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“You shouldn't, either.” Jeane was annoyed to hear that, but ultimately you were her one life-line. Ironically the power dynamic had changed fairly significantly in one direction, but your point still stood.
“You know I'm right. Or, you should. How can you be so simple? Your superior is where you want to be and that guy has literally no ethical compass at all, right?”

She was hesitant to agree but ultimately conceded with a nod. “That is... True.”

“Is there anyone you know in the school that actually holds these weird standards? Who taught you that you had to restrict yourself based on some arbitrary, counter-intuitive rules?”

Jeane shook her head and stared at you incredulously. “I learned from my mentor, but they are long dead.”

“So what's the point?”

“The point is to have some baseline level of decency and virtue that extends beyond simple moralization. Ethics aren't rules, they beget rules. They are foundational. I would deny a rule if it defied my ethics, for example.”

“No you wouldn't.” You stated bluntly.

“Yes I would!” Jeane stomped her foot and was fully intent on staring you down.

“I absolutely would. That is why I refused your advances.”

“Until I presented you with an alternative...”

She unclenched her fists and recoiled at that. “Well-”

“Even before that, you were being harassed by your superior but you were also fully intent on riding him to the top, right? So how's that different from breaking your ethics?”

“You- It-” She scoffed.

“You have a simplistic viewpoint. First of all, I am not perfect.”

You lifted a skeptical brow at her and crossed your arms. “To what extent did you think you weren't perfect before you needed that argument?”

She gritted her teeth and paused to think for a few seconds before responding with. “L... ess.”

“So, to be clear, you have ethics that are important, but mostly just where it concerns saving your position. Based off your own description, what you had weren't ethics, they were rules you called ethics to comfort yourself.”

“That is not-” You held up a finger to halt her protests.

“Because you go along with things when they keep you in the position you are in, or have a chance at elevating your status. However, when I make advances that have uncertain benefits or consequences you deny them based on ethics. So what I'm thinking is that you probably had real ethics and principles at one point, but your mentor went away and nobody in authority here actually cares, otherwise you would have some other options. The only currency up here is power, even for the faculty, so how about both of us stop pretending that we are good, moral people?” It frustrated you to see someone as Talented as Jeane being held back by something so silly. Her rules lead her both to being caught in another man's trap, and to denying your advances.

“You want me to be bad, is that it?” Jeane sneered.

“That sounds pretty good, yeah.”

“Gods!” she threw her hands up.
“Why don't I just prove every single stereotype held about my people?”


“I suppose it does not matter, since siding with you means my blackmail material is very likely going public within the school.” She opened a small chest on her desk and found a patch of coarse cloth. She then opened a strong-smelling jar of clear liquid and dipped the cloth inside.

“Are you... Going to poison me with that?”

“Shut up.” Her voice was like a whip. Jeane ran the dipped cloth over her face. It left behind it a trail of pale, ash-hued skin. You had no idea what that meant. It baffled you.

“Y-yeah. I know you wear makeup, Jeane. I thought it was obvious? I think... I think everyone knows that. It's not blackmail. Are you serious?” You tried not to laugh.

“Are YOU serious!” She shouted angrily.
“For gods sake just get out for five minutes!” She shoved you continuously until you were pushed completely out of the office. The door was slammed behind you.

Once you heard the door latch you came face to face with Merit and Esther and their innocent act would almost be convincing if not for Aiden standing and covering his eyes. Merit jabbed her elbow into his side painfully as Esther kicked his shin. The boy yelped.
“Oww-Oh! Hello. I wasn't watching.” He stated bashfully.

“I believe you.” You said truthfully, turning your gaze on the other two. You could not bring yourself to be mad at them for doing what you had already done a few different times. It was to be expected at that point. You looked to Merit, who winked and offered you a subtle sign of approval with her hands by joining her thumb and forefinger into an 'ok' sign. You then glanced down at Esther, who obviously had something to say.

“Ethics are important! Morals and principles shouldn't be broken. If we don't have our moral underpinnings to keep us all in check then literally anything goes! What's to stop her from betraying us after you convince her to lose her morals?”

You considered the point carefully, then casually retorted. “For someone that cares about ethics, you are pretty nasty and amoral.” Merit cackled at that. Aiden nodded subtly behind both of them in agreement. Esther's eye twitched as she offered you an unimpressed look.

“MY morals and ethics allow quite a bit of freedom in how I am able to approach problems. It's the goblin way.” That held, based off of what you had gathered about her so far. You guessed it was how she simultaneously came off as quite conservative and moralistic, while also being extremely opportunistic.

Still cackling, merit nodded and added. “Yes, mine as well! Might Makes Right.” You noted that her ethos was also very appropriate to how she had treated everything so far, though even you could see how easily exploitable that ethical groundwork was. You wondered if she had truly had to bounce off of someone stronger than her in the school yet.

