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“Let's go.” You begin to move towards the tent only to be halted by one of the women guarding the entrance.

“How many clients?” One of the beastfolk asked after clearing her throat and holding out her hand to stop you.

“Neither? Our friend just went inside.” You explain.

The girl inclined her head diplomatically. “It should not take long, so please wait outside patiently if neither of you are here for service.”

It felt like you would not be able to get inside. Not unless you were a client, at least. At the very least the woman did not seem to be lying so Jeane would not take long, whatever that meant. You wanted to go in and see what was happening. What exactly an orc salon did and what it was doing to Jeane but knowing that you would have to submit yourself to being one of it's clients made you hesitant. Luire stood beside you and shifted uncomfortably, as well. You tried to peak through a crack in the flaps only to have it shut by the other stoic beastwoman on guard. You had resolved to get in, so you were getting in one way or another. It angered you that you were being stopped and that you could not go in just to check on Jeane. In a fit of emotion you gave in and began to submit yourself to whatever treatment they were inclined to give.

Luire noticed immediately and stepped ahead of you. “I am a client and he is just here as a witness.”

That was enough. The girl shrugged and opened the flap, motioning you both inside. “Enjoy.”


The interior of the tent was smaller than it looked from the outside but that was because it stood segmented by smaller sections of cloth that lead into different parts. The main part where you stood just past the entrance looked like nothing you had seen before. There were a few complicated looking seats in front of cabinets that held large mirrors, and racks along the walls with clothing or other accessories. There was one woman in the section you entered into. She stood at attention and glanced between you two.
“Both, or-”

“Just me.” Luire reiterated with a  heavy gulp. He was shaking, his fists clenched. You could not believe he was doing this for you given his history. You stared at him sympathetically and waited for any indication that he did not intend to go forward with it. You were imploring him to not with the look you gave him. He merely nodded back at you and stepped forward.
“It's just a makeover... This isn't actually the stuff to worry about.” he claimed weakly. Even if he was being honest, his worry was just as real.

“Exactly! So there's no need to be nervous. Are you a returning client, by the way?” The woman asked.

“Not to this location.”

“Understood.” The woman placed both her hands on Luire's shoulders and guided him over to stand beside one of the chairs. She was human, which was not as rare as you would have thought in the Demonkine town, but it was still odd to see one acting in what seemed to be a position of mild authority. You guessed that it was because she was not actually a human any more by some standards but instead an 'orc.'

“Just a touch up for your master?” She asked politely. When Luire nodded the human woman smiled and began stripping him down of his sensible leather attire. You made sure to pick it up and keep it neat for him while he was occupied. As she was working quite effortlessly to prepare your friend the woman looked up at you in a way that made you blush. She was quite attractive as far as humans went. You had not been treated to many human beauties so far, so it was a bit jarring to find one so far out of the way. It hit you, because she had dark red hair like Kara. The main difference between the two being that the woman had freckles and paler skin. The skin was not unattractive though, because it showed in the dim lighting to be smooth like porcelain. She wore the same attire as the girls outside with several tattoos in specific spots on her body. Over her womb, around her neck. As she turned you saw that one was also placed prominently across her lower back. Stylized tribal markings, each of them. You were sure it was a language you were not aware of.
“Are you interested as well, or just curious?”

“Just curious.” You stated quickly.

“Curiosity is good!” She complimented as she got Luire completely naked and smacked his rear.
“You've been working out too much, dear...” She clicked her tongue, looking over his lithe, toned form.

“Does your man allow you to look like this?” She added, shaking her head in obvious disapproval.

“Y-yes.” Luire argued weakly.

“Well, it's not my place to judge a man's tastes. I am personally of the mind that if a woman can't breed she should at least look good.” She stared up at you pointedly when she said that. You understood immediately what she was saying due to context added prior. In her eyes you and Luire were both women. In the eyes of orcs, other than their males there were only women and you assumed within that culture the girls would be separated into those who were breedable and those who were not as a marker for biological inconvenience. It suggested that orcs placed heavier importance on that than anything to do with who owned what parts; a woman with a womb that did not work was functionally similar to a woman who never had one to begin with.

“Anyway...” She trailed off and guided Luire down into the seat.

