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Merit was laying face down on the floor beside the spring. She looked to be napping with her head in her arms, but her ears swiveled to face you as you entered the room to show that she was aware. Her legs started kicking and her tail wagged idly.
“I've been thinking.” You began.

“Oh dear.”

“Your behavior as a woman isn't acceptable.” It was an understatement. From your perspective, most of the group and all the teachers you've encountered have come around to your side of things. They were under your control or directly allied, more or less. Merit was allied but she still had her own goals that she would favor over yours.

“How so?”

“For one, who cares how many girls I have sex with? You don't care about that. You shouldn't if you do. You should be more girly and less concerned with who I sleep with.” You approached her as she spoke.

“So, what we're going to do is we're going to fuck and I'm going to decide the limits and everything else from now on.”

“Interesting.” Merit smiled and turned onto her side, showing off her fully nude body.

“Glad we could come to this understanding.” You returned the smile and dropped to one knee beside her. Your hand moved to her side as she reached up to embrace you. Her arms draped over your shoulders and pulled you down insistently.

“The problem-” She said calmly with her face close to yours.
“Is as good as all of that sounds you do not have the ability to back any of it up.”

“W-” You blinked and missed the sudden shift as your body was twisted around. She was behind you, her breasts pressing into your back. She had one leg hooked around your thigh while the other was braced far off to the side. You were taken to your stomach on the ground as the lock her arm had on your neck tightened.

“You are not 'that guy.' Not fully. You have picked it up, but what are you really doing, right now? You are picking apart weaklings while playing like you are strong. What have you practiced, recently? How much have you trained? You have had a few successes that circumstance handed you so you forgot that we are not equals.” Your eyes rolled back as you began to lose consciousness.

“It is fine.” Merit whispered.
“Listen, I appreciate the effort. You may still behave this way but it WILL be under me. Unders-” She let out a brief 'hic' sound as she released you. You turned to see a towering male figure lifting her up so that her toes could barely scrape the ground with them as she moved her legs. It was by her neck so she could not speak.

“Is this girl bullying you, guy?” The man asked in a Kingdom accent. On further inspection he was faintly fuzzy. A beastfolk man with blueish-gray ears and bright halo's of blue iris's around deep black that pierced the low light and mist of the bath. He was buff and held Merit up with one of his strong arms. The man was easily almost seven feet tall.

“Bullying a fellow House Member means I can intervene if she's being bad to you...” He brought up. It was very intentional. You were somewhat aware of that rule. It was just one of many tripwires that allowed students to act against each other.

“Uh, no?” You said, shaking your head.

“This is a private matter.”

“Huh?” The man did not seem to buy it. He kept Merit suspended.
“No, I don't think so... I mean, this one's pretty mean. She's known for it around here. I just keep my nose outta others business if they keep to themselves.” As he said that Merit began trying to rock and kick back against him. The kicks bounced off his solid body and he responded by thrusting two fingers up between her legs. As the thick digits pushed up into her cunt her thighs tightened around them, but they did not stop and began twisting and pulling.

“Hey! Bad! Bullying isn't okay, okay?” He looked down at you with an innocent smile as he assaulted Merit's sex.
“Us Tintamere guys gotta stick together. Never know what these women'll do, right?”

“No, seriously, it's fine! Can you let her down?” You demanded.

The man looked slightly confused. As Merit continued to fight him he withdrew his fingers and gave her pussy a rough smack that sent a shudder up her spine before continuing to fuck her with his digits. You could see her expression that once showed shades of defiance was in throws of pleasure and confusion as she lost much of the 'fight' she started with.

“I'm gonna need to train this one personally.” He commented.

“F-fuck... You...” Merit groaned, only to have her cunt smacked a few more times, along with her ass for good measure.
“Holy-” She gasped.

The man looked down at you sympathetically. “Beastwomen think they can use their strength to bully Humans sometimes, especially when they're not from where we're from. They've gotta learn that Human need to be respected and cared for.” he said sternly to Merit. You were not sure if he was being serious or not, but the man presented a real threat.

“That's really nice, but... I've got it handled.”

He cocked his head curiously. “You didn't look like you had it handled... Unless...” He paused to think.
“You aren't into that, are you? Human guys that want thick, muscular thighs and arms around their neck... Well, that's just not very manly.” He warned.
“That's pretty feminine behavior.”

“I'm not into-”

He interrupted and pointed down. “What's that?”

You had grown someone hard just from watching Merit moan and squirm, but that was natural. It was not from being dominated. There was no way it could be spun in such a way.
“That's nothing!” You uttered defensively.

“Well sheesh. Don't demean yourself, guy.” He took Merit to the ground causally and used his grip on her sex to lift her ass while his hand around her neck forced her cheek into the floor of the bath. He returned his attention to her.
“Listen, girlie. You DON'T use your strength against Humans. It's not fair and it's not nice.”

You noticed his massive member growing and rising up from the waistband of his uniform's pants. Eventually it outgrew them and flopped down between her firm cheeks. It was a large, almost canine, cock that was thicker in the center than it was at the base and tip. It was bright when compared to the Beastman's pale skin.

“Wait! What are you doing?” You thought about stopping him. Fighting him. You were not sure what you could do against the Dog's sheer bulk, however.

“I'm training her. This is how WE learn. It's discipline. We gotta learn to respect Humans and obey our Masters.” He offered candidly.

You gulped. “I'm human, so listen to me!” As you demanded that he pushed his cock into Merit's waiting cunt. Before your eyes you saw her expression shift again. She drooled onto the ground, grinning and shaking as she rutted back against his member wildly. Her tail wagged in approval as her body shook overall.

“I-It is not fair!” She shouted as his cock bottomed out in her and forced her to slide forward on the wet stone.
“It's not nice!” She added like a mantra.

The Dog chuckled. “You're Human, but you're not my Master. Don't worry, fellah. She wont be mean to you and that's what's important, right?” He threw his head back and let his tongue fall out as he fucked Merit while hold her hips.
“She's good... So tight. You had her yet? She'll be a bit loose, sorry.” He offered in what sounded like a genuinely apologetic tone. You were floored.

“Name's Charli. I'm a personal trainer, by the way. I can help you bulk up and be a better Human. I don't just do Beastfolk. Sounds like you need confidence. Beastfolk hunnies are hard to deal with but at least you were trying. I can give you some tips and some training.”

“Training..?” You grunted in a defeated tone. It was hard to carry on a conversation while Merit was being plowed just feet away.

“My method involves devoting yourself to a Master and using them as a means to improve yourself. Sword is stronger than the Knight, that type of deal.”

“Let me guess, you're the 'Master?'” You uttered skeptically.

“No no. Even I have one. It's how I improved myself!” He offered in a chipper tone, as though he was not still defiling your friend. His large hand rolled up and down Merit's arched back as he gave a few more rough thrusts. Finally it seemed as though he was ready to cum. Merit was not, but that was likely besides the point. Her rear wagged tantalizingly as Charli's throbbing cock began to expand inside of her and pump it's warm batter into her womb.
“This is gonna take a while. My balls got lots of juice.” He inhaled deeply and leaned over Merit, hooking one arm under her stomach. He lifted her effortlessly until she was vertical.
“Times like this I'll just lug 'em around till I'm done so I don't gotta wait around.” He centered his wide, wild gaze on you. The man did not seem threatening in his demeanor, just in everything else he presented as.
“So, how about it friend?”



This non-malicious ntr energy from the dog man is very enjoyable, just a pal looking out for his human friends