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“It's uncanny, isn't it? Maybe it's a blessing in disguise.” Valeera preened at a frustrated Sylvanas's long, luxurious golden hair.

“How do you feel, sister? A bit more lively?” Vareesa questioned, only half-joking.

“Shut up. Shut up!” Sylvanas snapped at her sisters. Her voice did not escape in a ghostly echo, but a lively tone that almost cracked as she used it. The elf cleared her throat and stared at herself in the mirror in thought.

“This is no joking matter. I do not think that our good 'friend' was wearing a costume at this point. Either that, or the real mage is elsewhere.”

“Still, what's with these costumes? We're not Night Elves.” Valeera picked at the hem of her gown. All three of the girls were dressed in something akin to what the High Priestess would have been seen in most often. They would have liked to claim that it was not built practically, but Tyrande proved that wrong by defeating an entire forsaken army in the tiny dress that Sylvanas was placed into. For that reason, Sylvanas in particular had no issues with it for that reason. Instead, the troubling nature of it was the way in which it was not the same as the ensemble she remembered.

“Humiliation.” Sylvanas answered simply. For one, the gown was tighter and contained quite a few more 'windows' to Sylvanas's rejuvenated peach skin; in particular there was a large window into her cleavage that left little to the imagination. The hem of the gown fell just a few inches above where it should comfortably sit on the woman's thighs. Luckily or unluckily, Sylvanas's legs were not bare and instead donned silky white stockings and garters up to the point in which the gown lacked length. Her heels were raised uncomfortably high, which usually would not be a problem except that she was not wearing boots, but sandals that provided some risk of rolling or slipping. Looking over to her sisters, they wore similar outfits in light blue for Vareesa and Green for Valeera.
“It's humiliation, or temptation, or... Something.” Sylvanas argued, partially with herself. She leaned closer to the mirror and pulled at her eyelids to inspect her beautiful, blue Iris's.

“If this is an illusion, I don't feel anything about it. There's no way to counter it or remove it.” Vareesa observed. Sylvanas trusted her sister's judgment when it came to magic for various reasons. Her marriage to a powerful and important mage, her place of residence being the magical city and her seat adjacent to the most important magical council in Azeroth.

“I agree, and to build off that point, sister...” Valeera paused, obviously a bit emotional.
“You feel positively... Alive.” Sylvanas was taken aback by that statement. She felt it, for sure. She felt the sting of cold air pushing through the open door and the warmth of the candle that illuminated the mirror. The warmth from her skin, as well, and the general movement of organs in her body. She trusted her own senses in this matter but most importantly, her sister's were unmatched and required due respect. She was possible the greatest ranger to ever live. She lost no pride in admitting that to herself.

“We shouldn't jump to conclusions.” Sylvanas urged. She inhaled deeply. Even she had to consciously stop herself from being taken in by her own voice. It was a sound that she had not truly heard in a long time.
“Whatever is happening can not be assumed to be to our benefit.”

“Oh, but it is.” Jaina said frankly before clearing her throat. The sisters turned to see an illusory representation of the mage in her 'costumed form. Her thick tail swung back and forth where she stood. The woman was a full eight feet tall, like a draenei and struck the imposing silhouette of a dreadlord, of all things. It drove the sister's suspicion through the roof.
“But I need to speak more generally to all my guests. This space is not created using any magic you know of. Any of you. These 'costumes' you are wearing are all very much real and you'll find yourself quickly running out of skin if you start peeling, so don't try.”

Valeera stepped around the illusion. “Seems like she's projecting herself to everyone. She isn't speaking to us specifically, except for that one statement.”

“Agreed. Now pipe down.” Sylvanas crossed her arms. Her ears twitched trying to listen.

Jaina continued talking while the sisters bickered. “-grateful. But I digress. The point of tonight is to play a bunch of little games. You have all been given your roles and I am sure you will have found that some of the more...” She grinned widely, showing of glistening, sharp fangs. “Weak-willed individuals will have already started taking those roles very, very seriously.”

