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“We're back.” You sigh deeply. Returning to the mainland made you feel like a load had finally been lifted off your shoulders. You had been worrying after everyone you brought along so much. The anxiety of running a party was beginning to get to you, with all the challenges of how to feed people and keep them alive through danger. Every decision you made was a new point in which everything could go wrong. You turned and addressed the group.
“I know you've all seen some things that'll make me a target for some factions in the Empire. I know that you, Prince, might have a grudge against me but Raithe and I talked about it and we're not going to keep you here.”

Ashur looked nervously to Raithe who was standing behind you. She seemed annoyed and made sure to motion for him to address you instead. He began to sweat a little.
“I... Wanna stay with you, Hero and try to repent for the wrong things I did.”

You were surprised. You did not sense so much growth out of the Prince on your trip back. It seemed out of left field.
“Is that so?” It felt exciting to be able to see someone change to such an extent. Raithe noticed your expression. The corners of her pretty lips curled up. She made a rolling gesture towards Ashur discreetly.

Ashur nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Yes. Of course. You taught me that I have been a bad person, Hero.”

“I... Did that?” You did not just feel excitement but warmth.

“Mhm.” Ashur said, nodding along with Raithe.

You were all smiles. “Okay.” Ashur was not a good person. You thought that he deserved to be punished but... Most of that belief came from how egregiously out of touch he was. With him admitting his wrongs and wanting to do better you felt like you had to give him the chance, since it seemed genuine.
“Anyone else?”

“We will return to the Academy. Jeane, Chester, Farrah. Let's go.” He grumbled. The two mages, Chester and Farrah exchanged a look.

Farrah cleared her throat. “We would like to assist the Kingdom's Hero.” The old Mage was taken aback. If they claimed that they were going with you there was not much he could do to reprimand them. They said it themselves. You were the Kingdom's Hero. For them, however, you did feel an ulterior motive that you were not sure on.

“Ridiculous! Fine. Jeane?”

“I am staying.” She rebuked sternly.

“What!?” He was ready to try and pressure her, but caught Raithe's foreboding glare and backed off.
“Fine. You all enjoy cavorting with Demons. I will see to it that you are all no longer welcome back after this.” Despite the threat, all three mages moved to your side.

You looked to Vura, Heilan and Luire. Luire was staring intently at Raithe behind you. He cautiously stepped beside you and said pointedly as he continued to side-eye Raithe.
“I want to protect the Hero with my skills from whatever threat you might face.”

“Thank you.” You nodded.

Heilan walked over without thinking and Vura smiled widely at you. “It's been a hell of a ride. I'm not about to get off now.” She walked past, patting your shoulder. Raithe bit her lip at the little bit of contact she made with you.
“I should let you all know, just because we're in Trysk does not mean we're safe. We're going to Fennek. I've heard that they have false arms and legs that can be used by those with a great amount of power. We are going there for Teuta.”

She was touched. “Thank you, Hero. Genuinely.”

You smiled at her. “Of course.”

After everyone seemed to agree, and after the meeting Raithe pulled you aside. “Did it really make you feel good to have a chance to make the Prince into a better person?”

“Of course.” You looked down, cheeks flushing.
“It may sound silly, but it made me feel like an actual Hero. Haven't been feeling that a lot. I really want to help Teuta and I want Kara to... To not be a complete vegetable despite what she was doing to me. I know it's stupid but this kind of thing makes me feel really good.”

She hugged you. “It's not stupid. For what it's worth, you helped me, as well.”

“I did?”

“Mhm.” She nodded, her wispy tail swaying behind her. Your eyes centered on it for a second before flitting away.
“You want to touch it?”

“Is... That offensive? Even Kara didn't really like it.”

“It is not. It is kind of cute, really.” She pulled her tail around into her lap and stroked the fur. Your eyes widened at the big brush of a tail. Since she all but asked you to, you placed your hand on it and felt goosebumps from how soft it was.

“So much fur...” You remarked.

“If you ever need something comfy to hug...” She pointed to her tail coyly.
“Great hugging pillow, you know?” She hinted at them sleeping together.

“Can I?” You held your hands together in front of you.

