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Tyrande was already down a few points and Nathanos had not even taken the truly malicious route with her. She was at 16 simply from getting far too deep into her own head over the changes that occurred. The sex was a big part of it. She also could no longer tell if she thought he was attractive because of the spell that was placed on her, or because he simply had a chiseled jawline, a smooth voice and a generally masculine way about him. Tyrande slapped her cheek as she caught herself fantasizing. She did not think much of it, but the feeling in her cheek had somewhat dulled since she was first placed in her costume.
“Are you very much done, My Lady?” Nathanos questioned, fastening his pants. She may have been imagining it, but there was almost a faint tint of affection in his neutral monotone.

“Yes, Nathanos.” She offered with her own ghostly tone. Nathanos was also in dire straits. He had indulged too much before he knew the rules. He did not fight back the feelings of attraction towards the priestess wearing the guise of his Dark Lady. It was purely for the sake of turning her, but the result was the same regardless of his intent. He was feeling something for her and he was reduced to 19 points.

“Are we going to bicker now that we know the rules, and trade points by calling each other out in a race to the bottom, my Queen?” He mused sardonically.

The benefit of wearing Sylvanas's guise for Tyrande was that she could manage an amount of venom in her tone so easily that she would otherwise have to conjure from a particularly hateful place.
“Why no, Nathanos... I do not think that would be wise.” She answered with bitterness underlying her mock sweetness.
“But thank you for pointing out the obvious.”

The man rubbed his beard and looked her over as she spoke those words so much like the Sylvanas he knew.
“Oh priestess, you make being a bitch sound quite natural. Do you even have to try?”

“When I look at you, rage and spite both come so easily.” She offered genuinely. Nathanos did not react. Not normally. He kept a neutral expression and stepped towards Tyrande. Once he had backed her against the wall he pressed his hand beside her head and leaned in to kiss her aggressively. To his surprise she fought back, not to push him off but to make it an even exchange. She kissed back, sliding her tongue past his as it forced between her lips. Neither had to gasp nor breath as they mutually broke the long kiss.
“Do you two do this often?” Tyrande asked, affection leaking into her voice.

Nathanos's brows lifted. He did not not wish to answer and was given a convenient diversion. “Your number decreased.”

Tyrande looked up. “Yours, too.” They stood there for a while, still far too close. Neither of them truly cared in that moment.

“Mother?” Shandris stood in the doorway with another familiar figure, Maiev. The General was looking on in terror and disgust while the Warden just seemed amused with the way her helm was cocked slightly. Tyrande quickly pushed Nathanos off, but did not have to push hard because he stepped back readily as the two entered the room uninvited.
“The 'Dark Sentinels' said you were in here.” Shandris explained awkwardly. Shandris's number was 19 while Maiev's was still at 20.

If Tyrande could blush she would have. The woman cleared her throat. “We were... Arguing.”

“We could see that.” Maiev nodded.

Shandris was similar to Tyrande. Her skin was pale and devoid of life and her pupils glowed red. The Sentinel General's purple hair and grown darker, but retained the same fullness it had before. She wore a long, dark cloak with black feathers. Beneath it could be seen similar attire to Tyrande's, which was essentially just a bikini.
“Well, at least you have a cloak that can wrap around the indecent clothes you were given.” Tyrande commented as she looked over Maiev. Very little had changed with her. Her armor had a faint green tint to it, but looked no different other than that. It was full plate and the woman even retained her mask and long green cloak.
“Why are you allowed to wear clothes?” Tyrande questioned indignantly.

Maiev paused for a moment, then responded simply. “Just... 'Lucky' I suppose.” The woman seemed hesitant to say the word lucky and Tyrande was perceptive enough to pick up on that but decided to leave it.

“Well, Mother.” Shandris began with some difficulty do to the fact that she was still getting over what she saw.
“With the two girls outside and you we have five, so...” She stared daggers at Nathanos.

