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Hey all! Just a reminder that this will be the last chapter for a week, as I am in the depths of my last-ever Finals Week and will be graduating next Saturday. In other words, I'm not going to have much time to write. 


Congratulations! For attempting to peel back the intricacies of the System, you have unlocked the System Scholar Path!

Level Up!

Flexibility Level 15→16

Walking Level 28→31

Research Level 44→50

Packing Level 7→9

Athletics Level 27→30

Breathing Level 21→23

Outsider’s Almanac Level 65→66

Identify Level 32→33

Polyglot Level 27→28

Huh. That was an oddly good result for only a single day of walking.

“Hey Lefi. Are there skills which let you gain skill levels faster?”

“Of course! My Exceptional skill is exactly one such!”

“Does that affect people near you? I got a ton of levels today for… not much effort at all.”

“It does! I am simply so incredible that simply being near me can make you grow at inconceivable rates!”

That struck Edwin as rather odd, and he frowned, “So wait, if that’s the case, why can’t you just like, I don’t know, hang around people and help them level faster? Surely Tara would enjoy these sorts of benefits when she’s training or there are soldiers training or whatever.”

Lefi froze for a moment before regaining his composure, “Ah! Uhhh. Ah! It is because they already are affected by a similar Skill which does not interact with my Exceptionalism! It is an evolution of Leadership or Teaching and is quite desirable among those in authority, trainers, and teachers to aid their subjects and students! However! It often requires sole dedication to their tasks and that they are completely under their authority! My Skill only affects those which meet none of the criteria!”

So Lefi was pretty clearly lying about something in that statement. He must not have had a Lying skill, somehow, but assuming he was truthful about rulers and teachers having skills that aided skill growth, maybe that was both how Edwin had gotten so many levels while under the Blackstones, and also a possible reason for why he had to be ‘in the service of’ Lord S’fishkill. Though why wouldn’t they have just hired him, then, instead of enslaving him? Ah, whatever. That was all in the past, he should have a pretty hefty head start on whatever pursuit was heading his way, and politicians did stupid things constantly. That was both metaphorically and… Edwin took a moment trying to visualize where he was relative to the Blackstone citadel… and yes, literally behind him.

There was nothing to be gained dwelling in the past, so it was instead time to get excited for the future!

His current primary problem was that he had a skill point ‘debt,’ so to speak, of over 300 Skill Points. He had… slightly offset that problem, admittedly, by how many points he’d gotten from Almanac and Mana Infusion, at 66 and 59 respectively, though he couldn’t continue to borrow from his future forever. That was just a personal Ponzi scheme. That debt was also a big part of why he was so hesitant to pick up new skills at the moment. Anything new he picked up would need to be raised to at least level 30, more likely level 60 or beyond, before he would want to complete a Path and evolve it. Plus, there were the Stamina and Health Attributes to get, not to mention Perception if he could get the Scout path, and he was quickly spiralling out of control.

But in any case! He could complete Beginner right here, and even get three points towards his debt! A couple of bookkeeping things first, though. He wanted his notifications to display chronologically, making it easier to parse, and then he was due for some reorganization of his Status, showing and hiding different information. Once he was done, he laid back in satisfaction and dropped 30 points into Beginner.

You have completed the Beginner Path!

Your route has been circuitous and slow, with both your origin and destination unique from your peers. Though you have yet to fully come into your own, you nonetheless possess nearly limitless potential and shall one day be a true force in your own right.

Wait, what? His origin and destination were unique? That didn’t sound good. He really hoped he hadn’t just screwed himself over again.

Class Change!

Foreign Alchemist → Hedge Alchemist

Calculating Rewards…


You may evolve your Research skill into the Memory skill!

Accept Evolution? Y/N

He should have known something would go wrong. Actually, he did. He just should have trusted his gut. Still, he couldn’t say he was too upset. Memory! That was one heck of a Skill, possibly even better than Common Knowledge. Also, it netted him a positive twenty levels to his debt!


It’s the… whatchacallit. Something or other

Recall with greater detail

Improved clarity and timespan per level.

Now that was a solid Skill. Maybe he could use it to recall more science stuff in time! That would be so helpful if he could. Edwin looked through his current Status, content.


