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While the rest of Jaina's previous command structure struggled to re-organize after their last representative disappeared into some private's drawer, Viktor was already looking to the future.

“We gotta expand our services.”

“What...” Jaina gulped, briefly going back in to swallow his member in one go before drawing back. Her elongated tongue fell from her lips as she let out a gasp. His cock tasted better with every new day and his cum was starting to seem like more and more of a treat to her. It was impossible to tell if it was her mind going, or if it legitimately was just that good.
“Do you...” Ravenously, her lips moved to the side of the cock, kissing up the rugged-looking shaft.
“Mean?” Once the powerful mage had finished asking, she kissed down to the base of his dick and sucked his balls into her mouth. As she rolled them around on her tongue and pulled them dry she stared up in anticipation of an answer. Her mindset had very much clouded more and more with each day and each new experience. Her normally logical and calculating mind had become spontaneous and focused primarily on pleasure. Not even her own. His. Jaina was no longer certain she was even herself, or if her real personality had been churned up and shot out without her realizing. She guessed that her even thinking that question could be evidence to the contrary, but there was no way to be certain.

What was certain were the obvious changes she was going through. She had grown slightly of course. Not just in her chest, hips and rear but in height as well. Her tongue of course gained enough length to circle his cock a few times while still retaining the same dexterity. The nails on her delicate hands that dug into his lap had sharpened significantly, and hardened. The final change she noticed as of the moment she was alerted that they need to expand their services were her feet. She had shed the heels in favor of a pair of dainty cloven hooves. She was looking more draenei-like but the drastic nature of the transformation stuck out in her mind as being closer to that of the elves that became Naga or Satyr's, or the humans that succumbed and became cthir. The most unique thing to her was that, despite acknowledging and knowing of those things she was excited for what was to come. The changes felt good and when she looked at herself or saw what was happening she did not feel monstrous, just beautiful. Every part. Her body felt exactly how it was supposed to be.

“You got rich, famous, powerful friends, right?” Viktor asked. With his balls still between her lips she responded with just a short nod. She could think of several examples of figures he could have been referring to.
“Great. All of them got their own hangups and fetishes. We can handle a few whales while all those riffraff are churned up by the club for the rabble to enjoy.”

Jaina let his scrotum free of her mouth with a pop. She licked her lips and asked. “What do you mean?”
“We service some big shots. We can also kill two birds with one stone and hook up people who's hangups align.”

“Why are you saying hangups and not fetishes, or simply referring to what people enjoy.”

Viktor leaned back and rubbed his chin. “Way I see it, a lot of dumb broads don't know what they want. Some want it and'll respond if we put 'em in the right spot. Others need a bit of forcing. They gotta be shown that they like something.  Listen, just call em all here. Can you do that?”

“Yeah.” Jaina nodded.

* *

Gorfax was lured to Kul'tiras by promises that his desires would be able to be fulfilled. It was an extremely random and unwelcome message, but not one that could be ignored. As a Dragonmaw orc he could not ignore an opportunity for what he desired. Conquest. It would be against his creed to back down from such an invitation due to some perceived threat or danger. He had no idea how or who was even going to fulfill his desires, just that they were going to be, somehow.

It had only been an hour since he stepped off the boat. He had not been greeted or guided, but he was not hindered either. It was enough for the man to be able to walk freely. He wondered just how free he was, however, as each turn on the winding streets of Kul'tiras shifted his surroundings. It was as though he was not walking in a normal space. Just as he was about to become annoyed he rounded one more corner and came face to face with two beings he had always wished to become acquainted with.

There was really just one, and another he was unfamiliar with. They were Alexstraza and Merithra. He was aware, to some extent. He had missed his chance to conquer the green dragon himself, but her spawn and the real red Aspect were in the flesh in front of him. Both women were in their elven forms. Merithra had taken on the night elf appearance while Alexstraza was in her traditional, tanned high elf guise. The new green Aspect wore some fairly moderate green robes while the red wore her traditional garb. Armor that only a dragon could think she could pull off without looking like a slut. Her bikini armor served to show off the cleavage and thighs of her human appearance nicely, if that was what she was trying to pull off.