Vareesa shook her head and whispered. “What happened to her? This isn't Legion magic..”

“It's not Void or Light.” Valeera added.

Sylvanas did not shush either of them, because those details were helpful in figuring out what was going on. There was an unknown force at work, she decided as Jaina continued her ramblings unabated.

“Those people that have 'lost' that sense of who they were have also lost the right to be players in these games, though they will unintentionally help out in the form of  'characters'  to be used for story-telling purposes.” Jaina waved her clawed hand dismissively.
“I will adjust their personalities and goals as needed. But you all don't care about that. What you care about are the rules. Staying in character is as important as remembering who you 'are.' Feel free to try and keep your sanity however you choose, but know that the moment you stop remembering for good you will join my 'cast.' You will find hints on how to act in character within your own mind. Feel free to indulge in that part of it as much as you like, but remember that if you lose sight of who you really are, you lose.” She covered her mouth and giggled.
“Now here is the kicker... If you catch someone acting out of character you are justified in stealing a point from them.” The mage snapped her fingers, causing a number to appear above each sister's head. All of them were above 18.
“The points represent the percentage of your original thoughts that you retain. You may have already lost a few without knowing... Indulging in your character without thinking will naturally allow those thoughts to prevail. On top of that, when you are docked a point some part of you will immediately switch over for good.”

Vareesa muttered. “We lose points for following the rules, then.”

“Only if you are weak.” Sylvanas commented. She felt the pull, but found it easy to resist. The object was to appear outwardly to be playing along while keeping a handle on their thoughts internally. It was simple, by her standards. As an undead she would have had an inherent advantage, but that advantage was lost.

“Can we regain points?” Valeera whispered to the others.

“You can regain points by calling out others accurately, but be aware that if you falsely accuse another they will immediately steal a point from you.” Valeera jumped as Jaina answered that question quickly.

“Can she hear us?”

“I was not talking to you, I was talking to my friend the Prince.” Jaina claimed derisively. She stuck out her long tongue at the elf.
“But those are just the rules. Every game has goals and objectives. The first goal of the game is simply to be in a group with five other players. That is all! If you need anything, read a book or something.” With that the demonic image of Jaina disappeared.

“We already have three.” Valeera cheered.

“I doubt any of us will call each other out, as well.” Vareesa stated while looking questioningly at Sylvanas. The elf bristled at the fact that both of her sisters stared at her when that was said.

“It does not benefit us to call each other out at all.” Sylvanas sighed.
“However, as much as I hate to admit it we need to act our parts, lest we leave ourselves open. Even if we choose our party wisely we could be under observation.”

Valeera slapped Sylvanas on the back, sending the girl forward. “I knew your paranoia would come in handy for something!” She leaned back and lifted a hand to her chin in thought.
“So we are...”

The three of them stared down at the collective pieces of paper that they had read and tossed onto the table.
“The Whisperwind Sisters...” Sylvanas choked out the words indignantly. In the warped reality the pages presented them with, the Highborne Empire was still alive in Kalimdor and across all of Azeroth, ruled by Azshara. With the Kaldorei being exiled along with the Legion after Azshara's victory the elves lost their worship of Elune completely. Those who wished to stay in tune with spirituality began taking power from the sun. Their bodies changed over time. Their skin became lighter and their eyes more blue to reflect their dual magical and spiritual nature.

“Not going to lie, sisters. If the Legion is kicked out and the old gods lost an army, even if Azshara is still in power this world sounds a fel of a lot better than our own.” Valeera stated.

“Please tell me you are in character...” Vareesa asked. Both She and Sylvanas watched the number above Valeera's head tick from 18 down to 17.

“She is not...” Sylvanas groaned.

Valeera held her head and blinked. “Light... Did I just...” Her long, red brows furrowed deeply.
“I just lost it... What was our world like?” She knew that she lost it, but she had no idea how. What it was like had become lost to the elf. For all she knew, the political climate according to the page was reality and slowly more detail seeped in to fill in the blanks and remove any doubt.

