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“Why do we have to beat him in a battle of wits?” Kara complained uncomfortably. She was trying very hard to not slide her hands between her soaked thighs on the spot. She was trying to think about his bad qualities as she had practiced but it became much harder when the contrast, the Hero, had slipped from their mind as a viable partner. It was the opposite, in fact. Whenever they thought about him all they could think about was how much better Malik was in every way. His cock, his attitude and the attention he gave them compared to the Hero.

“I dunno how much longer I can hold on. He keeps 'bzzting' my brain or whatever and it keeps getting worse every time.” Kara was especially horny and lightheaded, as her motivations were solidly centered around lust and love. Wavy, weird emotions that affected her ability to use logic in general. Part of her was not even sure why she was resisting anymore. The part that wanted to resist was just her stubborn side. The side that wanted to be on top and in control. To not lose.

“It would not be right.” Jeane offered selfishly. She was still salivating at the thought of besting him in the arena of the mind. He was an Orc but he was far more intelligent than she gave him credit for. It was a worthy challenge to defeat him using her brain, but she needed to come up with a plan. In contrast to Kara's affliction, Jeane was motivated by desire, but a more competitive type of desire that was less wishy-washy than something like love. She was slightly irrational when it came to how she wanted to go about beating Malik, but in all other respects she was capable of logic for the most part.

“If we beat him with raw strength it just would not be right.” She repeated, convincing herself more than anything.

Kara could have fought that logic fairly easily but her blurry feelings and subtle desire to lose warped her enough that she was willing to go along with it. She knew it was less likely to work, but there was also still a chance with Jeane, so it was not actually just intentionally throwing, technically.

“You two are smart girls. You still have a chance. In fact, I'm shaking thinking about what you two could come up with.” Malik offered in a tone that almost sounded genuine. It was genuine enough that as he rested a hand on the back of both their heads and provoked their emotions to rise to extremes they felt an intense sense of pride to the extent that the mild hint that they were being patronized did not matter.

“Got any ideas yet?”

“L-lots!” Jeane stammered. It was a lie. Both girls turned to face him and tried not to think about his incredible body standing so close to theirs, and his amazing cock hidden behind such a thin layer of cloth.

“Why would we tell you any of them, though?” Kara added defensively, her tail standing up straight like a cat in defensive posture.

Malik ignored Jeane and eyed Kara. “Well, you're not the one coming up with the ideas, are you?” Kara leaned back in shock at the accusation. Jeane was also a little stunned. She agreed, but she had no idea where that line of thought was leading the Fox or what the Orc's goal with it was.

“Uhm...” Kara did not have much to say. Malik was not going to let her collect her thoughts, either.

He leaned in, causing her long ears to twitch as he spoke. “You've been leeching advice from someone you constantly assumed you were better than. You still kind of do, even still. Despite-”

“Kara-” Jeane tried to interject. She saw that Kara's face was bright red. Her eyes wide. She stopped when she heard Kara speak. It felt good to hear it, even if Jeane knew what it actually meant. More control for the Orc.

“Yeah...” Kara admitted. Shame was amplified to the extreme. It was enough that even she was able to admit she was wrong and he was right.

“On your merits you deserve to be an Orc already... You should have already given in to love and lust without her help. Can you do anything on your own?” Kara shook as he spoke. Jeane had no idea what to say, even if she wanted to say anything. Her own pride was amplified to an even greater degree. Kara was acting in a way and saying things that the Ciar absolutely wanted to see and hear.

“Actually...” Malik corrected.
“Do you deserve to be an Orc at all?” the misleading way of speaking caused Kara to reflexively think no. She thought that she did not deserve it at all. He pushed static into her brain and caused her to shudder in that moment, locking that delicate, complicated thought in place. The implications fell in like puzzle pieces after that. Kara panted. She did not deserve to be an Orc, but she loved him and she lusted after him. She wanted it. She wanted what she did not deserve. She craved it. She wanted to be an Orc because he brain told her she could not have it.

