, tensing like she was being electrocuted before pushing herself off of it and lifting her hands. Lacie smiled.

“Fuck me. But.” She licked her lips and was happy to add, despite the tone of what she was saying.
“The simple fact is that if I stopped being what I am supposed to be. If I stopped doing what you want me to do...” She closed the distance more gently, wrapping her arms around Yeong in a loving embrace. They draped over his shoulders and around his back. Her body pressed against his and felt like a blanket being draped over him in coolness of the walkway. She leaned in as though she were going to kiss him, but stopped inches short from his lips.
“All that interest would go away. Or, like, something like that!” She rolled her eyes shallowly and giggled, offering a little shrug as she tried to complete the kiss.

Yeong pushed her off. She could have held on easily, but instead she stumbled back. “You have to understand...” He trailed off as he reached back and ran his hand along the twisted rail curiously. Strength was something attractive to him. She was possibly as strong as his Halmeoni, though maybe not experienced.
“Even a busty red-headed Fox like you isn't my type if you're just a blowup doll without feelings. I need more.”

Lacie looked to be at a loss. “But-”

“I want to find something to like in YOU.” Her jaw dropped. Yeong continued.
“Is there? And is there something in you that could like me?”

“Well, like- like- like-” Lacie shook lightly, one golden cats-eye with beautiful lashes twitching. For a brief reprieve clarity sunk in again.
“I still like Steph.” The woman admitted.

Yeong was taken aback. “That... That person that betrayed you?”

“Steph wouldn't betray me.” She responded genuinely before sinking back into a more vapid tone.
“Steph is, like, totally awesome!” She stuck out her tongue playfully.
“And you are too for saying all that stuff. It hurts to hear, but feels real good at the same time, somehow. Do you wanna keep fucking? You are MY patron after all and this IS a job. Right?” She winked.

He wondered how much she knew. How much was an act. How broken she really was and how much of it was just her voluntarily letting go to bury stress and bad memories.
“Well damn... I feel bad fucking now. Especially behind Kai's back.”

Lacie rocked back and forth on her heels. She took a step towards Yeong. When he thought she was going to unsubtle come on to him again she instead surprised him by reaching up and running her hand through his dark hair, then sliding it gently down his cheek.
“Thanks for taking care of her.”

He gulped. “No problem.” Yeong looked to the door. The argument was dying down.
“Now probably isn't a good time.”

“Aww...” Lacie pouted.



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