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“I'll cooperate on this, but that doesn't change our deal.” You say firmly. The decision is a practical one. The situation you are in is give and take. If you take too much, you are voiding the deal in a sense. You made it to protect your family so allowing it to be annulled would waste all your effort so far.

“That's fine. For now.” Sam said. He was neither pleased nor displeased.
“So you're gonna make an effort, then?”

“What does that look like, exactly?”

He grins. “Well, look in the mirror. What do you think it looks like?” You think about it carefully while staring at yourself. You are definitely still a man, but the clothing is creating a vague illusion to the contrary.
“I'm not actually into guys.” Sam claims, as though reading your thoughts.

“Could've fooled me...” You utter sarcastically.

“Hey! I'm not.” He snaps back.

“Changing my posture doesn't make me less of a man. Putting on this type of crap doesn't make me less of a man.” You do not feel like you have to explain that to him, but still.

“Sounds like a challenge. Alright.” As he said that he dug his digits into your back again, this time being a bit rougher.

“Ow! Hey! What did you-” Your eyes widen as your muscles begin to tense in certain spots. Where as before the jabs seemed to loosen you up, these instead caused your body to begin to contort subtly. Your muscles themselves began pulling your body into a more exaggerated feminine posture.
“How...” The gap between your thighs increases as your hips flex and exert themselves to try and widen it.

“Are you...” Your lower back muscles start to become sore as the arch in your back and your general posture becomes more intense and obvious.

“Doing this?” Your upper back muscles strain. It begins to feel impossible to broaden your shoulders at all.

“Eastern techniques. Pressure points around your body control a bunch of different things. Muscles are one of them.

“As for what it looks like? I don't want you to be less of a man. I want you to be a girl.”

“Oh wow, he said that?” Kara commented. She did not seem particularly upset or disturbed by the development. She merely continued guiding you in your meditation training. You were allowed to speak during it, so long as you could concentrate. Luckily, you pick up things incredibly quickly and are already on your way to being able to 'breath' in mana.

“I thought you'd be more upset. Isn't he messing with your student? Wont my mana or whatever get messed with if my body changes.” As you ask that you inhale a bit of mana from the earth before exhaling it out into the surrounding plants.

“Nope, and I'm probably the wrong person to ask about this. I think you'd be a better student as a girl.” She says bluntly.

“What? So you're on his side?” The comment stung, a bit. The idea that she'd want a girl makes you feel like she does not want you. Only a bit, though. She may just like the idea for practical reasons.

“I'm on your side, still. Keep in mind, I'll just kill this guy if he gets out of line, or even if you just give the word. I don't really care. You're the one who wants to go through all these extra steps.” You sigh deeply. She is not wrong.
“What type of stuff are you doing for my mother?” It was a point you did not press before, but now that you have time you decide to pry a little.

“Oh, she set up a little office to work out of at Galia's inn and recruited me to help her with some stuff. I guess it's fine, but it's distracting me from the stuff I wanna do.” She says wistfully. You look up at her suspiciously, guessing what it is she wants to do. As you open your eyes she flicks your forehead.

You furrow your brow and shut your eyes tight. “So... I need to put in some effort to look like... A girl.” You admit.

Kara does not even bat an eye. “That's fun.”

“But, I can't really ask anyone in town for obvious reasons.”

“Shame. I get it, yeah.” She nods.

“So... Can you give me a hand with it?” There is a short pause. You believe this is a sign of her being too excited to speak. She levels out her tone when she speaks next, if so.

“Yeah, no problem. I don't really want this to be a constant diversion so How about we cut this short. I'll give you a crash course and we'll bank on your 'Promising Talent' to let you learn it real quick.”

“Is it that easy?” You ask skeptically.

“I mean... It's not hard. You breathed in a bit of mana after a day of learning so I think you can learn some basic girly skills in less than a day.”

“Why does a beastfolk from an obscure tribe wear makeup and short pants?” You finally work up the courage to ask.