Aiden quietly added. “I think it's important to have strong moral bindings. If you leave cracks in your foundational beliefs, people will just use them to make whatever exceptions they want while still attempting to consider themselves 'moral.' Inconsistencies, exceptions, excuses. The most important thing is just to at least be even and consistent. Even someone really immoral could still be reliable and trustworthy if they are consistent.” As he said that, surprisingly both Merit and Esther seemed to agree with that statement.

“You're saying that Jeane might act unpredictably?”

Before any of them could answer their eyes widened. The door shot open behind you and you were pulled suddenly into the office by an unseen force. It quickly shut and locked. You were turned and almost not able to fully take in and process what you were seeing. Gradually your eyes adjusted. Jeane's true tone when not covered in thick clothes and layers of makeup was ash-gray. Her hair had been let down to fall around her shoulders and it's color, and  the color of her eyes were the same jet-black tone you remembered. You were able to take in her skin-tone fully because she was scantily dressed in a thong with a loose cloth covering that fell down to her knees, and a thin cloth covering held up by strings that covered her chest like a small sheet. She wore heeled sandals with straps that wrapped all around her calves to secure them. Jeane held out her arms in a revelatory gesture that just screamed 'ta-dah.'

“May as well embrace the stereotype if it's out in the open.”

“What stereotype? Elf?”

She rolled her eyes and leaned her head back. She looked more exhausted than usual by your ignorance.
“I am a dark elf.” You gasped facetiously.
“That's ri-”

“I kind of know what that is, but not really. It's a demonic race? I never really paid much attention to that stuff.”

“Oh for-” Her shoulders slumped.

“Yes. You gathered the important details. I am a dark elf. A member of a demonic race of elves that exist in the far north.”

“Okay.” You nodded slowly.
“I understand why the kingdom people would hold it against you.” The kingdom had been in a cold war with Demonkine for at least a hundred years. Poren, too. Revealing herself was a good way to alienate herself from both humans and elves, for the most part. Thankfully, if what she was saying held true then she could still advance while being out in the open, she would just need the clout from training you.
“I don't really care about that sort of thing. In fact, I think it's interesting.”

“Oh.” She looked vaguely touched.

“So I don't really get the stereotypes, either. I don't know any of them.”

She counted down on her fingers as she spoke. “Dark elves are said to be conniving, evil, lustful, ambitious, natural magicians, natural viziers and of course... Submissive accomplices, Inept magicians that rely on natural gifts, Greedy, Slutty, and evil and duplicitous.”

“That's a lot of contradictory information and you said a few of those twice.”

“When people are trying to slander you, you will find that you are an extremely competent, dangerous threat that needs to be dealt with, while simultaneously being the dim, inferior being that others can feel like they are inherently better than.”

“Sounds like some deep, deep psychosis.”

She nodded and waved her hand, as though waving those thoughts away to the corner of the room. “Anyway, I am not dim, but I am a threat. I can be. I don't believe that being gifted means you are somehow less than a natural person. You should believe that too.” She stared at you closely for any sign of disagreement. You truly did not disagree, so she nodded with satisfaction.
“Good. You were right. It feels good to just... Drop pretenses, you know? Morals and ethics?” She waved, signaling goodbye to those things. She hopped up and slid back onto her desk, then spread her legs. Jeane bit her lip as the corners of her mouth curled up impishly. Her hands both slipped between her legs, one pulling aside her coverings while the other spread her ash-colored nethers. Oddly, despite the shift in color you could still see everything was mostly the same and she certainly still showed shining, glistening arousal in a 'normal' fashion. She began masturbating without any care that you, her student, was standing right in front of her and you could not get over how arousing that was. She still spoke as though nothing was happening, except her voice was labored my moans and the occasional gasp.
“From my limited understanding dark elves serve as second to Demonkine nobility. Demon kings and princes and princesses. They loyally serve their dark... Masters over their long lives. Scheming and running things secretly from the background.” Her eyes rolled back as she found a spot that brought her a particular amount of pleasure.
“Oh... God...” She quickly remembered herself, however and centered her inconsistent gaze on you.
“So as a 'dark elf' I need a 'dark D-daddy' to devote myself to!” As she said daddy her voice cracked, her face twisted in embarrassment and the overall facade broke a little to show that she was just trying on an act. She was trying very hard, by the looks of things, but it was not truly her. Nobody could change so easily in such a short time. She continued, ignoring the slip.

“I will raise you into the best mage this world has ever seen, given your trait. You will be unstoppable and no one will deny my tutelage!” She was panting, both from the speech and the fact that she was furiously pushing her fingers into her cunt and around her clit just moments ago. Shamefully she looked at you.
“I... Do not think I can cum without tools or assistance.” She admitted.



God damn it I want her to be honest, not drop one facade and immediately pick up a different one