“Oh how could I refuse such a face.” She pinched your cheek and allowed you to get down and wrap your arms around the tail. It was the greatest and softest thing you had every felt.
“My ears-” She began.
“Have fur even softer than that. It's like silk because the fur is so fine. “

“Really?” Her pale cheeks flushed as you very forwardly got up from between her legs and all but sat in her lap as you touched Raithe's ears. Your heart raced as you felt the down-soft fur on her ears. She tilted her head towards you and rested a hand on your lower back.

“I like having my ears touched.” Raithe lied, trying to stop them from twitching too much as your hand ran over them. A shiver ran up her spine as you poked your ear into the down on the inside of her ear without thinking.
“Uu-uugh..” She fully twitched, her tail swishing away.

“Oh! S-sorry.” You held your hands up.

“Just... Not inside, okay?” Raithe chuckled.
“That tuft of fur is there because it is really irritating if anything gets inside.”

“Really?” You felt an intrusive thought wash over you and could not help yourself. You brought your mouth close to her ear and blew inside. Her fur stood up and her whole body shook.
“So sorry! I wasn't thinking. Are you okay?” Her face was bright red and she was holding her hands over her lap tightly. It looked like she was straining somewhat.

“F... ine. I am fine.”

“Are you sure? You look-”

“I said I am fine!” Raithe snapped at you.

You stepped back. “I didn't mean to-”

“I'm sorry for yelling.” Raithe regretted it immediately and tried to draw your attention from her lap. She slid behind you and hugged around your neck from the side while leaning her butt back away from you. Without warning she blew into your ear and you as well shuddered, though probably not as much as her. It made you feel... Faintly horny. As you felt that you heard her say.
“For me it is like that but ten-times the feeling.”

“Gosh. I'm really sorry.”

Raithe smiled brightly. “It is no trouble. Just warn me next time, okay?”

“Okay!” You agreed.
“I should go check on Teuta and Kara.”

“Good. I have some things to check on, as well.”


Raithe walked over to where Heilan and Ashur were. “You know... If you two begin getting friendly for no reason it will draw attention. The Elf is already suspicious.”

Ashur gulped. “S-sorry ma'am... Mom... Miss? Uh...”

She smirked, sitting down beside him to run her hands through his soft, dark hair. “Mom?”

“It slipped out.”

“Nothing just 'slips out.' You are already starting to feel it, are you not?” He stared at her with wide, confused eyes.
“Bond. The process forms bonds. Even if our backgrounds could not be further apart, I am still your creator and you... My 'child.' She licked her lips as she looked the little twink over hungrily.” She realized what she was feeling and closed her eyes while pinching the bridge of her nose. She exhaled.
“Haaah... Now I get it, Mother.”

“Your Mother? What's she like?” Heilan asked, practically leaning over Raithe's lap like a begging animal.

“She is... Completely terrible. I wish I never started to understand. After absorbing my Sister it became clear. All of her actions were manipulation. Calculated. She left me alone because she knew that any void of attention I felt from her would only drive me further under her control as I struggled to prove myself. I think... Kara did not like that. She also did not stop it or warn me about it. In her own way she did, but Kara is Kara. How could I take her seriously.” Raithe laughed.
“I was so confused by the love she showed Djir as a step-child, and the guidance and responsibility she hoisted on Kara, but in the end it was all a strategy of control tailored to each individual. It's so...” She sneered.
“Fucking cruel.” Raithe rested a hand on the heads of the two converts, either sitting on either side of her.
“I... Want to be a better Mother. I choose not to deceive or mistreat either of you. In return, show me the earnestness and deference that a child should offer a parent.”

“Kay.” Ashur nodded.

“Mm.” Heilan nodded.

Raithe stroked their heads comfortably as she looked up. “Kara is gone. The Hero is not your and never will be. How are you feeling now, Coda? I hope you are seething. I hope your plans all rot like fruit of a dying tree.”


You began to learn new moves with your sword under Teuta's instruction. You felt bad having her work, but it was in exchange for helping her each and every day without complaint. After a few days of that during your travels Vura shyly asked if she could join in and try to learn the same motions. Teuta happily agreed. That was the start of your tutorship alongside Vura. The closer you two came through training, the more you got to know her as a person.

