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“He promised 'her' I liked... Draenei women?” Yrel did like draenei women. It was just that she liked them about as much as anyone else. There was very little attraction. Though, looking at the former Commander in the state she was in after the stable master officially changed her specialization did stir something in the Exarch. She had yet to see someone that had their service tree fully filled out. The Commander happened to have a lot of points available. As Leti explained there was a branching talent in the tree half-way down that allowed them to retain their intelligence and their bipedal status on one side. That was not the side that was chosen. Yrel covered her mouth and stifled a chuckle as 'Bessy' tried in vain to bring her two front hooves up to her engorged tits. The hampered cow pushed them together at the sides in an attempt to squeeze any milk out but all it served to do was provide a very amusing picture. A woman with hooves for hands and stupid look on her face pushing her udder-like breasts together with her altered wrists.

“Stop trying to do that.” Leti warned.
“These cows still require training, which is a little wild, but they're super docile and easy to manage.”

“I think it's just that her 'udders' are so sore.” Yrel commented. She was mostly amused because it was the terrible Commander that had been put in such a position. For any other draenei she wondered if she would feel any different to see them in such a state but in her mind she knew that she was in the same boat. She was also an animal, just a different class of animal. Chaz wanted her to be able to think and act and that was what she was used to. She had no idea what she would do if she was expected to take the same place as Bessy down in the stable.

“That's true.” The stable-master knew it. Bessy had increased milk production to the point that she was more efficient than animals that had been selectively bred for generations to perform the same task. Just like the branching path in tenacity, her intelligence had been reduced just enough that she could barely fight her oppressors, but ultimately the other talents she was given made her so horny and needy that it was basically impossible for her to think her way out of an unlocked room. As Bessy tried in vain to milk herself again Leti sighed and pulled her down flat onto her hooves again by her bell and snapped at her.
“Listen! You get milked twice a day! If you're good... Until we get milking machines that's as good as it gets!” She knew Bessy could understand. Hence the sudden obedience in response to the 'if she was good' warning.

“Milking machines?” Yrel looked at the stable-master curiously.

“Master Chaz said that he'd ideally like to start a more industrial operation now that the Garrison is under control.”

“If that is useful.” Yrel shrugged. She was not one to deny his plans. The Garrison had become easy to control after the commander went AWOL. She was the next in command by default so she could run things however she liked. The guards were rotated into draenei peacekeepers and the buildings were in the process of being repurposed as per the goblins designs. The only thing Yrel requested was that the forge remain in tact. She was planning to implant her artifact inside to create something akin to an assembly line for converting her people into their true state.

“Speaking of useful.” Leti's shoulder's slumped.
“I think I'm being replaced.” The girl was pouting.

“What do you mean? You have been extremely useful.”

Leti smiled weakly. “I appreciate you saying that, but Master has been bringing in more goblins and one of them is a stable-master, like me.”

“That is good news!” Yrel clapped her hands together once and nodded in approval. Leti looked up in surprise at the Exarch.


“You are positive there is a replacement for you available?” Yrel needed to make sure. It would have been a mistake to do what she intended without knowing there was someone that could do what Leti could do.

“Well... Yes? I believe so. He already began training the 'scholar' for something. It's to the point that she barely even-” Leti did not get to finish what she was saying before Yrel pressed two fingers firmly to the stable-master's forehead. Her eyes crossed as she looked up with a worried expression.
“W-wait! I thought-” She shuddered as Yrel closed her eyes and focused. Leti was fearful at first but felt more and more serene as her soul, her proof of existence as a sentient being was slowly crushed, compacted, then finally obliterated in a wash of light. All the was left was a faint glowing feeling inside. Her mind was intact but she felt different. The girl looked down at her hands and turned them over to view them from her new perspective; as an animal.

“You thought what? This is our natural state. With this we can not be corrupted by the legion and our partners will cover every weakness we have.” Yrel explained.

“Exactly!” Came a small voice from the corner of the room. The goblin looked similar to Chaz. Most did. It was difficult to pick out the precise features on their tiny green faces.
“You're a smart one, aren't you? Aren't you?” The man offered Yrel encouragingly.

She smiled widely and bowed her head. “I am, thank you.”

“I'm Laz. Chaz's cousin.”

“Oooh, you are related?” She was happy to be dealing with a relative of her master. The feeling was akin to a dog figuring out which humans were friends with their owner. Once she knew, she knew who she could treat loyally.

“Yeah, of course. We don't trust risky secret jobs to non-family.”

“I am at your service, then. Leti mentioned you were training our scholar?”

“The girl had been a bit wild. I think a pet that trains the stable-master is probably a bad look so I had to take the reins. I was just back there doing a little theory-crafting to figure out the best use for the gal. I found the best template...” He opened his taming manual to the middle and looked up at the freshly squashed Leti standing dumbfounded over him.
“And...” He began rapidly applying points to her in ways Yrel obviously could not see.

