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Sadiri stared down appraisingly at the approaching horde delegation. It was a not a surprise to see them as their presence was requested. Not from them, of course. With the return of the Legion, the Alliance and Horde commanded that their people's individual garrisons work more in cooperation. Naturally her mother, the seasoned Sentinel, accepted the order dutifully, but not happily or graciously; there were quite a few insults traveling over the mail that day towards the humans that unfortunately held authority. It was always the races that held the least stakes running the negotiations and that was especially true where it concerned orcs and elves. Sadiri was no stranger to the conflict but it was a rare opportunity to taunt the greenskins up close. Her mother had begrudgingly ordered that the scouts do not engage the delegation, but she was no mere scout. The kaldorei decided that she could prepare the Horde for what to expect... And where to go. They were not at home in the forest and showed themselves to be slow and even seemed to be going a bit off course, much to her enjoyment. The girl reasoned that her mother would be mad if she witnessed it and did NOT do anything to steer them back on track.

Sadiri hopped lithely from branch to branch until she was right over them in the boughs. She identified the orc that was most likely to be the leader by process of elimination and landed beside him. Garek was not perfect so he noticed the elf too late to truly react. It was how many orcs died to the much weaker elves. Her presence startled other men surrounding him but he stared at the attractive woman and had the foresight to raise his hands preemptively so that they would hold themselves. As the orc Grunts were made to stand down their caution swapped to lust as Sadiri greeted Garek in accented common. If they wanted to meet and cooperate they would have to know it, so she hazarded a guess that he would understand her.
“You need to turn just a degree that way if you don't want to miss the Garrison.” Sadiri advised while pointing. Her rear was plump and firm while restrained by her purple-dyed leather leggings. She stood out among scouts for her raven-feathered shoulders and cloak that identified her as something just slightly... More than just any other Sentinel. The boys definitely noticed and she was too observant to not see where they were looking. Her first reaction was to turn up her nose shallowly.

Garek dusted off his common and grunted. “Thanks.” He also eyed her closely, admiring her tight body. Night elves really were something, he thought; Compared to the twig-like sin'dorei the kaldorei showed themselves to be incredibly toned, but no amount of tone could diminish their wide hips, thick thighs and full breasts. They were only highlighted when they stuffed their forms into such restrictive leather outfits like the daughter had. It was impossible not to stare.
“You sticking with us the whole way there...” He trailed off, expecting her to fill in the blank intuitively.

The girl obliged, of course. “Sadiri, and-” She thought for a moment.
“I could be convinced to offer some aid. You orcs are just so poor in the forest.” She covered her mouth to laugh mischievously. As she spoke she could not help but absorb their stares. As she did, for the first time in her life something happened. Something that was unfamiliar. It was going to her head. She had gotten looks, of course. She had been catcalled and everything under the moon one could imagine a pretty girl might experience. But those were elven and human stares; they had no depth and barely any intent. With orcs she, for the first time felt true, wild desire. It was more the fact that she could see them needing to restrain themselves. It made her feel... In power, despite the position she was in. It aroused her to see them all having to hold themselves back.

Garek also could not help himself. A cocky elf was walking right beside him like she owned the forest. He rolled his green eyes and gritted his teeth. He wanted to do so much more, but settled with a few choice words for the little scout.
“It's too bad you purple cunts are so poor when it comes to everything else.”

It was such a shock for Sadiri that she stopped and allowed the delegation to walk ahead a few steps. As she was about to be left behind Garek called back.
“What's the matter? Thought you were gonna guide us?”

Sadiri caught up quickly. “Do you know what you just said in common!?” She demanded, stomping next to him. Garek nodded and he could not help but crack a smile. He knew exactly what he said in broken common, but more to the point, he understood enough to enjoy how impossible it was to take the girl seriously with her cute accent.

“Maybe you should learn orcish? We're a bit too 'stupid' to really get common the same way you can.” Garek explained facetiously.

“I would never.” Sadiri offered pridefully. She fully turned her nose up at the offer.