“Why does a male hero want to learn to put on makeup and wear cute clothes?” She countered.


Just as she said, you became proficient at a skill as simple aa applying makeup in record amount time. Sam draped an arm over your shoulder, admiring the view. You wish it did not create such a stark difference. Without the makeup it is was a weak illusion. With the makeup reddening your lips, blushing your cheeks and highlighting your eyes you are fare more feminine than the other day. You are almost passing. Sam seems to agree.
“I can actually do something with this.” He comments, pulling you over to sit beside him on the bed. You are still framed by the full-length mirror.

“What do you mean?” You glance over and quickly avert your gaze as you catch a quick glimpse of his cock being drawn from his pants.
“Oh gods...” You groan, cheeks flushing even deeper than the actual blush that was applied.

“How's your body feel?” He asks. You can tell by the faint strain in his tone that he is stroking himself. You wish he would at least remove his arm from around your shoulder but instead he pulls you in closer. Not technically against the rules. You consider the question to take your mind off of what he is doing unashamedly beside you.

“My... Chest is sore.” You comment. It is not a thought that had crossed your mind until now. Both your chest and your hips were a bit pained. The hips could be chalked up to your tightening muscles. Your chest however could not. There was also the matter of the pain and soreness being localized squarely beneath your nipples. You reach for them curiously because you have not checked yet since this morning and find that they are raised by two hard lumps beneath them.

“That's nice. You wanna help me out here, at all?” The question makes you think back to Kara's 'lesson.' The one you both did and did not enjoy for differing reasons.

“No.” You say firmly.

He shrugs. “We may be here for a while, then.”

“We may.” You say indifferently.

You thought it was a bluff, but after the ten minute mark of what you can tell is constant stroking he is still going. You are completely dumbfounded. You did not want to spend your entire night doing this. For some strange reason you are particularly sore, tired and moody.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You question.

“I usually have help.” He explains innocently.

“Seriously? Is that all it takes?”

“Just a hand. You don't even gotta look.” He says, sounding far more cheerful than a man should be after he just spent ten minutes masturbating to no result.

“Fine...” While looking away you cautiously offer your hand. Sam guides it down and you immediately cringe as you feel it wrapped around Sam's massive member.

“Don't be afraid to squeeze. You aren't strong enough to hurt me down there.” He taunts.

“Seriously?” You try to squeeze him just for that comment but, surprisingly, it is far too hard. There is almost no give whatsoever. Still, the actual skin is smooth and warm. You hazard a glance down at your own soft, weak thing and feel a pang of doubt concerning your masculinity.

Sam laughs. “If you can hurt me with your hands I'll let you go.” He offers. Your heart beats quickly. It was hard, but you are not sure you were actually putting your all into trying to 'hurt' him. You feel as though you probably could. You want to, as well. He is giving you a ticket out and permission to do damage.

“You aren't lying?” You ask carefully.

“I'm being honest. Go ahead and try.”

The offer is too good to give up. The only downside is that you need to turn and look at the large cock to fit both hands around it. One hand was not enough, but with both you can twist and try to bend it. With both hands around it you see and feel it throb and move, but it basically does not budge. Your eyes widen, taking in the sight of it. It is extremely powerful. You surmise that it is likely all muscle and that it is particularly engorged and hard in this moment. After trying your hardest for just a minute to twist and bend and break to no reaction you feel your arms getting tired.

“Try a different position. From the floor probably has more leverage.” He offers casually.

You take him up on that, blinded by the opportunity. You crawl between his large legs without care and once again move to grip his cock with both hands. It looms over you tauntingly.

“dammit...” You pant, getting tired far too easily. You have been training your body for years, This simple act should not be exhausting you. You glance at your arms. The muscle in them had not faded completely, but they had definitely been scaled back and made less. You eye your stomach. It has softened as well.