The attendant wordlessly began applying different colors to his face and playing with his short blonde hair. To you it looked like nothing, but gradually Luire's transformation started to impress upon you. As far as looks went he was vaguely androgynous, leaning towards 'girly'. His appearance fooled you at first because of the place you found him in but gradually, as you started to look you saw signs that he tried to put up that showed his masculinity. His shape, his hair and the fact that he never wore anything on his face. As soon as those pegs were knocked off the illusion faded immediately.

You thought she was just playing with his hair but she was actually weaving product into it until his short elven mane shined. The color began to pop and it even began to look fuller when she was done with it. His face did not stand a chance at being mistaken for male the moment red touched his already soft, plush lips and as soon as shading touched his eyes and lashes. It was all just so subtle and natural. Orcs had truly mastered the art of making men look feminine, though you had to admit that Luire probably needed very little assistance.
“I noticed you're fixed already? We probably need to correct your sex drive. I've been seeing it in the way you move and act.” She mentioned offhandedly while rifling through the cabinet in front of the odd chair. She placed a pink gem on the table with a candle connected to a curved mirror behind it.

Luire held up his hands and panicked. “What? No, that wont be neces-” As Luire got caught up looking at his painted nails, wondering when she had time to do them, the woman lit the candle and stepped out of the way. The light of the candle was focused by the mirror through the pink crystal. It was already lined up with his eyes and shined right in, bombarding his pupils with aggressively bright pink light before he could even blink. In an instant Luire's stoic expression twisted into a mask of animal desire. His reddened lips curled up into an open mouthed, drooling grin as he panted and squirmed in the chair.

“Remember.” She began sympathetically.
“You should have that done at least once a weak. Your man is going to like you more if YOU love it. Right?” She ended on a giggle.

Luire nodded. “Y-yeah! Yeah!”

She turned to you and said matter-of-factly with a light shrug. “I do it before the dressing because it makes them all squirmy and fun.”

“What does it do?” You were not sure if you wanted to know. Apparently it only fully lasted a week, however.

“The light on our eyes rewires our brains a little bit to make us more horny and needy and sensitive. It's extremely important because fixed girls don't have as much of that as normal.” She smiled at you, staring down at your groin area.
“Unfortunately we do not perform that procedure on girls that aren't breedable and haven't been fixed yet because it leads to some confusion as to your place in our society. We can't have any... Accidents.”

“I- I wasn't asking.” You said quickly, defensively covering the important area she was staring at.

“All the same.” She tilted her head to the left and right. The realization struck you suddenly as Luire squirmed in place from lust. Jeane was nowhere to be seen. You worried that she was out there somewhere, just as horny as Luire was. Luckily for you the woman was very quick in the latter half and Luire was very agreeable towards her. He let her hands glide all over his body as she spread an oil that seemed to loosen his muscles and remove the appearance of tone. One thing you noticed was that his member was still limp even though he was aroused and the oil, as it touched that area, tightened it to the point where his sex was almost flat; his member was reduced to a small, tight little nub which she quickly covered with a thong that also had a descending piece of loose cloth to cover up. She guided stockings up Luire's legs and decorated his chest with a tube top barely sized well enough to cover his nipples, let alone his chest. He was then granted a thick leather collar and a pair of heels to walk around in.

“How much does all of this cost?” You question nervously. That had been at the back of your mind.

“It's subsidized by the Orc Furore, so be sure to swing by any time if you want me to...” She paused, then made a snipping motion with two fingers while winking at you. You shuddered.
“Are you gonna be able to get this girl to her man? She kinda needs to get fucked. Quick.” The attendant giggled again. She was disturbingly gleeful towards it all.

“Y-yeah.” She handed Luire off to you.

“You're free.” As she said that you craned your head to the side and tried to see where Jeane could've gone.

“W-wait. Did another elf come through here?” You corrected yourself after a moment.
“Dark elf.”

She nodded. “Yes. We needed to bathe her, though. As far as I know she should be done and out by now.” You did not sense that she was lying so you quickly left the tent with Luire hanging off of you, stumbling around in the heels he was wearing.

You groan. “J-just take those off and walk in your stockings.”