“Please be careful, sisters...” Sylvanas planted her face firmly in her palm. She had forgotten what exhaustion felt like.

“We have to submit to these circumstance slightly to be prompted enough to remain in character, but if we allow ourselves to be taken in then we will lose.”

“I don't even know what we win.” Valeera cursed, kicking the rug the were standing on ashamedly.

“For now, just not losing seems like a prize.” Vareesa pointed out, to the others agreement.

“I could not help but overhear and I tend to agree as well.” A somewhat familiar male voice said from the door. The girls all turned and recoiled slightly at the sight of a tall Satyr with purple hair and fur. They were put on guard right a way. A few of them even went to draw their weapons before realizing they were not given any.

“I could take points for that, but I won't.” He offered generously.

Sylvanas squinted at the man's face. “Mal... Furion?”

“This 'reality' was not kind to me or my loved ones...” He said, sounding a bit dejected.

The three women relaxed and searched their thoughts. The realization donned on them so that all three of them could utter in unison.
“Oh.” The 'Legion' had apparently been 'kicked out'. That was the story, but there was no way Azshara would let go of Fel. She used it to change her detractors and major supporters alike. That is what the three of them knew from deduction outside of the game. The versions of them that were in character had no clue and could not claim to have a clue. They saw the Satyr's as allies. Loyal servants of the Queen. The existence of Fel was hidden very effectively from the masses to the point that it was almost indistinguishable from normal magic.

Sylvanas was the first to bow. “So nice to see you, Lord. We would likely be very out of our minds to not invite you into our party.” She offered through gritted teeth. In terms of the people they were 'playing' it would have been greatly out of character to treat the man as anything other than an ally. It was harder for Sylvanas than it was for the other two, who happily agreed without searching their thoughts deeper for a reason why it would not be advantageous. They immediately thought of Malfurion. Their Malfurion.

He nodded. “It would be strange to be turned away by my own wives.”

“W-wives!?” Vareesa contested the concept with her tone.

“I really may have to start taking points, even if it is just to teach you women to behave more wisely...” Malfurion commented, stepping into the room. His costume was as perfect as any other. His feet were cloven hooves and his legs were a matte of tangled brown fur. He was far more masculine in this form than the one they were used to.

“If you wont then I will. Sorry chum but I don't think the 'real' Malfurion would be so kind.” Another, extremely unwelcome voice to Sylvanas sounded off from beyond the door frame. Malfurion recoiled and held his horned head as his score dropped from 17 to 16. Gen stepped out from behind him, looking like the same gray old wolf that he always was. The man was in his worgen form, of course. As he stepped through and patted Malfurion on the shoulder lightly he flashed a wide grin at Sylvanas. She could not say anything for various reasons. The two purely Alliance women in both realities happily chimed in.

“We have a full party!” Both Vareesa and Valeera were in agreement. Sylvanas, who was vehemently in disagreement knew that Genn was of the mind to steal points if he spotted any discrepancy so she nodded in tacit approval to keep her character.

“Old chum, do you mind if I borrow Sylvanas for a minute?” Genn questioned in a gruff, forceful tone.

Malfurion exhaled through his nose. “Now that you are taking points... I feel like yes, I should mi-”

Genn shot a look to the other two sisters. “Ladies, do you think you're acting naturally around your husband?”

They two girls blushed deeply the moment he said that. They knew he was right. They moved to Malfurion's side and hooked their arms under his. Both got the impression that Genn was eager to steal points. The number above his head showed 21.

“I am h-horny...” Vareesa offered hesitantly in a weak attempt to be true to who she was supposed to be around the man.

“Me too, though!” Valeera insisted, the number above her head dropping to 16. Vareesa shot her a look but did not say anything.