“Not even a bit? You mentioned you wanted to guide us. In orcish, this is how you'd say 'I'm going to guide you all.'” Garek cleared his throat and said something in orcish. Sadiri's ears twitched, catching on the periphery that the other orcs present were restraining themselves for some reason. They had been restraining themselves from ravishing her the whole time so she did not think it odd. She considered the offer.

“That's what it means?” It was a useful phrase. She was a scout, so it was something she could potentially use in her day to day. She was proud but she was not above learning new things. Far from it. Okay... She repeated the phrase with a wide smirk before adding again in common.

The assembled orcs could no longer contain their laughter. She glanced around in confusion. “Very.” Garek claimed.

“Why are you all laughing? Is my pronunciation bad?” It was the only thing she figured it could be.

Garek smirked. “Yeah. Try and say it again. What are you gonna do for us, sweetie?”

Sadiri glared at him for calling her 'sweetie.' It was something she would only ever hear from her father. For any other man it felt extremely demeaning.
“Okay.” She relented and spoke the words in orcish again, exactly how he had said them to her. They, again, laughed. Even louder that time.
“W-what?” She blushed.
“What is it?” The girl glanced around nervously.

Garek came clean. “You just said: 'I'm going to guide your cocks into my asshole.'” He shrugged.
“Hey, can't say I'm not looking forward to it.”

Sadiri choked and coughed a little before speaking after the realization of what she said. “I- I am not! You tricked me!” her ash-colored cheeks glowed with embarrassment. She had said something so lewd to such a large group of males. Orcs, of all things. She had said it in their language and worse still, those words were written into her memory. Those first words of orcish, she felt, would stick with her. She felt like leaving quickly, but Garek spoke up to stop her.

“Gotta admit, it was a new one.”

“What was?” Sadiri slowed herself, falling back on the ball of her heel just as she was about to jump away. For some reason, as demeaning and crude as he was, there was something that drew her to him. She was never really around authoritative males. Her father was a pushover for a druid and her mother dominated most Alliance men to the point that they would not stick around. So, Garek presented as one of the few men that felt.. A bit 'much' to her.

“Convincing a dumb, purple cunt to humiliate herself in orcish without realizing. I'll have to add that one to the list of things that turns me on about you sluts.” Her jaw dropped.

Sadiri offered the man a disgusted look. “Gross!” But part of her was in agreement. The feeling after finding out what she said was extremely embarrassing, but there was another layer to it.

“You wanna learn more orcish?” He offered with a sly grin.

Sadiri gulped. “Like what?” She glanced around at all the grunts who were staring intently. She felt oddly safe. Untouchable. They were on a diplomatic mission, after all. Even their leader could not touch her and that was likely the source of his, and their frustrations. She smirked, feeling a sudden rush of power and euphoria.

Garek inhaled sharply as he saw her expression. His heart began to thump. “You're young for a night elf. You got a daddy?”

“What? A father? Yes, of course. Who doesn't?”

Garek rolled his eyes. “Is your brain mush?”

“No! I am not stupid.” Sadiri asserted.

Garek exhaled lightly through his nose. “This is how you say you have a father in orcish.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

Sadiri could guess that he fed her something lewd or ridiculous but she did not know that and in her own impish way, there was a faint bit of excitement in not knowing. She looked up at Garek and repeated back to him in orcish without any idea what she was saying.
“You are my daddy.” Garek could feel himself growing hard. The others could, as well and it was not even directed at them.
“What did I say?” She asked, switching back to common.

“Do you really wanna know?” he felt like he could read her pretty well at that point and added with a  wide smirk.
“Or do you want me to feed you more lines while you comfortably claim ignorance of what you're saying.” She blushed and nodded. He started off easy and said something simple, but very arousing to hear a kaldorei repeat. She bristled at that.

“I am not stupid. I've heard that one enough to know that it means 'for the Horde.'” The elf stuck her tongue out at the man.

“Wow, you got me. Maybe there's a tiny brain bouncing around in that skull after all.”  Garek joked.

“Is that how you have your fun? Degrading elves?”

“A bit. But I know you like it, too.” He accused.