Edwin Maxlin


22 years


Extraplanar Human


Hedge Alchemist


Mana 5



Basic Mana Sense: 30, Mana Infusion: 59 (Basic Mana Manipulation 9)


Athletics: 30, Breathing: 23, Flexibility: 16, Nutrition: 17, Packing 9, Seeing: 21, Sleeping: 23, Survival: 17, Walking: 31


Polyglot: 28 (Language 36), Mathematics: 37, Memory: 1 (Research 50),  Visualization: 28


Bomb Throwing: 9


Firestarting: 29, Alchemy: 43, Outsider's Almanac: 66, Identify: 33, First Aid: 17


Skill Points: 266

Current Plan

Wanderer 0/60, Stonehide Vanquisher 0/60, Titan Slayer 0/90, Path Less Traveled 0/90, Scientist 0/60, Athlete 0/60, Outsider 0/60, Warrior 0/60, Blackstone Conqueror 0/60, Mage 0/60, Novice Pyromancer 0/60, Unkillable 0/90, World Traveler 0/60, Researcher 0/60, Explorer 0/60, Adventurer 0/30, Field Medic 0/60

Save for Tier 2

Micro-Biomancer 0/90, Realm Traveler 0/120, Alchemical Warrior 0/90, Pioneer 0/60


Novice 0/12, Trainee 0/60, Trapper 0/60, System Scholar 0/60, Survivor 0/60, Daredevil 0/60, Escapee 0/30, Lecturer 0/30

Probably Not

Lumberjack 0/60, Way of the Empty Hand 0/60, Pyromaniac 0/30, Exile 0/30


Slave 0/12, Assassin 0/60, Killer 0/30, Traitor 0/60

Completed Paths

CharLimitCanttalkmuchNocluewhathappenedDidmybesttohelpyouli, Mage, Skilled Arcanist, Physical Alchemist, Bomber, Linguist, Beginner

Gah… He had so many expensive Paths. He’d want to bring basically every skill he had up to at least level 60 before he started completing Paths, and with the latest mishap with Lefi’s prediction about what Beginner should have upgraded, he wouldn’t be able to trust his advice on other Paths until Edwin knew it couldn’t go badly. At least he wouldn’t need to get the Learning skill, not if Memory worked the way it claimed to. Sure, they might have overlap and make his memory truly spectacular, but literally assigning himself homework wasn’t worth an additional Skill.

“Well, I did it,” he told Lefi.

“Marvelous! Have you used Common Knowledge yet? Using it upon the shrine can be quite enlightening!”

“Well, that’s the thing. I didn’t get it. Research evolved into Memory for me.”

“Truly? That is… most puzzling. Even with your unusual Class, it should have still evolved Identify, even if the result were different. Most curious! But regardless! Memory is a... most excellent Skill!”

“I guess, yeah. Well, goodnight, Lefi. Bedtime, I suppose.”

Lefi started to say something, but Edwin wasn’t listening. Maybe he’d have a Memory of what it was in the morning, but for now?



Well, traveling with Lefi certainly was certainly effective, if nothing else. Over the next week of travel, he’d managed to accumulate levels at an incredibly rapid pace, almost to the point where it made up for Lefi’s constant chattering. As it turned out, Visualization could be paired with Memory to let Edwin vividly recall scenes from his past, helping him thoroughly tune out the talkative adventurer. Curiously, despite the clarity of the Visualized Memory,  Edwin found he frequently wasn’t able to remember things like the precise shape of various runes on walls and the like. He could tell, because the shapes changed slightly with every recollection. Perhaps with a higher level, that aspect would diminish, but it was still plenty for his current purposes.

Between his ability to tune out Lefi’s constant talks about all of his grand adventures in the past- after the third time he told a story about slaying a demon lord, Edwin was pretty sure he was just making it all up as he went along- and the rate at which he was able to level his skills, it was actually tolerable!

Level Up!