Malfurion was incredibly uncomfortable. “This is highly inap-”

“That's not the Malfurion I know.” Genn offered calmly, motioning Sylvanas over to his side. She reluctantly moved while her 'husband' was distracted. Malfurions number dropped further down to 15.

When Malfurion raised his head he nodded and waved dismissively at Sylvanas and Genn. “Go on, then. Have your meeting.” He turned his attention to the other two wives.
“Who isn't pregnant right now?”

“Neither of us.” Vareesa stated in annoyance.

“Well, I've got some work to do, then.”

* *

As soon as they were in private Sylvanas dropped to her knees and crawled towards Gen until she was between his powerful legs. She reached down his pants and pulled his sheathed member free. Without a second thought she pushed her tongue into the sheath and started licking at the rapidly hardening cock as she coaxed it with mild stroking to free faster. On the table outside was a torn portion of the page that she stealthily burned with the candle. 'She had lost her flame for Malfurion but found it again in the rugged, bestial king of Gilneas whom she adored.' She had no idea what his parameters were but she knew for a fact that he was malicious towards her. If she faltered in her role for even a second he would take her points and she would fall to him anyway. So she knew that she had to do her best.

“Isn't this an interesting twist of fate? I like it. I like it a lot.” Genn mused as his cock grew in her hand.  He took a deep breath, threw his head back and let out a sigh as Sylvanas's warm lips slide around his growing member. It was not just that she had to like him, she had to show him that she adored his cock above all else. His thick member was practically her world and she showed him by worshipfully sucking it deep into her mouth, then licking around it to lubricate every throbbing inch. It was more than just acting and she had to fight back those feelings, lest her number carelessly go down. It was extremely taxing to try to show such deference towards a member while telling herself that it is all just an act in her head. In fact, it was impossible.
“There it is...” He grinned. The number she held ticked down to 18 the moment she felt a sensation she had lost long ago. Arousal. Wetness. Sylvanas was aware that she lost it, but was somewhat thankful because now that she had, she could stop taxing her mind with such a difficult task. Instead, she could indulge. She no longer had to think about how she was going to maintain sanity while she thrust her hands between her thighs and pushed her fingers into her sex. She could just do it and enjoy it. She gasped as his cock popped free from her lips and bounced in front of her face. It was dripping pre onto the floor actively.

“Genn, I need it...”

“I know you do.” He teased. Suddenly his expression shifted and his number ticked down to 21. He cringed.
“Damn...” He had wanted to tease her, to take advantage of her. To use her. He was still going to but the reality was, his character truly did have some affection for the frail elven women beneath him. She was still the heartless women he hated but he was not allowed to act as thought that was the case. As he lost one of his valuable  buffer points to that mistake he shook his head.
“Fine...” He pushed the woman onto her back and lifted her legs easily. Sylvanas stretched and allowed her heels to find leverage over the huge worgen's shoulders as he bent down and guided his cock into her waiting cunt. As his tip slid in and became the first to feel her living folds he lost his last buffer point. Sylvanas grinned at both the victory and the feeling. He was not capable of feeling and seeing her magnificent body beneath him without truly loving it. Genn no longer had any doubt as to why he risked the affair as he began pounding her like an animal.

For the first time in her life Sylvanas lost it. Her lips curled up, her tongue fell out and her eyes rolled back as Genn's massive lupine cock split her apart. She felt like each time he withdrew he was going to drag her insides out, and each thrust was a question of whether or not he would break her.
“Light!” She panted, her voice raising uncharacteristically. Genn smiled down at her. Even though he lost slightly, she did as well. He could no longer see her as the dangerous Queen she was. Just a frail woman that lost to cock.

“It's you and me.” He advised. She perked up and seemed annoyed that he was plotting while they were fucking. She searched her mind and found it to be a common problem. Distraction.

“No offense to your sisters and... Offense to Malfurion, but they can't be relied upon. So it's you and me. We need to solve this problem if things are to go back.”

She could not help but agree and it was not just because his member had fully claimed her cunt for Gilneas. He had a point.


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