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Nyle panned his gaze over the terrain awkwardly. Luara had left him in the dust. There was really no way for him to follow her if she wanted to get away, since she was a rogue. He sighed deeply, feeling a little hurt to be left behind. She always did this and even as he tried to be more assertive and grow more close to her, she only seemed to push him away. He had no idea what to do about her. It was almost to the point where he did not know what to do.
“Oh well.” He shrugged and opened his interface, then pulled some of the many guys he had already added to his friends list. Since she was no longer available he sent a message requesting their assistance leveling. Immediately he was bombarded by responses in the affirmative.
“Oh, fall party already!” He uttered cluelessly.
“I'd rather do this with real friends, but everyone's off doing their own thing, I guess.” Nyle gazed off at the distant mountain range. He knew there was no way she would be stupid enough to venture into the goblin hunting ground on her own. She did some research on the game and knew enough to not fall into the basic noob traps.

Among the many noob traps in the game, fighting goblins was one of them. Without a full party, goblins were extremely difficult. Individually they were quite easy to dispatch which meant that meeting one in the over-world could be deceptive. They were low leveled and even high-level goblins on their own had lower stats than far weaker characters. They were by all accounts monsters that seemed to have been set up to fail. For all intents and purposes they were, but like all of the NPC's in the game their coding went a little wild at some point. Their evolution was carefully tracked, as they were quite a prominent and famous mob within the game.

At first, goblins were very simple to beat all around. Then, slowly the goblin AI leaned to group together. It was not learning in the intellectual sense, but the evolutionary one. The only goblin AI entities that managed to survive were ones that grouped together. As grouped goblins were hunted and killed as well, the only goblins that survived after that purge were those that formed into larger armies and lived around defensive positions and fortifications. Players thought they were getting the better of them by forming raids to squash the holds but in reality they were simply testing and improving the AI. The holds were cleared, but the ones that were not were the ones with more complex structures and magic users. As players left the game to plan with the intent of coming back next week, as though it were a on old school raid, the AI multiplied and expanded back out. All of the holds were populated once more with more and more intricate and difficult targets. However, all it really meant was that goblins came to rule a small, highly defensible area that the AI was quite predisposed towards living in. A small stretch of mountains with plains beneath them where the AI could hunt. Players who wanted to fight goblins would often venture into the plains with groups, but avoid the mountains at all cost because a loss against the final form of the goblin AI was not just a death and a resurrection. It could often mean a loss of a character and the inability to play the game.

Magic in O2O ranged from very basic to extremely damaging. The most damaging form of magic was that which applied to a character and did not fall off until removed or reversed. Magic, in essence, was just a slight nod from the developers that certain acts could 'cheat' the otherwise realistic world's coding. Creating fire from nothing, freezing water or altering a character. The difference between the AI and the player base concerning magic was the player base's desire to regulate itself to make things more reasonable. The AI however had no qualms about taking magic to its limit within the games mechanics. In fact, the way the AI learned and evolved through skirting destruction encouraged it. As a result, goblins were one of many NPC's that developed spells that could permanently alter a player character.

Luara was not ignorant to any of that. She had included goblins in her elf's roleplaying backstory, after all. She did not do so flippantly or ignorantly, despite her attitude. No, she had intimate knowledge of goblins, down to even the magic they used on poor, unsuspecting adventurers. She was prepared and knew exactly what to expect as she entered the plains stealthily and made her way around goblin patrols. She was looking for something very specific and she was ready to spend hours. Luckily, she only had to walk around for around thirty minutes before she encountered a small party of players. After observing them before their engagement she knew that they were quite well-positioned to win against goblin patrols. They had a tank, a healer and two different ranges of damage dealer. All they were facing was a basic goblin patrol. But something was definitely wrong. There was a caster among the goblin group and she wondered if the party knew. A caster complicated the calculus of the encounter because if they went uninterrupted there was no contest. With that in mind she slowly started making her way towards them stealthily to help. As she did she heard from the leader, the female tank.

