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Tyrande lead the group as they traversed the seemingly endless, non-linear halls of the manor. Nathanos stuck close to her side. He did so out of a vague protective instinct, despite the fact that he knew the woman walking just a few steps ahead was not actually his. The excuse he had ready was that for all intents and purposes she was and he could risk a loss of points if he showed more reckless abandon.

There was very little logic to the halls, though signs of progress did exist. They were able to find the occasional holdout of Dark Sentinels cooperating with orcs. Cooperation was of course used very lightly. The orcs in the reality they were presented with seemed both uncorrupted and somehow far more aggressive and misogynistic. Tyrande did not know that was even possible, but it was. Any women he saw that had gotten sucked into the game served under a male orc and all of them seemed cowed by their 'leaders.' They may as well have been their masters. She witnessed unsubtle powerplay between the ranks. Orders to kneel issued to sentinels, followed by quick orders to stand, then sit, as though the elves were animals. The worst part for her was that they obediently did so. The world was undoubtedly messed up for her kind. They had lost control of themselves, of course. It pained the leader, who had hated the orc menace, to see people that were still undoubtedly hers integrated into a Horde command structure that was far worse than any she had seen prior. Since her people were a part of the Horde in the reality she occupied she and her forces in some way answered to their command structure. If she did not abide by that them then even she could lose points.

“There are traps.” Nathanos warned.

“I understand.” Tyrande stated haughtily as she glanced back with suspicion at Thrall. The orc could order her to do almost anything and she may have to comply. She had various problems with orcs, and a few with Thrall in particular. For one, his absence bred much of the more intense conflict that occurred back in her true reality. It was not as though he had no part in the Warsong Clan's invasion while in power, either. He had a lot to answer for, none of which she could confront him for. The only truly good thing he did, she thought, was on Hyjal when he and his army showed up to help her forces defend the World Tree. As Tyrande searched her mind for the memory of that time she gasped lightly, but had not time to dwell on that memory as she felt a pull on her arm that jerked her back.

“No. There are traps...” Nathanos repeated flatly. The man was audibly annoyed with her, though that was not new. He pointed down.

Tyrande followed his finger to a conspicuous circle on the floor decorated in pink with runes she had not seen before. It was formed by magic she could not properly identify and was definitely not powered by any gods she knew of. It could have been some mechanism, but then she had to wonder why it looked so magical and mysterious.

“What is this?” Shandris approached and looked at it. Gradually the rest of the group gathered around.

“I've seen them, but I did not hazard to to find out what they do.” Maiev rasped.

After a few seconds where the question of what it was hung in the air an image of Jaina appeared. It was clear and ghostly. She was very much not demonic when she showed up, however she was bent over.
“My master likes to...” She grunted, her whole body moved as she was pushed forward by some unseen force. Nathanos curiously rounded her projection and was intrigued to see both her pussy and her ass expanding, getting pushed in, then almost being pulled out by some unseen cocks. Since they were not on the projection he could see all the way to her cervix as it sucked on the tip of whatever member was poking it. He could see her winding intestines straighten out as the second member hollowed her.
“Rail me in this form sometimes.” She waited for a second.
“Lots of the time. Anyway. What kind of a game has no hazards?”

“I thought the challenge was keeping your points?” Shandris questioned.

Jaina ignored the girl's comment as though she could not hear her at all and continued. “Things marked with pink runes like these have interesting qualities! You can use them on your enemies or yourselves. Some of them MIGHT be good? Maybe? No promises.” She moaned and whimpered, her ass wagging and her cunt dripping thick fluid as the invisible cocks withdrew from both of her holes.
“No fair...” She exhaled deeply after making a hiccuping sound. She collected hrself after a few moments and spoke frankly.
“Point is, these things are a great way to disable your enemies, or your 'friends.'”

“Why would we use any of these things on our allies?” The moment Tyrande asked that she saw Maiev suddenly jolt forward. It looked as though she was pushed. Regardless of the how, the girl lost her balance and fell on her butt right in the center of the circle. Her whole body, along with the pink runes, began glowing.