“Boom. The perfect foot soldier.” Before Yrel's eyes, after he said that she was able to watch Leti rapidly grow in size and strength. At the same time her lips widened into a pleased smile and the light of intelligence and comprehension faded from her eyes. Her tail elongated and just like with the scholar a pair of very functional wings sprouted from her back. She looked like an uncorrupted eredar in stature and tone. Her breasts were heavy but remained perky. Her hips had a subtle curve and her belly was muscular.

“What did you do? It looks similar to the scholar's transformation.” Yrel commented curiously, circling the woman.

“Oh, I had to move stuff around for her, too.” He stated. The goblin was very excited to explain himself.
“I do this all the time. We figure out the best spec down to the point and apply it like a template or a 'cookie-cutter' to others. It takes all the thought out of raising your pets. It's great!” He looked up into Yrel's eyes and saw a woman that could not even begin to understand what he was talking about.
“Anyway! Yeah, Cunning is looking really good for the most part when it comes to making fighters. Tenacity is the mount and pack-animal tree but there's a few tanking and other useful points. Service is basically just the fun stripper, hooker, maid tree. Can't say I've seen that on any other 'animal' but it's nice. There's like... A few points there where we can make something happen.”

“Wait... You are using other trees? You can do that?”

“Of course, hon. Let me guess. When you're training you put everything into the same area without thinking about it?” Yrel nodded.
“That sounds  about right. You could probably use a respec, too.” He dug into his bag and found a choker. He had to climb up Leti's body to reach her neck. He did not have much trouble because she was solid and there was a lot to grab onto. While bracing his feet on her hips he clasped the choker and locked it tightly. It looked uncomfortably tight, like Leti would constantly be reminded of it's presence on her.

“What is this?”

“An equipment manager. Smart people use it to change their armor really fast but most people are too stupid to know it exists. I pre-loaded it with all the best gear for each slot for what we want to use these girls for.” After tapping the choker skimpy armor appeared all over Leti's body. Her belly remained revealed and her breasts had barely anything aside from some pasties but she had armguards and legguards and her clawed hands wore intimidating gauntlets. The choker had become thicker with spikes and her eyes were completely covered by a sleek metal visor. He hopped around to climb into a back-pack that looked like it was build as a pilot seat.
“Flying mount!” He uttered as Leti began to flap her wings, allowing her to easily hover a foot off the ground in the small space.

Yrel coughed and covered her eyes as the flapping stirred up hay and dust. “Ugh... W- Stop!” The former stable-master landed.
“What is the thing that makes your cookie... Thing so good? Is it the flying?” It did seem useful. She would have liked to be able to fly, she thought.

“There's a lot of very small details that add to a whole. We stacked intelligence reductions from tenacity and service until they're completely incapable of independent thought, but those increase their stats exponentially. We avoid the ground mount talents but take a lot of tanking stuff then fully fill out cunning to give them wings and really good pvp potential.”

“Pee vee-”

“Person versus Person, for the dumb broad.”

“Thank you.” Yrel appreciated it.
“So... Leti is-”

“Completely gone.” He stated proudly.
“I'm calling them by numbers to make it easier. This one's M2.” He pointed down to a tattoo above her pubic area with the letter and number, then turned her so that her tramp-stamp with the same was also visible.


“Oh yeah. Her brain is the size of a talbuk's. There's no amount of respecing that can bring back all that she lost so she's basically permanently brain dead.” He raised a finger.

“But..?” For the first time, Yrel was faintly uncomfortable.

“Since it can be a bit hard to handle for the moral sorts, we add a few voice lines to give the illusion of sentience. We train them to speak the same few phrases over and over again, basically.”

M2 opened her mouth to speak. “I love fighting.” She giggled happily.
“Put me to work, Master! In ANY way you wish....” She begged sensually.
“Is there something you need?” He kept poking her.
“What is it? I am happy to serve.” He poked her more, causing her to repeat a few. He looked to Yrel and grinned.

“I added a secret. If you have her cycle through all of them she says a secret phrase.”

Yrel blinked. It was surreal even for her. She waited and listened. After a few more seconds of poking M2 moaned lewdly.
“Please poke me more...”

“Just a little Nobelgarden egg. Anyway, yeah. They're perfect pets. If you want I'll ask Chaz about applying the template to you.” He offered cheerily.

“Oh... Perhaps. There is much work to do.” Yrel was hesitant to take on such a template.

“I think we can take it from here. I'll ask him when he has time.” Laz swung off the saddle.
“M2, tit-fuck.” She moved her hands to act as a seat that allowed him to slide down, straddle her chest as she was standing and push his erect member up between her exposed tits. He grunted.
“Honestly, these are great for relieving stress, too. Perfect... Just perfect.” He gave a few more thrusts before weakly squirting white seed over M2's gently smiling lips. She casually licked around them. Yrel gulped and made her way out of the stable to find Chaz.


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