“Alright, they have a caster. Rogue, you know what to do!”

Luara smiled. They were actually better prepared than she thought. It was skewed a little in their favor as they even had a party member that she could not see. She began making her way towards the goblin caster to help, regardless. The goblin caster was unaware, completely, as the party started the engagement. Their elven ranged damage began pelting the other goblins with arrows while the tank and second melee damage dealer held them off from the front line. As their rogue came out of stealth behind the caster Luara did as well. The tank and rogue both noticed her. She waved.
“Don't worry! I'm here to help.”

“Huh?” The tank was distracted, but he was still able to show his gratitude.
“Oh, thank-” Both his eyes and the eyes of the turning goblin caster widened as Luara's dagger plunged into the side of the rogue. It was a male so she did not have to worry about keeping him alive. As he was stunned she used the opportunity to ram her other dagger into his neck and kill him quickly. As he died she felt her level increase. Rogues were quite capable of surprising and killing higher level players and because of the death coding, the memory of her and much of what happened to them before their death would not stay with them once they resurrected. It was essentially a coded new-life rule.

The goblin caster was very confused until Luara gulped and shakily spoke the few words in goblin that she had learned in preparation for this moment.
“Please use me!” She was extremely wet and excited to finally be where she wanted to be.

Laura was a very successful individual in real life. She had quit a very good job on her own terms to take a break of indeterminate length, but had others lined up. She had a vibrant social life with many friends and connections through various channels. Above all of that however, the thing she was most proud of was her moderator status on the subKredit K/IFuckingLoveGoblins. The page was  fanatical in its support of the devious little creatures to a very overtly fetishistic degree. She loved the little green men so much that she would have even been satisfied if the caster's first act was to end her. She would absolutely just be back for more again and again until she achieved her goal. The true aim was permanence.

Luara had access to a peculiar set up outside of the game. It was a specialized chair called a Recycler. It allowed a person to sustain themselves in game with very little input from the outside. The chair was hooked up to water and the only thing that she needed to sustain herself beyond water were tiny capsules that costed less than a penny each. It was far more depraved and expensive than the machine that Zern had bought for Reyna. Since she bought a very cheap hopper add-on to keep delivering capsules into the machine Luara would not have to log out from the game for the next twenty years.

The goblin caster finally just glanced down at the dead rogue, then up at her beautiful, bronze-skinned elven self to nod in acknowledgment. She let out a girly squeal at the approval and felt as though she could cum from just that nod. The player party stared on in revulsion.

“What- what the hell are you doing you dumb bi-” The tank was a woman of quite a great stature. Six foot tall, human, adorned in shining armor with a kite shield on one hand and a longsword in the other. She had brilliant blue eyes and long, blonde hair. Her armor, since it was designed by perverts within the game, perfectly showed the outline of her curvy body within the interlocked plating. Her pretty head tilted to one side awkwardly and her mouth hung open. One of the goblins she had been holding off used the distraction to jump up and jam something very long and thin into her head around her temple. It was thinner than a sewing needle but about as long. There was no blood and very little trauma.

“Spiked!” Luara bounced up and down, obviously fan-girling over the encounter as she stood behind the caster.
“I can't believe I got to see someone get spiked first hand!” The attractive human knight began wobbling on what originally looked to be two quite solid legs. Her beautiful blue eyes unfocused. The goblin spike was a magical item crafted by the tribe that, when pressed into a persons brain, effectively reduced their logic and applied full negative status to all of their skills while it was present.

The method to stop the effect was simple, it was to pull it out. The spike was long and obvious and could even just be knocked out if it brushed something the wrong way due to how it stuck out. Luara had prepared for this. She steeled her resolve and gulped, making her best attempt at broken goblin to relay something to the caster. He seemed surprised, but nodded and quickly relayed a more accurate version of what she said to the goblin on the tank. He looked at the spike, then shrugged. He held it in place with one hand then used his small dagger to cut it near the base. He then used his small finger to push it in while grinning evilly.