“The truth is...” She rested a hand on your leg.
“I am only really attracted to women.”

You chuckled. “Me too. I guess we have something in common.”

Vura blinked, then burst out laughing. “First time I heard that one!” She squeezed your leg and butted her shoulder against yours. She leaned over, unwrapping the choker she always war from her neck to reveal a nasty scar.
“You... Are probably wondering why I have a failed execution scar on my neck.”

“Listen... Whatever you did-”

“I'll tell you right now, it was bullshit.” She grimaced.

“Oh?” You assumed everyone would say that, but you believed her.
“What happened?”

I was actually on my way to becoming a full-fledged Knight. Another Kingdom, another time. The house I was working under, their cute daughter ended up getting sweet on me. I felt about the same. We got it in our heads that anything was possible. Well... Next thing I knew I was being dragged across the countryside by Pacnal with a noose around my neck.”

“How did you survive?”

“Luck.” She shrugged.
“Rope snapped and I gathered just enough strength to book it.”

“Woah... I'm so sorry that happened to you. If there's anything I can-”

She grinned, rubbing your back a little. “Hey. Thanks for listening. That's all I need for a long time. Hey, Hero?”

“Yeah, Vura?”

“Can I call you 'friend' instead.”

“Absolutely!” you offered proudly.

The two of you laughed together. She took your hand to shake it, then pulled you into a warm hug. “It's nice... This group feels nice. There's something that is a bit off, but I got a good feeling about what's to come.”

“Me too, Vura.”

Standing far back, watching with a cold gaze, Raithe exhaled slowly and quietly, then inhaled with the same care so as not to reveal herself. Her body shook and her fists were clenched tight.
“Un. For. Givable.” She muttered under her breath.
`Unforgivable. Seriously? I do all the work only for some shield-slut to swoop in and soak up all of his wo-wonderful affection?` She began to tear up.
`Not fair. Not fair. Not fair!` She screamed internally.

`Vura, you are undoubtedly my enemy!` She seethed.


You all stopped off at a small city on your way to Fennek and found a noticeboard somewhere near the center of town. As you were reading fliers with Raithe clinging to your arm you felt a presence beside you. You glanced to your right to see a Bunny with bright-crimson hair leaning over your shoulder to read the flier. It struck you, because for a moment with her full, wild mane and red Beastfolk ears made her a dead-ringer for a Kara look-alike contest. If she were not a Bunny with a very opposite kind of personality right off the bat.
“Wauw!” She uttered, using strange speech in a strange tone. It was somewhat interesting to you how chipper she was being out in public. She looked positively... Bounce. Her big breasts jiggled in her cloth armor as she moved flamboyantly at being noticed. She hopped back.
“Oops! Sorry. Clan-Leader says I gotta respect others 'personal space.'”

“See that you do.” Raithe warned. She was immediately put off by how the girl looked and acted. Especially towards you.

The girl gave the fox a small glance before returning her eyes rather overtly to fin. She grinned.  “Hay handsome, is that your girlfriend?” She pointed.

“Uh...” You looked to Raithe and blushed.

“If you gotta ask, it means no. I'm Joi. A Bunny, evidently.” She motioned to herself.  
“And you... Are a fine Human male worthy to touch... The tail.” Joi turned around and wagged her plump ass and her big puff-ball tail at you. It was extremely forward of her. It also definitely worked and Raithe could tell.

“Ah... Haha. Wow, okay?” You began to reach forward. Raithe stopped your hand.

“Hero, what are you doing? That is a strange woman we do not know.”

“Oh.” You understood her to be one-hundred percent correct.

Joi bounced to turn around and looked to Raithe cheekily. “Well, if I meet him later tonight where you all are staying and we get to know each other over drinks I wont be a strange woman anymore, right?”

You shrugged, much to Raithe's dismay. “I suppose there's no harm in it. Are you an Adventurer, Joi?”

“One of the best!” She claimed.
“I'll meet you tonight okay?” She looked to Raithe teasingly and stuck her tongue out.
“See you later, as well, sweetie.”


“You bitch!” Raithe cried out. She was so angry that a little vain had popped out of her forehead as she fucked the sense from the already senseless Bunny.

