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Okay, first off: nobody panic. I'm not going to just up and vanish. Tomorrow's chapter will be coming out on schedule, and I will return next week. Any permanent changes to my schedule will be done at the end/start of a month, just because you guys are the greatest and I don't want to pull the rug out from under you.

When I say a break, I mean literally that- a break. The current arc is giving me no end of trouble, and I don't want this to turn into another bandit arc, where I just throw something together and hope it turns out alright. As we've seen, that does not go well for me.

My initial thinking was that I'd take a week off in a while, giving you plenty of advance notice as to not do something last-minute like I'm somewhat doing now. I do apologize for that.

This week may not be totally without content, though. I have a half-finished bonus chapter from Tara's perspective that I've just been too busy to complete and edit. Hopefully I'll get that out this week as a bit of compensation. 

Overall, though, I just need a bit of time to let my brain rest to help me with my current struggles, plot out the medium-term story, and if I'm really lucky, work on editing my earlier chapters for publication. 

Again, sorry for the short notice. Chapter 83 will be coming out tomorrow, and chapter 84 will be released next Thursday, the 26th. 

For my 1 and 3-dollar patrons (plus for RR), the break will still come between chapters 83 and 84 as well.

See you all tomorrow!



Timothy Alexander

Dw man; much rather you took a break than burnt out! Hope you get a nice relax in and come back refreshed!


A single off now and then is just normal :)