Alexstraza's eyes widened after coming face to face with the orc. She was surprised to see him but also curious how they could not see him coming until he was directly upon them. They had also been wandering for a little under an hour with no progress. After all of that she could not help but remark out loud.
“Of all the things to run into... An orc.” She planted her face in her palm and added as she dragged it down her face slowly.
“Of all the different orcs one could run into a-”

“Pipe down, beast.” Gorfax grinned. He immediately came to the conclusion that he was here for them. No, they were here for him.

“Let me think.” The man rubbed his chin contemplatively, wondering how he was to go about achieving his goal. The terrain was not to their advantage. The streets were too narrow for them to transform and if they could just take off they would have. They were likely stuck and lost like him. If they could fly away of their own accord they likely would have.

Merithra's jaw dropped. She looked to her elder. “Did he just-”

“I said pipe down.” Gorfax reiterated. Alexstraza was doubly surprised to be interrupted and disrespected so blatantly. She was about to speak, but the orc beat her to it.
“You both are also lost?” He asked that and Alexstraza nodded.
“Forgotten how to fly?”

The red dragon crossed her arms over her ample chest. “Not forgotten, but unable nonetheless. It feels as though we have been-”

“Forgotten.” Gorfax chuckled.
“Do I need to raise you two up like welps?” he saw that the two women were offended but he did not care. He ignored that and simply continued speaking.
“Whatever. I'm close to getting out of here.” He lied. He thought for a moment, noting their lack of interest he added another lie.
“I know where I'm going. It makes sense that you don't. You girls always need someone leading you around or you dumb animals will end up lost.”

They stared at him indignantly, though he noted the passiveness with which Merithra responded compared to Alexstraza. Still, the green was the first to respond calmly.
“We are not dumb animals. We simply... Do not know how to navigate this city. It is as though something is stopping us at every turn. Like we are in a dream.”

“Do you actually know the way?” Alexstraza questioned skeptically. In response, Gorfax confidently turned around and began walking away in the opposite direction.

“Hey! Wait!” As he expected the two girls quickly followed after him.

“Only dumb animals would need an orc to lead them around. You sure you want to follow me, beasts?”

“We are not dumb animals.” Alexstraza reassured Merithra.
“Something is going on. You felt it.” They were invited, then placed in a situation where transformation was already difficult. But, even if they wanted to cause damage the space did not allow it at all. There was some form of magic afoot, they suspected.

Merithra nodded. “I did, but I believe we should humor him to some extent.” She whispered back.
“We do not know what will happen if we stay here for too long.”

“Very well.”

Deep down Merithra felt an unusual ulterior motive for following. For the first time in her life the sentient, powerful, ancient creature was being treated like nothing more than a basic animal. Part of it was her, but another part of it was the certainty with which the orc stated his case. In his mind it was true, and that certainty fed back into her and excited her. Images folded into her mind of her being ridden in various position, not just her dragon form. The form she chose had a sordid history with orcs, and dragons had a sordid history with his clan which made for two very unique matches. She mused that he could fuck and dominate her as an elf, then tame her as a dragon. The more she thought about it the more she wanted it.


More hours passed. The trio eventually ducked into a building to rest. It was empty and seemed to just be a storage. There were some chilled crates with food and others that must have only contained tools, as they were secured loosely. Even with all of that stuff lying around, they had not yet seen another soul that would use or collect it. Merithra sat next to the orc while Alexstraza sat back. His claim was that he simply needed to sit, but that he still knew the way.

“You called us beasts and dumb animals.” Merithra commented to coax him. She was unsure how he would respond but he did not disappoint.