“Ah, how devious.” Nathanos nodded, understanding the implication immediately.
“I approve.” He offered a nod to Tyrande.
“Go on, then.” He did not particularly mind. He was outnumbered and in hostile company if he forced his way into their group.

As Nathanos waved a hand at her to leave she felt hesitant. A big part of her no longer wished to leave him. A bigger part of her, however, still remembered why she despised him and began leaving with the two women. Still, there was a pit in her stomach as she began walking out. Nathanos followed them, at least to the hall.

The five, including the two Sentinels, grouped up outside the room. “We have five, demon!” Tyrande called out. As soon as she said that Jaina appeared behind the group, causing all assembled except for the two Sentinels and Nathanos to jump. She inspected everyone curiously, then shook her head. A sly smirk was present on her lips.

“No.” The mage said smugly.

“What do you mean no?” Maiev uttered in frustration.

“You have three members and two 'Cast Members.'” Jaina informed, pointing out the two Sentinels. They all began to remember the spiel.

“Those with weak wills... They likely lost most of their points immediately.” Shandris observed.

“It stands to reason, ladies, that many of our guards are already out of the game. Just 'important' characters left.” He looked up at Jaina.
“Right, witch?”

“It's funny that you think you're important.” Jaina offered coyly before disappearing. Those that were left behind stared at each other.

“So it looks like we will have to welcome Nathanos back into the group.” Tyrande tried to sound disappointed as she said that, but she was quite pleased by the technicality that allowed it to happen.
“We need one more.”

“If you'll have me, we can be full and hopefully be done with this quickly.” Came a deep voice from further down the hall. Everyone turned to look. A tall orc male with brown skin and dark hair in locks emerged from around the corner. The elves squinted, as to them all orcs looked somewhat alike. Nathanos was the first to notice.

“Who- Wait... Thrall? You were not in attendance.” Nathanos noted.

“I was not.” He took heavy steps towards the group.
“The magic my former friend is abusing seems to be growing stronger.” Thrall pointed to the two Sentinels.
“I believe that it may be connected with how many have already fallen, but it is impossible to be certain.”

Tyrande gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. “I am noticing with increasing frequency that some...” She looked to Maiev, then to thrall and Nathanos.
“Are far better off with their costumes than others.”

Thrall stared down at his uncorrupted skin. He huffed lightly. “The true damage that this spell does is in the alteration that it makes to history.” There was some shame in his tone as he said that. He was thinking back to the page that he was given when he was teleported into the space at the start of the game.

“Oh? And what does Thrall have to be ashamed of in this reality?” Maiev probed inquisitively.

The orc grunted. “Does it matter? We form our group and complete the challenge.” He waded into the center of them and lifted his chin. Tyrande had to admit, Thrall was a born leader even in different realities, even in situations like this. She found herself drawn to his words, though she knew that it may have simply been because in this reality he was her Warchief.
“The most important thing in this challenge is that we do not turn on each other! We need to work together and avoid bringing others down. Only then will we be able to escape this game.”

The image of Jaina appeared behind the group. “As everyone seems to have completed the easy part of the game and found a group we will now proceed to the next stage. You all have 24 hours to raise your individual point totals to 20. Those who are below 20 after that point will immediately 'lose' and become members of the cast. If you are already at 20 you must be feeling very comfortable.” Thrall and Maiev exchanged a glance.
“However, know that if your group does not have 5 members by the end of this round and if you end with less than three-out-of-five passing your entire group will lose.” There was a malicious glee in her tone as she added.
“By my estimation... All of the assembled players in all of the groups have lost points to the point that only three groups are able two make it past tomorrow. Mathematically.”

“Losing means becoming completely absorbed into this reality. Like them.” Shandris gulped, looking to the two Dark Sentinel women.

“Good luck!” With that Jaina disappeared.

* *

The group began exploring the mansion together and found it to be a labyrinth on the inside. Despite the confusing corridors, they found through persistence that the walls and doors and passages did not change. There was consistency. It was likely that other groups and 'cast' were scattered around at far corners and that their groups were more or less decided upon at the start of the game by proximity. As they walked Shandris spoke to Tyrande quietly.
“Are you breathing, Mother?”