The caster nodded, enjoying what he was seeing. Unexpectedly, the healer helped unintentionally after seeing the very minor amount of damage the tank took. She healed, but effectively just healed over the pushed in spike, making it permanent. It was part of the plan, but not in that way. Luara felt so excited to see it actually work. Her subKredit had long theorized that if spiked the way she described, it could be made permanent. The way the game worked, the spike would be mechanically and practically invisible to all players since stuck projectiles did not show up as a debuff or magic effect, they simple had a static effect upon entering a character. So it was very likely that even if the woman died and resurrected, it would still be there and she would never recover unless someone was trying extremely hard to do so.

With the rest of the goblin patrol's front line no longer held back the non-tank frontline was forced to handle two goblins, which was too much. The woman was another human. A warrior with a focus more on damage than defense. Two of the small, persistent creatures that reached no higher than the woman's waist each grabbed a leg and pulled her up off her feet and onto her back, knocking the wind out of her. Luara marveled that the woman must've been the highest level and most experienced of the group. She had the nicest, most decorative armor and her makeup was done up immaculately. She was obviously quite confident in her party. They were not doing her any favors, though. The goblin that spiked the tank piloted his girl from on top of her until she was between the archer and the melee damage dealer. She could no longer take a shot.

Once that was done the goblin hopped down while the two that grabbed the melee's legs were pulled back behind her shoulders, effectively restricting the movement of both her arms and her legs embarrassingly. As she struggled and wobbled in an attempt to get up, the spike goblin drew his disproportionately large member from his loincloth. Luara covered her mouth and gasped in excitement.
“Ohmigosh, is this...” It was. The goblin plunged his cock into the defenseless melee's cunt and began mercilessly ramming into her like a complete animal. He threw his head back, groaned and salivated. It was the breeding press, a favorite on her forum. Her people knew very intimately that if you were a woman, or sometimes even a man and you were facing three goblins alone you were essentially lost no matter how much you out-leveled them. The maneuver effectively negated level, skill, strength, power, magic, everything once it was underway. The two goblins holing her down tore at her expensive armor to get at her tits. As the goblin fucking her leaked his foul seed into her womb, just that mere leaking before he even came started to change her body. Her tits swelled and throbbed, then as the goblins dug into them with their small hands she started leaking milk.

“N-no!” She mustered.
“C-can't believe this I'm actually cum-” her face twisted into a mask of pleasure as her body convulsed in orgasm. The goblin also unloaded fully into her womb. Instantly as her characters body was hijacked for breeding she lost so much of her hard-earned experience. Characters could have sex and have children within the game. They could do so with monsters, as well. The way it worked within the game, the children would steal experience from the mother and become stronger depending on how much they took. For that reason the first couple clutches of goblins birthed by a woman were disproportionately strong. Since goblins breeding process literally hijacked the woman's body, she was going to be made to carry at least ten of the goblins at once, each of them stealing at least a level from her. It was not all bad, however. Well, Luara knew it was for the ones that did not want it. For each level she granted to a goblin child inside of her she would be given a bracketed level in 'Goblin Incubator.' Luara wondered if her incubator level already outstripped her actual level. If it did...
“Cumming! Oh gods, fuck me! Please fuck me more!” her legs were released and allowed to curl around the back of the goblin male that was still ramming her despite having already cum inside. Goblins were incredibly virile.
“I love you! I love you so much!” She exclaimed, practically drooling as her belly swelled from the amount of seed she was taking into her womb. When the incubator level exceeded their normal level they were considered corrupted and their listed faction would change as a result.

The healer panicked. “W-what do I do? There's nothing to heal but we're still losing!” The woman was an elf like Luara, with long, straight silver hair. Instead of being statuesque and athletic, however, she was dainty and pale.

“Hold still and accept it.” Luara taunted.

The healer glared back at her fellow elf. “Accept what!?”

