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The new orcs vs elves chapter Shandris butting heads with Maiev at first.



I wonder how the blood elves are taking this situation. Would they have been given an antidote against the pheromones, since they were already part of the horde before? Is there a faction of them that's worried they might be next? Heck, nightborne are essentially still highborne night elves.

Tanya Wormald

These are very interesting question. The universe is slowly expanding with the worgen story. If I get to do more of that we will eventually see a bit of what is going on with the Nightborne, Sin'Dorei and the forsaken, for that matter. We haven't actually heard a lot from them in a while so what is going on with Sylvanas is also something that should eventually be expanded upon.


Poor Jarod... Also I was expecting Maiev to resist a bit more

Tanya Wormald

If battlemace 30k continues to get very few votes I may add a new category where people can see what happened to the nelf males and Jarod. Or it can be a bonus chapter at some point. Will see.