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Luara did not really want an advantage for being an attractive female character in a game, but she assumed it would be more or less unavoidable. Her persona was a tall, toned, dark-skinned elf with silver hair. Aside from the additions made by elven racial modifiers she was built pretty similar in real life. So, it seemed obvious to her that she would be constantly bombarded by simple men who wanted to get her attention. The reality was much different.

“Did you change your body type at all, or is that how you look in real life?” A random asked. He was not asking Luara. She was standing impatiently off to the side as it was the third time they had been stopped that day. Naively Nyle responded with:
“Well, yeah... Other than the face and the elf stuff I look more or less like this in real life.”

The man's eyes lit up as Luara's rolled. “That's awesome! You must do a lot to stay in shape?”

“Bit of running but not much else.” Nyle responded conversationally.

“Hey, that's fine. It's all you need to keep a nice figure, really.” The man moved closer.
“Mind if I get a capture with you?” A capture was a screen capture. It was possible to capture images in game and have them saved to either cloud storage or the device running it.

“Sure.” Nyle shrugged and allowed the man to get in close to get the capture. Luara eyed the man's arm wrapping around the dainty male elf's back. His hand rested quite obviously on Nyle's waist just above his ass. Once the capture was taken the two separated and Luara swiftly dragged Nyle away. The female effect was almost dead in online gaming. It was no longer interesting or novel for a woman to be playing a game since most girls played from a young age. The stigma was dead. Stigma surrounding other things were still present, but far more mainstream. In terms of attractions and fetishes for young men the time of the busty elf were more or less passed. It was the age of the trap and Nyle had no clue. It was frustrating for Luara who could see it all. But, to make matters worse, Nyle and Neal were not just clueless to male affection. They were oblivious to it. Completely blind.

“You know all those guys wanna fuck you, right?” She remarked crudely.

“W-what? Do you think they were gay?” Nyle uttered self-consciously.

“No... No, I think they just really liked the idea of your small hands and soft mouth.” Nyle did not respond because he could not tell if she was being sarcastic. She sighed and shook her head.

“I don't know how you can't see it. You look so...” She did not finish that thought.

“In game?” He smiled innocently and cocked his cute head to one side. His looks really were quite dangerous in the game but it was worse than that. Neal, not Nyle, was the personification of an e-boy trap without ever realizing it. It was the reason everyone was so amused when he commented about his characters lack of manly qualities in game. It sounded like an awakening to the fact, but he really thought he was a mans man outside.

“Okay, sweetie. It's probably time for us to finally break the news to you.” Luara began.

“What?” Nyle looked confused.

“Remember how in school you were always really popular with the sports-ball players?” He nodded, not seeming to get it from just that.
“How every Halloween they'd get you really pumped up about dressing in drag.” He remembered.

* *

“Remember, Neal. You're 'Nea' tonight.” The captain of the team was of course the leader and would drag him around to everything.

“Sure thing, Bry.” Nea said playfully.

“It's just Brian.”

“Oh... So you guys don't want fun names, too?” Nea pressed a finger to his lips curiously, panning a gaze across the many blushing male faces. His outfit was an extremely racy nurses outfit with a short skirt, stockings, heels and even an open V top. Though, he had no cleavage to show off. He was of course done up with makeup and the boys had even sprung for a hair dresser.

“No no, it's fine. We're all having fun here. Hey! Idea!” Brian sounded very excited.

“What is it?” Nea bounced excitedly. He had a few drinks in him.

“Why don't we get pictures with you on all the guys laps before we hit the party proper?”

“Haha! That's so funny! I hope you guys post that shit online, it'll be so rich.” Nea laughed. The assembled Football players exchanged hesitant glances.

“Uh... Y-yeah.”

* *

Nyle smiled. “Those were good times. But that's okay to do because they were doing it too. It's just stuff guys do sometimes. You know? Football team stuff.”

She stared at him in disbelief. “What about the 'bros kissing bros' game, Nyle?”

He looked up in thought. “Oh, yeah. Well, they all did that. It was pretty funny. You know how it works... I explained it to you. It's called Gay chicken.”

* *

Neal clutched his econ books to his chest as he walked the hall. As he spotted Brian out of the corner of his eye he felt himself getting pulled into a dim nook in the hall. For some reason Brian looked nervous. Neal was not. He was very good at all the games they played.
“Gay chicken?” Brian asked.

Neal stared at him cockily. “You really like losing money, huh? You never win this game.”

Brian rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah...” He leaned down slowly. He was a full foot taller than the dainty Neal. Neal leaned up slowly the rest of the way. Surprisingly Brian did not pull back. He was on his game that day so their lips locked. Neal was a little shocked and almost lost as Brian pushed his tongue into his mouth, but he stood firm. Neal almost lost again when Brian's hand rested on his perky butt and began to squeeze it as they basically made out. He could not help but think that Brian really wanted to 'win.' Neal knew he had to step it up to best the captain. Neal broke the kiss and made a power move.

“I want your dick. I want your hard, big dick daddy.” He asked seductively while staring into Brian's eyes. The football player coughed and sputtered. He covered his face with his hand.

“Y-you win.”

“You know where to put the money.” Neal smirked, turning around to shake his rear.

“Yeah...” Brian gulped, pulled back the strap on Neal's tight jeans and snapped a twenty into them. As he did that they both looked over. Laura was staring at them. Her jaw had dropped practically to the floor.

* *

“I mean.” Nyle was exasperated.
“You didn't get it back then and you don't get it now. Those are just the types of games boys play.”

Luara was not impressed by how obtuse he was in this respect. In real life Nyle was otherwise an extremely intelligent individual.
“Tell me this. What's the furthest you've gone in 'Gay Chicken?'”

“It was mostly just kissing and touching. Harmless stuff.” Nyle said casually, as though it was no big deal. He truly believed that it said nothing about his character.

Luara breathed a sigh of relief with that realization. He had luckily not be perfectly groomed by the football team. To either of their knowledge, anyway. “But you realize you still got more action from boys in school than I did, right?” She added. She considered another angle to convince him something was up.
“Also... Jack was the only one on the team that didn't participate. Why do you think that is?”

“Oh, because Jack is obviously gay.” Nyle offered instantly.

“What?” Luara was shocked by how fast he answered and how sure he seemed.

“Yeah, Jack is so in the closet that I never knew what to do with him. He wouldn't play gay chicken, he wouldn't participate in any of the fun games that the football team played. He was always so open about chasing tail that it was just an obvious front.” Nyle clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“So gay... He doesn't even know it. Should we do something?”
Luara stared at him with a flat expression. She began walking swiftly towards the quest area. Nyle followed after her.
“W-wait! Luara!”



Will Laura get the trap trapped from jealous and spite?


I like that each person is being written about. At first I thought it was going to be concentrated on one. After each character is sorted are they going out as a group?

Tanya Wormald

The plan right now is to have constant check in periods like what happened when Rey first got 'scammed.' Goal is basically just to have it so that once each character hits a milestone or some big change the group will get together or talk and if I write it well enough it should show how the characters are changing over time by their respective movers.