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“I agreed, so tell me how to save Taelia.” Jaina demanded sternly. She did not want him to stall her out or otherwise trick her into agreeing and then play dumb when it is too late.

“Depends. Where do you want her? Stomach or womb?” Victor asked somewhat innocuously. Jaina was confused at first, then her cheeks flushed the moment she understood. She had already been forced to perform a few sexual acts, but with those she was basically not in the drivers seat. Presumably she would need to take more responsibility this time. She considered the question and offered what she viewed to be the mitigating response.

“Stomach...” She did not want the fat man fucking her, and she had already had his dick in her face a few times.

“Good choice!” He complimented, sliding back from his desk. It was obvious by the way he sat and did not move from that spot that he expected her to round the desk towards him.

“Wait... It can't be you. You aren't that big.”

“When the curse got better, the portal got bigger. I think if it goes through a bigger portal the thing gets bigger, right?” He smirked. She had no idea. It was uncharted territory for her.
“And I got better.” As Jaina rounded the desk she caught a glimpse of his cock and covered her mouth to stifle a gasp. It was the one and the same member that had essentially 'hollowed' out her charge. His cock was definitely no longer human. For one, the length was not quite equine, but it was getting there. The coloration on the unsheathed portion was purplish, while the sheath and balls were the same color as Victor's skin, just a little darker. The actual shaft and tip were of an unusually alien shape. The head was particularly flared and large and almost had the appearance of a battering ram, while his shaft carried on it several bumps and ridges that almost made it look more like a toy than a real thing. What Jaina really began to focus on was his balls. The two orbs sitting within his large, hairy sack were pulsing mana of unknown origin as though they were two focusing iris's.

“Before you ask, I dunno how any of this works.” He looked up at her with a stupid-enough expression that she believed him.

“Very well. How am I supposed to do this? Do you know that much?” She asked impatiently as she knelt down in front of him. She was angry and reluctant to do this of her own accord, but she also wanted to make an earnest effort to do whatever it took to save Taelia from becoming cum.

He looked up at the ceiling and scratched his chin. After a moment of feigned deep thought he cupped his balls tauntingly and said.
“I guess if you make me cum before she gets processed, this girl should just get forced right out.”

“You guess!? This is a persons life, you know?”

“I know. But you're the one wastin' time right now, huh?” Victor offered reasonably. Jaina knew he was correct. She tossed aside her pride for the moment and went in. As she was opening her mouth to just try and engulf the member she heard him stop her.
“Want me to cum faster?” He asked. Jaina nodded.
“I'm gonna talk down to you.”

She made a face of indignance. “Is that it?”

“You didn't let me finish.” He grinned and pinched her cheeks demeaningly.
“I'm never gonna stop talkin' down to you, Proudwhore. Understand?” As she opened her mouth, he spoke again without any care for what she had to say.
“Keep this in mind. I got a line, too, now. It's that I'm willin' to blow up or get killed by you if you don't wanna comply. That's fine. But I wanna burn into your silly little mage brain that you're a minion to a useless, mundane fatso like me. I got no fuckin' clue what's goin' on and you work for me. All those cute skills and that powerful magic may as well just belong to me.”

Jaina stared up, trying to contain her anger and shock. “A m-minion?”

“Before you get all uppity, how bout a reminder.” He gripped her smooth silver hair with one hand and pulled her beneath his cock until her nose was pressed between his balls and the base of his member. Her lips were practically kissing his sack. It felt a little wet from sweat even if he hadn't done anything yet.

“I know how this part works cause it came to me.” He explained vaguely. She was becoming less confident in taking him at his word concerning what he did and did not know. Before he said anything Jaina could feel the same pulsing she felt before. It could almost just be mistaken for a heartbeat, but it was stronger and recognizable once she was so close. Her body flinched with each pulse of pure magic as it shot through her like electricity from her lips right down to her toes. They sent strange, near orgasmic feelings through her erogenous zones as well. Her nipples, her clit, her sex. She was even starting to feel it on her tongue, in her lips and down her throat as she gulped.

“You know how much magic a person's soul and personality can produce?” He shrugged as she looked up from beneath his oddly-shaped dick.
“Me neither, but that's what's happenin'. She's in there getting' churned up and digested. Don't even think they go anywhere. Pretty sure the power's made when it's destroyed. Somethin' about removin' powerful potential.” Jaina cringed. With that explanation she knew that each pulse, each creation of magic and power was a bit of Taelia that was being eaten away and 'converted' into sticky white fluid in some type of disgusting, degenerate and alien process.

“Okay! I am now a minion. Now what?” Jaina demanded. She wanted to move past the ranting.

Victor threw his head back and laughed. “Use those big dumb tits, you stupid animal.” Jaina bristled at the remark but ultimately complied for the sake of her charge and quickly pulled her top open at the front without any care for the buttons that popped off. It was like a superhero rushing to get into costume, except instead of trying to make it to battle she was rushing to offer a titjob to a scumbag. For the first real time she held her new tits in her hands and felt them. She knew they were sensitive but could never anticipate they were so tender. She gasped and gently wrapped them around his cock while ignoring the sensation. She stared down and started slowly and methodically rubbing her breasts together around his hardening dick. There was a faint satisfaction in it. The way it felt between her breasts and the way it was starting to poke up through her impressive cleavage. It was big enough while hard to almost touch her lips if she craned down. She had no motivation to do so, however. Not until a clear, glistening fluid began leaking from the tip.