“I... Of course I am.” Tyrande thought it was a strange question. She was not really dead. She felt the rise and fall of her chest and their air moving in and out of her lungs.

“Stop.” Nathanos advised curiously. He was far more invested in seeing just how deep the costume was.

“Stop... Breathing?” Tyrande questioned indignantly.

“Hold your breath.” Nathanos offered the same sentiment, just with kinder phrasing.

As the three of them walked Tyrande made an effort to stop breathing as Nathanos stared with interest and Shandris looked on with worry. The General had already felt the truth and was hoping that it would be different with her Mother. Tyrande waited patiently for her lungs to scream out for breath, to convulse and force air into them on reflex. The feeling never came. Tyrande came to the conclusion after not breathing that it was simply her instinct to try and breath to feel normal. She did not have to and her heartbeat that she thought was just subtle was actually not at all present.
“This is impossible” Tyrande whispered.
“She- She killed us as part of her game?”

“Maybe we can go back to normal once it's over?” Shandris said hopefully.

“If you are truly undead I pity you.” Nathanos chimed in with a cold, yet somehow comforting appeal.
“But... It has yet to be seen if this is reversible.”

Thrall and Maiev walked together a bit further back. “You look far too downtrodden for someone who is now uncorrupted, orc.”

“Do you think it's as simple as who we appear to be?”

Maiev nodded. “It's as you said. The backstories seem to matter.”

Thrall looked down in thought as he read into what she was saying. “You aren't with them in the scenario you were given, were you?”

Maiev stopped, shaking slightly. As Thrall looked back at her she lifted her helmet to reveal bright red lips, sharp canines and pink-ish skin. She was very much not dead, but he could feel something else on her as she showed the lower half of her face. It made his heart race. As the three were distracted up ahead he grabbed her by her thin arm and swung her neatly into an open room nearby. Her helm flew off of her head and landed nearby with a thud. The woman fell onto her back and stared up with glowing green eyes.
“Ironic, isn't it?” She said, rubbing her head.
“I think they all are meant to be somewhat ironic...” On either side of her head were short, cute curved horns. She still had the long pointed ears that were a trademark of her kind but her features were demonic and more akin to a succubus. She did not notice how heavily Thrall was breathing as he entered the room after her. As she was sitting up Maiev added.
“Azshara is both kind and unkind to those who opposed her, according to my 'history.'”

Without her cloak surrounding her form Thrall could see that there were more changes to her armor than one would notice as just a glance. For one, her plate boots were molded around a pair of hooves. Her body was a bit more curvy and less muscular, as well. He could tell by the thicker outline of the plate.
“Listen, I know what it looks like, but I am not with Jaina.”

“I don't care.” Thrall tore at Maiev's breastplate, revealing heavy, pressed-together breasts that were restrained by the armor. The plate that he tore off simply hid her cleavage. Both of them were left with a  conundrum as a point was lost from each of them at the same time. Thrall because he lost control at the sight of a demon and immediately drew out his mammoth of a member. Maiev, because the moment she saw that member a strange combination of hormones were released into her brain that were so unfamiliar that she did not even think to resist. The 'Warden' licked her lips and leaned up as she drooled very intentionally into her cleavage. Smoothly she gripped Thrall's cock at the base just as he was starting to resist his urges. She was still under the influence and guided the tip of his cock between her cleavage. It only took her one or two long strokes where her entire body moved to allow Thralls cock to slide deep between her breasts, then back; after those few pulls she realized what she was doing. Unfortunately for her she realized while his hardening member was balls deep between her breasts.

Maiev looked up awkwardly. “I... Am sorry...” She raised her hands and puffed her chest out.

Thrall blushed as well and took a step back to allow his heavy cock to slip free of her tight cleavage. “M-me too... Something just came over me and now look that that. We're down two points...”



Neck and neck