She glared up past the group at Thrall who seemed as surprised as the rest of them. “You-”

As though on cue Jaina spoke again before fading out. “Some are worse than others.”

There was a lot going through Maiev's mind. Hatred, betrayal. Though, she never really expected much from the orc to begin with. He had reasons to dislike her, for sure. It was likely out of his control. She could tell that he was regretful as she looked up and felt her vision fade. It did not disappear completely, but instead changed to be more akin to a sonar. Things appeared around her as a white blip in a black world. She would have liked to reach for something, but she could no longer feel her arms or legs, or most of her body for that matter. All she could really feel was her mouth, her throat and her two holes that seemed to be aching and dripping quite hard for something to fill them.

“What happened?” She felt herself being picked up by large hands. It was somewhat comfortable. She felt a faint sense of desire to be in a male's hands. She did not know where that feeling came from.

The group stared in awe and horror at what Maiev had become. Her armor's texture had formed into a cylindrical band with no more length that a foot or two, at most and no wider than about half that. She no longer had a body, or at least whatever she had was entirely stuffed within the compact cylinder. All that was visible were her face and her private parts. Her face had become solid, like a dolls. Her eyes the same material as her cheeks which were the same material as her lips, which were all purple and shiny and see-through like silicone; they were far more plump than they had been in reality and seemed to be wanting for something to enter them. Much like with her nethers, 'saliva' dripped from her hole of a mouth to lubricate it and give the illusion she was drooling with her mouth open. Her mouth could not move. It was a tight, open hole with a closed, cunt-like cavity that could have stretched the length of the cylinder. On the other end were two other self-lubricating holes between facsimiles of her spread ass and her pubic mount. All of it was in the same material as her face. She seemed to speak through magic in a way that they could all hear her. It sounded the same as if she were speaking through her mask.

Shandris stammered. “Y-you've become-” Nathanos quickly stopped her and stepped forward. She was sitting in Thrall's hand. The large brown orc had picked her up after the circle disappeared and instead became a mark on the side of the cylinder, like a brand name.

“How do YOU feel?” He asked very pointedly.

“I feel... Fine? Why.” Maiev still did not perfectly understand what was going on. She felt vaguely like she did after her change from a Warden to a Fel Warden in service of Azshara. The new roll was unusual but also strangely natural to her, like it had always been so. That was the nature of the histories they were granted. They were present to them like an encyclopedia that could be called upon, so none of the information was unavailable or strange to them; they just needed to search for it. Sometimes it would impose itself on them and that was when things became dangerous for their point total.

“You feel fine?” Nathanos inquired.
“Has anything changed about your 'prompt?'”

He prompted her to search, so she did and immediately found a reason to panic. Her history was very simple. She was an intelligent and advanced tool for sex. Maiev's very non-complex past was her rolling out from the back end of an assembly line. A strange combination of machines that all worked in loud unison. She was picked up, packaged and spent a maddeningly long time on a shelf before being picked up and stocked in a mansion for personal sexual use. She did not have a name. She had a personality, but that was mainly for the sake of producing erections. The punishment for falling on the trap was far too steep, she thought.
“Wait, this is wrong! I can't-” The further back she searched through her encyclopedia-like memory the less she found. There was a vague suggestion that she was perhaps 'someone' before she ended up in her current form, but it was hard to find any real evidence past a brief flicker of a different past.

“What are you supposed to be?” Thrall asked harshly. He looked down upon the object. His new personality that had been imposed on him made him feel far more vindictive towards the demonic woman than he would have otherwise. The orc had little patience for demons or Alliance and Maiev had been made both by the game master. She still had points so she was not out of the game. It was the same as before. The trap only modified her past and her form, based on what they could see.

“I am Maiev. You pushed me you disgusting creature!”