“H-haah! Ib sowwy!” Joi moaned, Golden eyes solidly rolled up behind her shuddering eye-lids. Raithe had forgone any kind of restraint. She was holding the woman down to the ground, her pants were off and she was rutting into her like an animal.

“Is this what you wanted? Huh!?” Raithe gave Joi's perky butt several harsh slaps, as if she was punishing an unruly child.
“You idiot, you do not even know who you are messing with, do you? You got the nerve to mess with him while looking like THIS!?” She took out all her frustrations, since Kara was a shell.

“I dibbedt knoooo!” She whined, lifting her butt up so she could be fucked more comfortably. Raithe forced her back down, pinning her. Joi always thought she was strong. This woman was far stronger.
“Hah... Hahh...” As she felt herself getting close Raithe grabbed both of her red ears with on hand, pulled out before she could cum and pulled Joi's head back. She swayed, being kept up just by her ears.
“Mis- Mistake... I was- It was a mistake.” She tried to explain.

“Oh, I know. You are very lucky. In the wild, if you make a mistake like this you die.” Raithe taunted. She slapped the girl across the cheek, then quickly leaned in to lick the spot where she slapped and lick over her tears.
“Delicious...” She grinned.

“Alright you've had en-” Raithe paused, finally getting a good look at Joi's expression.
“Are you enjoying this.”

“I- I'm sowwy miss.” She uttered with a lustful gaze pointed at Raithe. She seemed to relish the fact that she was being held by her ears.
“Hurt me more! You're so rough... You cock feels so good, Miss, I promise I'll be good if you finish fucking me!” Joi begged.



You felt strange. You could swear that Joi was going to meet you back at the inn you were staying at. “So this is what it feels like to be stood up?” Your shoulders slumped.
“It sucks.” You ascended the steps, not even wanting to hang out with Vura. You just wanted to go to bed. As you walked down the hall you noticed a familiar sound and blushed deeply.

`Oh... That's...` You gulped, growing hard.

`It's actually been quite a while. Kara would always...` You trailed off, biting your lip as you leaned back against the door. Guiltily as you heard moans you thought sounded familiar you rubbed yourself through your pants. That was the limit. Then you heard the voice beg and your eyes widened.

`Joi? Joi is...` You frowned deeply, straining against your pants. While you looked down the hall cautiously, your common sense left you and you thought it adequate to turn your back to the hall where people would be coming in. You stroked yourself off as you listened to the girl who stood you up getting railed.

`She's really enjoying it. Probably some stud... Why would anyone want to get with me when there's so many other bigger guys.` Your cock felt small in your hand and your load pitiful as you came into your palm. You rushed into your room and shut the door so that you could clean up discreetly.

Later, you descended the steps to find Raithe sitting at a table resting her chin on her hand. “H-hey.”

“You look sad. What is wrong?” She asked in a concerned tone. It was usually the point in which Raithe would come console you, but for some reason she did not move.

“Oh... That girl? She decided I wasn't good enough.” You frowned.

Raithe's lip quivered. She found herself at a crossroads. Beneath the table, Joi was slobbering over her cock like the slut she turned out to be. Meanwhile, the Hero was standing in front of her without knowing that she was the 'stud' that took his potential fuck from him. Shards of Kara she absorbed screamed for her to push the narrative. Make him rely only on her. Her desire to be different pushed back and she felt conflicted.
“Ugh...” In that moment she closed her eyes and came. It overflowed within the girls mouth and painted her cute face. The stuff that overflowed from her lips dribbled down her chin between her big tits.

“Raithe?” You asked.

She could not move, lest she reveal her throbbing, dripping cock. Instead she looked up at him and tried her best with what she could do.
“That girl... Was not worth it.”


“Why would you immediately think that you are the problem, Fin? You are wonderful. She was the one who missed out by choosing some silly stud over you. Why care for sluts like that? She was trying to pick you up for a quick thrill. The way I see it, you are better off.”

“The issue is...” You squirmed uncomfortably.
“I feel all pent up.”

Raithe smiled. “We can figure something out to help you with that. However... You should probably be retaining semen in order to fight what Kara was doing to you.”

“Oh.. I see.” It made sense.



Jane Hexum

i'm curious if all bunnies talk like this or if this is some type of regional dialect?