“Kay...” He responded breathily, leaning up to go in for a kiss as you turned to look down at him.

“No!” You say vehemently, leaning back.
“Not now, at least.”

Luire frowned, panting heavily. “If- If you do not push me down and fuck me I am going to go crazy... I am going fuck anything that moves, I swear.” He warned. You gritted your teeth, since every minute wasted was one where you were losing track of Jeane. At the same time, however, Luire did this to help you and it felt like betrayal to not help him in any way you could. Without wasting any more time you pulled him aside so that you were out of the way, turned him around and took him to his knees easily. It was strikingly easy. He was already weak but he practically crumbled the moment you tried even faintly to move him. You bent him over and pushed his chest into the dirt, sending him squirming beneath you.

As you looked down you realized it was almost inappropriate to refer to Luire as 'he' in such a situation because staring down the the elf's rear and back, with all the tone loosened by the oil and with everything compressed into a tight thong, it was indistinguishable from a girl's. But it was not just indistinguishable, Luire was a bombshell and all you had to do was pull the strap of the thong aside from her hole to get hard. It was twitching and begging to be stuffed. You could both see it clearly and feel it clearly from his intent. With Luire's appearance the way it was, it was not shameful to admit that you pulled your member free and pushed in with barely a second of hesitation. Luire seemed to cum immediately and you felt his mana swirling around your cock so enticingly. You were not going to drain, of course, but it was tempting. You leaned down to whisper.
“Was that good? Is that enough?”

Luire's head shook. Keep going... Fuck me like an orc... Don't stop till you...” She squirmed a little beneath you, spreading her stance as she was pinned on her knees.
“Till you cum!”

Luire was in heaven as you began thrusting again but so were you. The elf's asshole was tight and felt different going in, but better than a woman as you withdrew because it felt like it was ever tightening, trying to suck you back in. Even though Luire's muscles were numbed to the point of losing tone, they still seemed quite strong where you were concerned at that moment.
“Daddy yess! Fuck yes!” Luire panted, moaning beneath you as you continued just to get yourself off, like she requested.

“Fuck me into the ground!” She begged. Her sweet voice, submissiveness and her body in general all eventually contributed to you burying your dick in the elf's ass and cumming more than you had managed to do in a long time.

“Holy...” You were panting. Finally you asked again.
“Now are you okay?”

Luire sounded less aroused and more just... Embarrassed. “Yes...” The elf admitted.
“I am relatively fine for now.”

“Good.” You wiped your brow, pulled out and stuffed yourself back into your pants, ignoring any mess. You pulled Luire up beside you and dragged him along, since he had very little he needed to do. His dress was already improper, so there was nothing to put back on, or to stuff in.


Gradually you found Jeane through reaching out and tracked her back to your groups area. She was essentially dressed down to the same extent as Luire. Her Conservative dress had been traded in for a tight top and booty shorts with a thin, black fishnet bodysuit 'covering' the rest. It provided basically no coverage to her pale skin except to cause it to bulge out due to how tight it was around her thighs. With straps climbing up her calves they were not exactly heeled boots but instead a pair of very elegant-looking, open-toed sandals with raised heels. You wondered what possessed her to agree to such an odd outfit. She had not met the orc yet, it seemed. You could walk up to her and ask, but Luire was in tow and you did not want to leave him. Approaching with him would practically broadcast the fact that you went so far as to enter the tent just to follow her. That did not convey trust. You were not sure how long you had before the orc would come. He still had free reign of the area and your group, after all.



So if I'm reading last chapter right the three of them were walking together as a group then Luire feel behind and Hero waited for a lil bit as Jeane continued walking then saw her walk in. I think it'd be reasonable that we would of followed her.


I am not sure revealing Luire right away show distrust as much as wanting to know about the procedure. I want to see what the cream does to Luire's chest in a few days. The hero could have asked how long Luire's horniness will last; though i could see him assuming a week or so. I do like using Luire to show what the orc beautification does withour affecting the hero. Though i thought the technician could have asked the hero if she could tidy up his hair or face a bit. Leaving Luire along could mean he might womder off and find a "daddy" unless the hero could get Kara to watvh over him Hmm, maybe he could work with Kara in the club for the week if he is left alone.