“No. That's not right.” Thrall corrected. He wanted to see if he was right, and his theory proved correct. When Maiev was called on it she lost a point and he gained one. Within her mind all thoughts of a name were slowly picked apart. There was something left after all the different ways in which she could arrive at calling herself Maiev had been scrubbed, but it was less like a name and more like something she was called. She was no longer someone, but a description. The difference between being a 'who' and an 'a.' She was 'a' fleshlight. Not a name, a word to reference an object that she was. As her name was wiped, thoughts of identity and personality and uniqueness existed but became far more confusing and difficult to conceptualize for the sentient toy.

“What are you?” He asked again.

“What are YOU doing?” Tyrande requested forcefully, stepping extremely close to Thrall. He made eye contact as she glared at him.

“I... Am a fleshlight.” The thing that used to be Maiev admitted indignantly. Through her sonar-like vision she was vaguely aware of a female that was getting close to the man that she was being held by. Tyrande. She remembered a reason why she should be mad as well. A time before her entire body was reduced to being three holes made for fucking. She guessed that saying so much would cost her a point and more of her sanity, so she remained quiet and careful.
“It is 'okay', Tyrande.” The way she spoke the word okay said so much about how she actually felt, but it was not enough for her to be docked another point.

“That's right, Tyrande...” Thrall uttered. He lost points as he gave in to his desire and pulled his heavy cock free.

“I'm just using this thing... I could use a bit of release. Unless you wanna take her place?” He lifted a brow at the undead elf who immediately stepped back, frowning.
“Good...” He inhaled deeply and shamelessly stuffed his soft cock into the cunt of the the fleshlight. He was still thick enough to almost stretch her out while soft, so her silicone form was absolutely at it's limit within the cylinder once he began to feel her soft insides and get hard. Her self-lubricating interior allowed his member to easily glide inside. The elves stared on in horror as, after a few thrusts his softening member grew to full length to the extent that the tip almost pushed out of Maiev's mouth. The thing that horrified them the most however was their former friend's moans and cries of pleasure. Worse than the sound was the state that Maive seemed to be in by making them. Animalistic moans that were devoid of intelligence. The only things she seemed to have to express were lust end desire for the cock that was pushing from her cunt right to the back of her mouth rapidly. The onlookers cringed as they watched Maiev's face bulge and warp in ways that only a stretchy object could. It was jarring to see.

Maiev was assaulted by the greatest feeling she had ever experienced. She had of course experienced sex in all it's pleasures. She felt orgasm and she felt the pleasant rubbing on her inner walls by a man and many, many toys when in isolation. The feel of a member on her lips and inside her mouth were not news to the ancient being. All of those things she could have taken or left alone. The fucking she was receiving from thrall made her feel her limbs again, but not in a normal sense. She was given the sense of a body just so that she could feel full, unabridged phantom pleasure in every inch of flesh that she no longer owned, as though they were all erogenous zones being pushed in by his cock. She wondered if it was really a phantom feeling, or if somehow her entire body really was stuffed and compressed inside the small cylinder. Her brain itself felt like an erogenous zone that was being rubbed and massaged, like the walls of a cunt through an anal lining as a cock ground into it roughly. There was no barrier around her mind. Her voice escaped without filter and with no ability for her to stop it. She babbled and broke down each time his tip touched her lips from the wrong side. She lost more and more points until she was reduced to barely 8, but Thrall had lost just as many to lust to the point that neither gained anything.

Tyrande would never admit how wet she was becoming at the sight of the orc pounding the sex-toy version of their former ally as though she was nothing. The same thing could happen to any of them. Shandris felt much the same way.
“We need to get out of here.” Tyrande uttered.

Oddly, Nathanos was of the same mind as well, though he felt less empathy and more fear for what could potentially happen to him or his real Dark Lady over the course of the game.




I approve heartily of forced and instantaneous transformations🥰

Tanya Wormald

Thank you. My plan was to have more of that in this series. That is what I am setting up for, anyway.