“You are.” Gorfax stated, staring directly into her beautiful green eyes. He could see past them and into her soul with the way she was looking at him. She was just waiting to be taken. Waiting to be told that she was not free.

“You are hungry.” It was not a question. Merithra gulped and nodded. She watched him turn around and open the chilled crate to pull out a slab of raw mammoth meat. He turned back and held it out in front of him. She lowered her head and dropped down to her knees. He was expecting her to crawl and place herself below him to eat it. The new aspect was dripping wet as she did so and crawled under the meat. She reached up, prompting him to snap at her.
“No hands!”

“Sorry...” She folded them in her lap.

Alexstraza noticed what was happening and stood up. “Merithra! What are you doing? Do not submit so easily!” She uttered in exasperation. The girl turned and looked into Alexstrazas eyes. The red Aspect felt heartbroken as she saw in Merithra's eye a familiar look. All of the mounts the Dragonmaw took had the capacity for intelligence and greatness. Had. They could have been very useful mages and members of the flight. However all of that was lost when they gave in or were tamed. Alexstraza somehow saw that same look appear so quickly in Merithra as she tilted her head up and obediently ate out of Gorfax's hand like a tamed beast. As she finished the meat she began to strip down of her own accord. Her conservative robes slid off to reveal a voluptuous elven form. She was not as her mother, but she had the capacity to be.
“Merithra, he's going to use you! You will be stripped of everything you are!” Alexstraza pleaded.

“I can't mount you right now, but I can still mount you.” Gorfax chuckled, reaching down to push a finger into her tight sex to test it. She was definitely ready.

“Merithra, you are smarter than this!” Alexstraza urged as she was bent over. Gorfax gripped her by the wrists to steady her as she widened her stance.

The grin aspect bit her lip and offered a twisted smile. “I... I want to feel it. Even if it is the end of me.”

“You battled corruption for so long only to fall to this!?”

That statement had the girl hesitating. Her brow furrowed in a momentary realization before Gorfax's long member pushed into her tight pussy and began pounding her relentlessly. All that contemplation faded as her eyes teared up from the pleasure. She was reminded instantly of what she wanted. It was not corruption, because there was nothing corrupt in simply becoming less. Corruption to her kind and twisted them into malevolent, intelligent beings. She was going to be made docile and subservient. To him at least. She had no idea what she would do if he commanded her against someone. That thought was very small in her mind, however.
“Yes! Yes it feels so good!”

“You're a dumb animal, aren't you!” Gorfax groaned, feeling himself getting close already.

“I'm a dumb animal!”

“be a little harder on yourself!” He released one of her wrists to smack her ass, then quickly grabbed it again, using the grip he had on both to pull her back and forth over his cock like a yo-yo. Her plump elven rump slapped loudly against his lap.

“My brain doesn't work! I need a strong, smart orc rider to tell me what to do!” She moaned, her eyes rolling back as she said that. Her face was a disturbing, twisted wet mess of pleasure and surrender. The majestic creature had been reduced to a mewling slut in such short order that the red Aspect had to assume there was something unusual going on.

Alexstraza left the building while covering her sharp ears. It did not drown out the sound of animalistic fucking. Some Dragons simply had it. The desire to be tamed. The animal urge to be conquered or 'slain.' Dragonmaw had the spark to bring it out especially hard. Alexstraza was not willing to be tamed and she did not have that trait, but she wondered what he could do to her given enough time. If he had the methods to place her back in shackles. The drakes mothered by a mindless beast were just as stupid and subservient as the mother. Merithra's was a doomed flight if Alexstraza did not go back in to try and save her. As she turned, however she saw over the rooftops Gorfax flying away on his new mount. A majestic green dragon with horns and webbed spines. She was gobsmacked. Whether he knew it or not, Gorfax did know the way out. The Dragon Queen glanced around at the shifting storefronts and warped streets. Everything went quiet.



Excellent chapter, I really enjoyed the addition of the dragons to the story. Taming is always such an erotic thing and you use that concept really well!