Basic Mana Sense 30→32

Walking 31→38

Athletics 30→34

Breathing 23→26

Identify 33→35

Flexibility 16→19

Seeing 21→24

Sleeping 23→27

Outsider’s Almanac 66→73

Survival 17→19

Visualization 28→41

Firestarting 29→34

Nutrition 17→22

Memory 1→23

Mathematics 37→39

Mana Infusion 59→61

Polyglot 28→33

Packing 9→16

First Aid 17→18

Congratulations! For reaching level 24 in the Seeing skill, you have unlocked the Scout path!

Even First Aid had leveled just by treating a blister he had gotten on the fourth day traveling, it was great. At the same time, though… he didn’t know how much longer this would last. Lefi had been pretty clearly getting more and more annoyed with him as time went on. It wasn’t there explicitly in his tone of voice or how he treated Edwin- no, the act that he actually liked Edwin held as firm as ever- but just in the tiny things. How readily he cut off Edwin’s sentences and questions, the curt way he’d provide responses, and just how he’d never look at Edwin if he could help it. It made Edwin sigh. It seemed that even in a fantasy world, the same things still happened to him. Nobody ever wanted to be around him for whatever reason, and he was never able to figure out what exactly it was. Must have just been some subtle aspect of his behavior which people found annoying, but while it wasn’t ideal, he could… he could live with it. So what if another person didn’t like him and wanted him to go away? He’d had decades of practice dealing with that sort of thing back on Earth.

It was better that way, anyway! If he was alone, it would be harder to track him down and he’d have blissful peace to work stuff out at his own pace. It had been too long since he had been able to do Alchemy, after all, and he was getting restless. They’d spent the last week doing nothing but walking, after all. Sure, the scenery was spectacular, but they never stopped in any of the towns they passed through. In fact, the two times that their path had crossed through a village were also the only times they hadn’t slept in a shrine, instead camping off the side of the road in a cave or something. They didn’t even seem to have a destination in mind! Whenever he had asked Lefi where they were going, he would always laugh it off with some variation of “Oh, the journey is the destination,” which frustrated Edwin to no end. Really, the more he thought about it, the more transparent Lefi’s scheme became. He had been tasked with taking care of Edwin, so he was doing his best to drive him off so he’d no longer have to deal with the super-annoying human. Typical. Well, if he wasn’t wanted, he’d just leave and make it easier on the guy.

“If you don’t want me around, you can just tell me, you know, and I’ll leave. You don’t have to pretend to like me.” Edwin blurted out at one point while Lefi was in the middle of one of his tall tales, interrupting a story about three sets of identical twins messing with people.

“What?” Lefi was taken aback, clearly not expecting to be called out on his act, “What are you talking about? You are a most excellent companion! If Tara knew how much I would enjoy this, she would have never tried to give me such a task!” he blatantly lied.

“Sure, sure. You can drop the act whenever you want. I’ve had a lot of practice seeing when people don’t want me around.”

“You are mistaken! I do enjoy your presence!”

“Uh huh. Okay then.” Edwin acquiesced. Fine then, if Lefi wouldn’t admit to it, he’d just have to sneak off overnight at some point. Maybe even tonight. There was nothing worse than someone trying to persuade him that, no, they really did truly like him, and it was a total coincidence that every time he walked into the room they stopped talking and changed whatever they were doing, that he was always ‘accidentally’ not invited to events, and that they’d totally add him to the group chat. No. He wasn’t dealing with that. He’d be better off just leaving. Maybe he’d leave a note of some sort. He could char the end of a stick and use it as a makeshift pencil from a torn notebook page.



I appreciate your efforts in informing me about Paths and Skills, though you needn’t worry about pretending to like me as you put up with me. I’m not going to be a bother for you any more.


Edwin nodded in approval at his handiwork, the writing messy but legible. As he had been writing it, he tried to Infuse Polyglot and his stick simultaneously, so it should hopefully be readable by the adventurer once he woke up. His task done, he pretended to go to sleep, waiting until he heard Lefi snoring softly before quietly tearing out the page and setting it on the bed, putting on his shoes and wrapping his cloak around him.

Edwin stole quietly out of the shrine, the door closing without so much as a click while he ventured into the chilly darkness. Sure, his legs were somewhat sore, but between his ever-growing Walking and Sleeping levels, it wasn’t too difficult to push onwards.