“What?” She leaned back to show her disdain for the sheer concept.

“Doesn't matter if it's night, day, or whatever. All elves want the same thing. A big green father figure to  'teach' them how to act and what to be.”

“Oh buzz off with that nonsense.”

Garek laughs heartily. The loudness of it is enough to crack her resolve. She gulped as he spoke. “We're heading back to your people.”


“I taught you how to call me daddy.” He clarified. Sadiri gasped.

“That's what I-” He held up a finger to interrupt her.

“Does anyone else there know orcish?” She shook her head. No one else did, to her knowledge. It was a kaldorei garrison, for the most part. Most of the girls were far too proud.
“Well then.... How about you just call me daddy like that from now on. Especially around all your people.”

“Why would I do that?” She questioned angrily. As soon as she spoke he gave her rear a tap. It bounced from the impact. It was a very basic act of oppression. One that would greet death if it were performed by any other male that did not loom over her to the extent that Garek did. His physique presented an insurmountable challenge that she could never conquer alone or without ambush so she felt intimidated and from that feeling rose a primal sense of arousal.

As she seemed to be reigned in by the smack to her rear he offered another, harsher one that sent out a resonating clap. She yelped.


“Who am I?” He demanded, staring her down effectively.

Sadiri shrunk slightly beneath his gaze. “D-daddy?”

“Who are we going to meet? Who's the commander?”

“M-my Mother...” She lowered her head.

Garek laughed. “Oh? This is too perfect. Sweetheart, when you introduce me you're gonna introduce me as your daddy to your mom, alright?” Before she could speak he spoke in an authoritative tone that cut deep into any defiance she felt.
“No buts, young lady.” He leaned his face down close to hers.
“Understand?” His breath washing over her face made her dizzy.

There was no threat. No real fear of death or anything like that. What it was for Sadiri seemed more akin to fascination. All of it was surreal and none of it felt real. It felt like play when the orc threatened her, but it was a form of excitement she had never experienced before. Moreover, there was an orc standing over her, speaking to her in ways her father never dreamed of doing. The druid had never raised his voice to the powerful women of the family. He never needed to. Some part of her craved the order to reign in her chaos. The orc, as discordant as he seemed, represented pure order in an unorthodox sense. Not the boring order of her mother or the Alliance. He was a force that threatened to bind her completely. At the same time, conceding to that authority also bucked her mothers. Something she had been craving to do for a long while. The taboo was too much to resist. She fought back a smile and attempted to seem as though she was begrudgingly saying:
“Yes Daddy.”

It was embarrassing hearing the chuckles of the many orcish men all around her as she said it. They said things to each other in orcish that she obviously could not understand. Sadiri glared at Garek, asking wordlessly to know what they were saying. He took the hint.

“They're surprised how quick on the uptake you are. Most elf girls take month of training to be as desperate for attention as you are.” Garek snorted.

“I'm not!” She argued, staring back hesitantly at the few grunts taking up the rear. They were unambiguously eyeing her curves.

“It's fine. I get it. 'Mom' wouldn't be happy about you driving orc men crazy.”

“Crazy?” She perked up.

“Oh yeah, you little tease. You know we can't touch you, so you wanna drive us crazy by taunting us with your body.” He was blatantly trying to give her ideas, but she did not know that. Sadiri smirked rebelliously and began to sway her hips a bit more as she walked beside Garek.

“Oh? Does this make you  a little mad?” She asked him.

“Very.” Garrek grinned.

“With less clothes you'd put us in a state.”

“Oh?” She lifted a long brow.

“I'd say a pretty elf in the right dress could probably take on a whole squad of orcs on her own.” He offered, trying to hide just how suggestive his statement was.

“I definitely could.” Sadiri winked.



I like this. I can see Garrek taking his time over a few weeks to teach Sadiri orcish. Garrek is so smart and conniving I am sure he could convince Sadiri's mom that he would reluctantly take on the hard task to teach Orcish to Sadiri so she could be the translator for future interactions and resolving miscommunications. He might even tell the Horde to pretend to know very little common and instigate amusing miscommunications with the elves.