Her eyes lit up and she hungrily pressed her lips around the leaking, flared tip. She started sucking down the clear, gushing liquid before she even knew why. Shamefully she felt after the fact that her initial desire was lust-based. The liquid looked so inviting and seemed delicious. After the fact she realized she was right but forced herself to remain measured because the moment she sucked the first few drops down she knew that what she was drinking was both pre-cum, and a bit of Taelia. It was just a feeling, but as more pooled she was sure that 'Taelia', her soul and personality at least, was starting to transfer from his balls to her belly. Most disturbing was how good it felt.

As she pooled there and Jaina continued sucking and licking around the head she felt an odd euphoria emanating from her stomach that spread out through her whole body.

“Damn... Not bad for a secretary.” Victor grunted. It was becoming apparent that Jaina's combination of gentle wrapping and rubbing with her tits, combined with licking and sucking around the head was going to do it for him sooner rather than later and she relished it completely. She basked in warmth as his cock finally pulsed and all of the powerful, churning liquid forced it's way out of the tip and into her mouth. It was a shocker, for sure. Her eyes crossed, giving her a look he enjoyed immensely for just a second. She had to try to gulp it down as fast as possible before it overflowed and  spewed from her lips. The problem was, it was sticky and thick and seemed to cling to her mouth and throat so she was not even sure if she was swallowing it at all. A bit did leak from her mouth but for Taelia's sake Jaina caught it with her hand under her chin and let it form a pale pool in her palm. Once she had painstakingly gulped down every last difficult drop she licked her palm clean, then licked her lips.

Jaina gasped happily and panted. She felt like she was close to cumming and had unconsciously spread her legs apart where she knelt.
“Ohhh...” She groaned, covering her mouth. She did not want to burp, even though she felt so full from the load. The mage wished she could say she was forcing it down, or reluctantly taking the cum, but she had to face facts. It was delicious. The odd thing was, objectively she knew it probably did not even taste particularly good, or smell particularly good to an outsider. The strong odor of it and the taste were actually disgusting, she was sure of it. It was just that her taste and sense of smell had been laid claim to and conquered by Victor to the point that his sweaty cock sitting in front of her face smelled of a gourmet meal and his cum may as well have been the wine. She hoped it was the strange, subtle magic and not her own mind breaking apart.

Speaking of, she forced herself in the afterglow of his orgasm to acknowledge that her stomach felt as though it was pulsing. She also felt a churning sensation, not in the sense that she was going to throw up but instead that she had eaten a full meal and was digesting. She panicked as that same magical, electrical feeling started spreading out from her stomach instead of his balls. Victor chuckled.
“Oops. You might've changed too much already? Like I said, I dunno how any of this shit works. That's gonna be your job, minion.”

“You-” She cursed before covering her mouth to stifle a cough.

“Better get back to the little bimbo before your girl's all gone.” he offered.

Jaina was somewhat grateful for that reminder. She stepped back and did not even bother stuffing her jiggling tits back into her top before opening the portal and stepping through to Taelia. Glory was of course still in the same spot, squat down spread eagle. She was sucking and taking dick at the same time and did not acknowledge Jaina at first.

“Glory!” Jaina shouted to get the girl's attention.

With a full mouth Glory looked over and gulped down a hefty load before letting the cock flop free of her tight, soft lips and withdraw back through the portal in front of her mouth.
“Yuh?” She was still taking the cock into her tired-looking cunt, though the girl herself did not look exhausted at all. Finally the member released it's twitching paylod into her reservoir, causing her belly to distend a little. Jaina knew from before that both the cum from the top and bottom would pool in the same place due to her unusual biology. Glory's eyes lit up with recognition. She stood up and stepped forward, poking Jaina's stomach.
“Oh wow! Congrats.”

“Not congrats. Tell me how to put her soul back in HER body.” Jaina demanded.

“No.” Glory said simply, shaking her head.

“W-what?” Jaina did not expect that.

“Why...” She rolled her eyes.
“Would I do that? I like existing.” Glory shrugged.

Jaina furrowed her silver brow and hesitantly asked. “You... Cease existing?”

“Of course. I started existing when Taelia left. Just let her go.” She stepped forward and honed in on Jaina's exposed tits. She reached forward and dug her small hands into them briefly to grope before finally just focusing on the nipples. As she did, Taelia showed quite a bit of satisfaction in Jaina's legs buckling. If Jaina's breasts were tender, her nipples were sensitive. Extremely sensitive.

“No...” Jaina moaned, struggling to keep standing.

Glory thought for a moment, then softened her expression and stared deep into Jaina's eyes affectionately. It was good acting, like a momentary realization was portrayed on the girl's expression.
“It's okay, ma'am. You saved me.” She explained. Her tone, her voice and her way of speaking. It was all definitely Taelia, but Jaina could not be certain it was true. Especially considering the pulsing she still felt in her stomach.

“Definitely NOT you.” Jaina argued.

“I'm a tad hornier now, that's for sure.” 'Taelia' leaned down and took one of Jaina's nipples between her lips. Jaina's mind blanked completely for a second as Taelia's alien tong rapidly circled and stroked her nipple while the sucking sensation pulled on it subtly. That, coupled with the electric sensation pulsing from her stomach was too much to bear. Jaina came from her nipples and felt wrought with guilt as the pulsing in her stomach ceased. There was no longer anything there. Anything being released. Taelia rubbed Jaina's stomach affectionately.
“That's a good girl, Ma'am. By cumming you transferred 'my' soul back into my body.” She smiled innocently and believably. Jaina cringed. It did not matter if she believed her or not. What was done was done.



Well. Goodbye Taelia. A bit dissapointed to not see the corruption of the "real' Taelia but there still Jaina.