The world was so quiet and yet so loud, Edwin couldn’t help but notice as he followed the hard-packed road, winding through seemingly endless grasslands. Beyond the standard night-noises; an owl hooting in the distance, crickets chirping, and wind snaking through the tall grass, but it still just seemed so peaceful, there were no planes flying overhead, no hubbub of city life in the background, no cars driving by to spoil the natural tapestry of sound. While it had been slightly cloudy at first,it cleared at some point, and the lands were bathed in heavenly light, instinctively drawing Edwin’s attention to the Great Above..

As he glanced up, Edwin stopped in shock. It struck him all at once that in all his time on Joriah- about two months at this point, by his reckoning- he had somehow never seen the night sky. His first few nights were deep in the Verdant, with the tree cover too thick to see through, then he’d been underground in the Citadel for a month and a half before escaping and immediately camping under trees once more. Then the caravan, where he’d also slept indoors, and finally on his walk with Lefi, where they’d usually slept indoors once again. Sure, he’d seen the occasional star, but he’d never seen much beyond that.

What was painted across the night sky was truly wondrous. The moon, a luminous crystal-like orb glittering with pinks and blues, set among a carpet of stars of all shapes and sizes, and even with a lone orange star radiating glorious color across the sky, that was somehow the least impressive aspect of the heavens above. Across the night sky, vivid nebula-like formations were twisted into shapes vaguely reminiscent of galaxies and… something else he couldn’t quite remember. It looked familiar, though. Most of the sight consisted of luminous, brilliant emerald nebulae, but there were several radiant gold clumps of gases, and even a handful of red-purple clouds which stood in direct contrast to the rest of the sky, providing highlights to frame the rest of the view in even more wonder. Words failed to properly capture the majesty present above, and Edwin could have stood there for hours.

Maybe he did stand there for hours, actually, entranced by the sight above. He stood a very good chance of remaining there until the sun came up, at least. Or he would have, had he not been sent stumbling to the ground by a sudden blow. He spun as he fell, catching a glimpse of two silhouettes against the bright night sky as one of his assailants drew back a club, preparing to strike him again.



Oops! Sorry about that. Looks like I messed up the scheduling. Am I evil for leaving you on a cliffhanger right before a break? Maybe. But it'll be really effective once it hits RoyalRoad for getting new patrons.

Scott Frederiksen

One to many 'certainly' after his nap. 👍


Any chance on letting us know if his assailants are ... short and beardy


Though it wouldn't surprise me if Lefty was taking him to a town or city mostly populated by Adventures. And because Adventurers are portrayed as a shiftless lot and our hero was simply standing around looking stupid, that he presented an easy target of opportunity.


Huh, wouldn't be executed as a [Deserter] or something now ? He will need to [Flee The Empire] now.


It’s worth noting he wasn’t mandated to go with Lefi, just Lefi being mandated to go with him.


Edwin better be grateful when Lefi saves his ass. I doubt this is the Blacksones, though it might be.


Is he dead? Please tell me he's dead. Seriously, I hate stupid protagonists. This guy is purely reactive, he bumbles around like a village idiot and shit just happens to him. He LITERALLY just got bitchslapped while star gazing, IN A FUCKIN FANTASY WORLD! How the fuck did this guy become any kind of scientist with zero common sense and an inability to remember a goddamn thing.

Ian Malcolm

What's Edwin's new char lim rn? Also, I think Edwin's pretty cool myself

Rickard Gustavsson

Is the break spirit skill still affecting him? Is lefi's perceived "change" over time the skill altering Edwins perception and thoughts down a negative spiral of doubt and mistrust?


Good question! It’s probably not *helping*, but it’s not fully responsible for Edwin’s latest round of self-doubt.


Reading through all the chapters because i just got patreon and commenting here because its the most recent, but in chapter 32 Edwin got polyglot skill up from 25 to 27, but in chapter 33 his polyglot upgrades from 26 to 28, i hope you aren't cheating Edwin out of his points


Keeping track of numbers is hard, okay? (I have a spreadsheet with skill levels which I try to keep up to date but I sometimes slip on a bit)