“I don't.” Kara clenched her fists tightly. She swayed uncomfortably on her bare feet, feeling dizzy. Embedded within that admission, while remaining unsaid, were the words 'but I want to.' Jeane could feel it, much to her horror, and Malik absolutely knew it.

Malik rested an uncontested hand on Kara's plump rear. Her tail began wagging. “You need to drop your baggage and apologize to the elf, if you even want a shot. Sincerely... Formally...” He grinned.

Jeane knew she may have had a chance to stop it but she was being given something so sweet. A humiliating apology from the fox. The parts of her that would deny that were far too weak in the face of Malik's provocation. So instead of stopping it she watched Kara nod shamefully and drop down to her knees. She watched as the Fox carefully turned her body and slid her clothes off. She looked up at Malik for approval as she set them down and cringed as he stared back sternly at her. She reluctantly folded them nearly, something she almost never did. Once all of Kara's clothes were off she rested her hands on her knees and lowered her head.
“All the way down.” Malik advised. The Fox gulped and slowly, shamefully leaned forward until he forehead dug into the dirt. Her hands shook as they rested on the ground in front of her head. Jeane could see Kara's rear shaking. Not wagging, shaking and shuddering from the humiliation. Her tail was down, almost between her legs.

“I-I'm so sorry Jeane... I wasn't as smart or as good as you and I acted really badly. I took your help and still thought I was better and I was wrong and I deserve this.” She admitted. It was all spurred on by her desires that hinged on such an apology. Jeane covered her mouth to hide a warped smile. She liked it. She enjoyed hearing it and she felt it was deserved. Her mood quickly changed as Kara continued and directed her words elsewhere.
“M-Malik I don't deserve to be an Orc but please show this 'dog' slut mercy.” In that instant Jeane realized too late what she was letting go on. She stepped back, her hand covering a frown then as Malik crouched down beside the submissive Fox.

“How can I refuse such a humble request...” He wondered out loud, abruptly shoving two fingers into Kara's soaked cunt from behind. Her ass and tail rose from the attention and began wagging more than shaking. On the ground, Kara turned her head. Her eyes rolled back and she began drooling into the dirt.
“But I'm going to need you to say it again.” Malik asked, thrusting his fingers in and out rapidly. Kara was too out of it to speak or respond normally.

“Ib sowwy!” He placed a finger to her temple in preparation.

“Sorry you ever thought my smell was gross?”

“Yesh!” She nodded.

“Locked. Sorry you ever thought my body was anything but divine?” She did not even have to say it. He felt it and smirked.
“Locked. Huh... This slut likes sleeping around. You sorry about that girl?”

“Y-yeah yeah! Yeah!”

“What do you believe in?”

“Mo-mom... Mo-”

“Come on, don't get distracted.” Malik ordered somewhat ironically considering he was the one assaulting her pussy with two of his fingers and zapping her brain full of electricity.

“Monogamy!” Kara let out with a wide grin.

“Locked!” He felt and saw more things flash by. He did not even stop to ask, he just let more static fry different thoughts and feelings into her brain.
“Locked, locked, locked!” He added in a boisterous tone. When he was done he lifted her messy, dirty face off the ground by weaving his fingers into her hair and dragging her back. Malik chuckled and pointed at her expression. Kara was smiling widely. Her eyes were crossed and she was drooling. Jeane thought it looked like her brain had been liquefied but there still was a thinking person in there. It was just completely different from the girl she knew before.
“I fixed her. No more disobedience and sleeping around. You're a good, honest orc girl now, Kara. What do you say?”

She swallowed heavily and opened her mouth, letting it hang for a few seconds before she managed an awkward.




Ough fuck yheaaa the biggest hurdle to overcome was completely and utterly defeated through excellent planning, execution and a teeny tiny bit of heroic cheating. I've been sick all week and this is just the kinda pick me up I needed😊


I'll be honest, I'm sad this short line is almost over, every single chapter has been amazing

Tanya Wormald

Thank you. Hopefully Sebek's story will pick up some of the slack and maybe possibly that will intersect with the main story in some way in the future.