“The end of your character.” Luara watched hopefully as the caster raised his staff. He had been uninterrupted for a few seconds which ultimately spelled disaster for at least one character. He began channeling into the healer, rendering her unable to move. Still, Luara knew it was an easy spell to interrupt so she stood between him and the angry little female elf archer with short green hair. The arrows were deflected off of her flowing cape due mostly to physics, but in large part as well to the material.

“The hell are you doing!?” The archer shouted in frustration.

Luara ignored her. She wanted to watch what was going to happen to the healer. Her face lit up as she saw her body begin to warp and change. Her legs and arms started to bend and shift at odd, uncomfortable angles. Though the healer was confused Luara knew right away what was happening. It started with her player race being altered. Not an inconvenience for most players, but this was simply the starting point. Goblins had made unusual relationships with particular races within the game. Ones that were symbiotic, but obviously quite a bit more beneficial to them. The healer grew larger by a foot and more toned and athletic. Her thighs and hips thickened and most importantly her feet elongated and solidified into a pair of hooves that she stood on awkwardly before quickly just getting used to them. A pair of curved horns poked through her skull on either side of her head and her ears grew to resemble some type of bovine. While most shifts to the player characters race were kind, the goblin method was not. The healer dropped her staff and her clothes shredded as she lost proficiency with both. Once the changes reached her brain the girls eyes crossed and her body shuddered.
“M-Moooo...” She unlearned both the common language known by all players and the elven language and would need to relearn them, even if she was changed back. Luara's heart beat quickly as the healer slumped in her new form, looking incredibly dumb and confused.

“Now the tamer...” She said to herself hopefully. Just as she wished, one of the goblins stepped forward from the broken melee and performed a very simple action. The act of taming an animal was something that could be done by most players and AI that were built for it. The requirements were low but the restrictions were high. The creature had to have an extremely low logic and willpower. They had to be an animal, basically, but as her forum discussed, it would work on humans if their stats lowered enough do to changes. It was unable to be seen but Luara knew what was happening under the hood of the game, of course. As the goblin tamed the former healer her body and mind surrendered to him fully. In her character pane all of her fancy levels leaked out to be split among the goblin party. What was left was a level 1 pack animal. An NPC lower than even the lowest, easiest to beat NPC. They were still players, of course, and had to log out eventually but their status would never change upon logging in.

Luara's forum issued a 'cow fund' for these people. Her friends on Kredit genuinely wanted to see goblins succeed and for that they needed loyal soldiers and pack animals. For the reason they would love-bomb and encourage any players that came to complain, clueless to the Kredits actual bend. Their goal was to have them enter a recycler set up and log in, as functionally that would mean a literal end for anyone that logged in as a tamed animal. They would live permanently within the game as mindless goblin livestock. It was Luara's end goal, as well, of course. If she was taken with her setup it would basically happen automatically. There would be no escape, no logging out, just permanent servitude until the servers shut down or restarted.

The archer was powerless as the caster performed the same long, channeled spell on her. When all was said and done the goblins took possession of two brainless level one Minotaur pack animals and the goblins themselves leveled up significantly. Thus was demonstrated first hand why goblins were dangerous. Luara knew for a fact that the players behind the archer and healer would probably either have to tolerate being passengers in a body that worshiped a goblin master, or simply log out forever. Best case scenario that metagame and find her to complain so that she can try to brainwash them into hopping into recycler units. They could not delete or create backup characters due to the games mechanics so they were stuck until rescued. The issue with that was that any rescue at this point would require a raid, as a party would simply offer more resources to the menace. The level one pack animals would gradually get stronger and could be trained to either be mounts or guards, or both. So, in essence, she had completely ruined the game for many people in favor of some NPCs and she was completely over the moon.

Luara was ready for her turn. As the goblins surrounded her she threw down her weapon and prostrated herself before them. She was ready to spend the rest of her life a slave to the glorious, evil little creatures. She just wondered how it would go down. Was she going to be spiked and used to breed until she ran out of experience or was she going to be transformed into a pack animal and given a new existence?



I didn't think Laura was going to be that "evil".