“Hmm. What do I get for the bet if you fail?” He asked suddenly.

You gulp. “We- we didn't talk about you getting something.”

“Well, you just started immediately thinking you'd succeed. You didn't just start grabbing my dick for fun, did you?” You shake your head awkwardly.
“Alright... Well I think it's only fair that you should give it up and stroke me off just for tonight. Because you obviously failed.” Sam said. You were not looking but could tell by the tone of his voice that he is grinning.

You begrudgingly nod. There is no way you can harm his cock. It is too strong. That thought alone sends your body and your brain weird signals, as well, so you want to get out quickly. Cut and run. You release it with one hand, keeping your other on it. Slowly you begin stroking it using the same motion you would on your own. Only now you are in front of it, not behind it.
“Good... That's good. Just like that!” He groans and cums quicker than you'd expect. You recoil as his seed flows down the side, over your hand. It is thick and warm.


Sam sighs happily and waves you off. “You can go wash up, darling.”

You tilt your chin up. A few days passed quickly with nothing eventful happening. Sam played things relatively close to the chest, as though he was just waiting. He chose not to push particularly hard and gave a lot of space for you to continue training without hinderance.
“What is happening...” You clear your throat. Your adams apple seems to have shrunk and your voice softened. But that is not the greatest of your concerns.
“To my body?” You stare down at your chest. You did not know what was happening at first. Each half-day after you first noticed it the hard lump beneath your nipples would soften, then another would grow inside. After just a few days you have a very modest pair of A-cup breasts with an even larger, hard, sensitive lump beneath them. You feel your stomach uncomfortably, or rather the lack-there-of. With the corset on most of the time you did not notice until you took it off last night and found that your belly had flattened and your waist had shrunk. To top it off your rear has plumped up and your hips not only gained padding, but a slight bit of width. Looking up from all of that at your face, you sigh. Your lips look a bit bee-stung, but not terrible, yet.

As if that were not enough your member has shrunk and you have not been able to get hard since you jerked Sam. You already had training for the day, but that distracted you far too much to be able to question her about it before. Like most days you just stumbled out of bed anyway, so you did not notice the state your body was in until coming home and undressing into the garments he gave you. You decide that you need to go into town to find Kara again so that you can get her to check on you or something, because something is definitely wrong with your body.

You put on your clothes and only begin to notice now how strangely they fit. They were always tight to be able to fit the the armor you wear over top. Now you feel a bit uncomfortable as the tightness pulls against your new curves and makes the changes to your body rather obvious. You do not bother taking the makeup off, as it is a bit of an ordeal to remove and reapply for Sam. He will expect you to have it on when you come back.

As you enter town you begin to make your way towards the Inn you hear a familiar voice. “Hey, Fiona? “ You stop. It definitely sounds like Sten, a very old friend. You wonder why he was looking for Fiona. You always did think they would be a good match. Not knowing what to do you awkwardly turn around. He does not seem phased. Even with you facing him, he still assumes you are your sister.
“Why're you wearing those weird clothes?”

You sit awkwardly in Sten's room, staring down at the floor. “H-holy shit! I knew that guy was up to no good. I was pretty happy that Fiona was able to stay away from him, but I guess it was because of you?” Sten gushes.
“That's pretty brave. You are awesome putting yourself in his path to save your mom and sister. I- I seriously owe you one... Man?”

“Man is still fine.” you state in a weak, soft tone. His words make you feel sightly better.
“You're right. I did just kind of put myself in the way.” You comment, shifting idly on the bed with your hands folded in your lap.

He turns his head to look at you. “So... You're actually-”

“Actually what?” You suddenly look up harshly, causing him to step back and blush.

Sten gulps. “Pretty cute.” He admits. You feel a strange air in the room as both of you are silent for a full minute just staring at one-another.



Very nice chapter. Maybe Kara can show the hero how to modify his or other bodies. Pushing fat around as needed and instigate organ growth or shrinking.