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Just a reminder that my break will start this Friday. I had a typo on the poll because I apparently can't add, but my graduation week is next week, so there will be a little over a week between the release of chapters 35 and 36.

Also, because it's finals, chapters may be a little on the shorter side this week, depending on how much time I'm able to devote to this.


The interior of the… what was the right word? It was clearly a multifunctional complex, but Tara had called it a garrison, so he’d go with that. The interior of the garrison was even more impressive than the outside had been. Once he passed the outer walls and through a small courtyard, the building itself was a massive, cathedral-like structure. Inside was, unsurprisingly at this point, even bigger, and the vaults above seemed to stretch almost forever, to the point he could barely see the ceiling above. Avior ascended and descended like flocks of swallows, swarming to balconies on the sides of the garrison or out what Edwin could barely make out as openings to the sky. In the center of everything was a massive statue of an avior- no, the Avior, he felt certain, though he couldn’t pinpoint why- holding aloft a staff and a triumphant expression. Everything, from the tip of the statue’s golden staff to its gray plumage to its taloned feet was colored and detailed to the point it looked like an actual, flesh-and-blood avior, just a hundred-foot-tall one.

No time to marvel at it too much, though, as Tara and Edwin made their way over to an arch inset into a nearby wall, venturing up a spiral staircase until it opened onto a rail-less balcony-like area. Sitting at a desk off to one side was a halfling-sized ‘Lirasian Registrar’ with bright blue hair and skin just a little too pink to be human, consulting stacks upon stacks of papers and what had to have been a System notification.


The gnome looked up, speaking with a bit of a scratchy and high-pitched but enthusiastic voice, “… Tara! Welcome! Back to Vinstead at last I see?” he pointed at Edwin, “…this?”

“This is Edwin. He got on the wrong side of a continental teleport and needs an Adventurer License.”

“I see, I see. …Polyglot?” he asked

Edwin nodded, “Yes. Level-” he checked his status, “Twenty five.” He finished.

“Not bad! not bad! …” Rizzial- Edwin tagged the gnome- nodded, “…can understand me! Right?”

“Yeah, at least for the most part. I have to lean on a few other skills to help me, though.”

The gnome instantly perked up, “Synergistic skills? Tell me, tell me! I … know!”

Tara chuckled, “Good luck with him. I’ll be back shortly, once I file my report on my mission. Rizzali, Edwin is cleared to keep a couple of his Paths and his Status advancement confidential.”

Rizzali’s- Edwin corrected his tag- eyes literally sparkled before returning to normal, “Aww. But Tara…”

Tara sighed, “Not this again,” she headed further up the stairs, “Let me know when you free Edwin. I’ll try to not take too long, but you know how the Administrator is.”

Then she vanished, leaving Edwin alone with a very eager gnome.


“And last … ‘Micro-Biomancer’ path,” Rizzali asked, and Edwin sighed.

They had been here for hours, and for every single one of his skills, Edwin had been quizzed on how he had unlocked it, what its effects were, what its description was and what it improved. Then, a similar set of questions for his Paths. How many points they took, how he had gotten them, if he had completed them and if so what benefit did it provide...

Most of the time, what he had was apparently fairly typical and, despite his initial reservations about not wanting the Empire to know his exact capabilities, he had gotten a little carried away by talking to someone who clearly loved learning. It had been fun for the first hour or two, then Edwin’s throat had started to get dried out, and his social batteries were drained. Now, he was just happy to finally be done with the whole thing, though he couldn’t say he regretted it.

“I got Micro-Biomancer the same time I got Nutrition, by thinking about what makes up food. Takes ninety points to complete.” He tiredly replied. Earlier in the discussion, he would have gone into more detail, but now he was just tired.

“Fascinating, fascinating. What does make up food?”

“Oh… lots of stuff. Sugars, fats, oils, fibers, and all kinds of things I don’t have the time to explain and I also think I’m not allowed to tell you about.”

“Hmm. So be it. Ummm,” the gnome checked a piece of paper, fishing it out from a massive stack of freshly-filled sheets, “Very well. That seems to be the last of your … System abilities, which I ... our time together. Here is your license,” Rizzali handed him a small stone token on a cord, “Don’t lose this. We can remake it, but … tricky! It … quite enjoyable speaking to another academic, please do return sometime!”

Edwin had mostly tuned out Rizzal’s voice by then, his mind turning to his notifications before shutting down in protest.

Congratulations! For becoming officially licensed by the Liras Empire you have unlocked the Adventurer path!

Congratulations! For explaining the basics of science you have unlocked the Lecturer path!

Level Up!

Polyglot Level 25→27

He was oh so very tired, his brain run through the wringer with all his speaking and in desperatesparate need of some alone time, but he was at least done with it all, “So where do I go now?”

“Wait … wait. Tara will be back! Soon!”

Great. Well, at least he had a bit of time to kill. Wouldn’t quite be alone time per se, but he could manage the next-best thing. He settled into his chair, closing his eyes and lightly tugging on his Sleeping skill to take a quick nap.


Edwin was woken by someone jostling his shoulder, slowly bringing him back to wakefulness. It took a moment, but he eventually opened his eyes to see Tara’s stern face impatiently waiting on him to rouse himself. As he stood up, trying to work out the crick in his neck, he yawned and grabbed his bag, “Am I good to go now?” he asked, “Can I meet this mentor-person yet, or did something go wrong there?”

An amused smile flickered onto Tara’s face for a brief moment before vanishing, “No, he’ll be... eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

Something was clearly going on- was she pulling a prank on a coworker or something?- but Edwin quickly decided he didn’t care enough to ask. He’d find out a few minutes anyway. He groggily followed Tara down a couple flights of stairs until he was in an underground section of the garrison, lit by heatless torches shedding an oddly steady light.

She rapped on a door and opened it, motioning for Edwin to enter. He hesitated, not wanting to go through an unknown doorway in an underground dungeon, which only prompted Tara to sigh.

“Gods, you’re impossible,” she reached out, grabbed Edwin’s forearm, and yanked him through the opening, following right behind him as he yelped in surprise.

Inside the room was a guy who both seemed incredibly familiar yet Edwin was sure he had never seen before. He looked basically human, but his hair, flickering animatedly like tongues of fire, was a bright gold in color and so utterly alien, even compared to what he’d seen so far, Lefi almost certainly couldn’t have been actually human, right?

Anime hair, Edwin amusedly considered, He literally has anime hair.

“Wake up!” Tara kneed the chair he was snoozing in, “What is with men and sleeping every chance they get?”

The jolt to the chair got the man- an ‘Adventurer-Mage’- to start awake, his head snapping around to determine what disturbed his rest, and quickly found the appropriate target.

“Tara!” he excitedly exclaimed, his voice rich and intriguing, though also annoyingly loud, “And here I thought you didn’t care!”

“Shut it, idiot. It’s your lucky day. I’ve settled on your sentence, now that I’ve come back. Community service, as usual.” She shoved Edwin forward, making him stagger into a position between Tara and the mage from his previous location, solidly hiding behind the Silver Blade, “But different than normal. This is Edwin. Your job is to… you’re not listening.”

“Oh?” the man seemed eager, sizing up Edwin, “So lightly? And I get a baby adventurer to take care of?”

“Well. It’s only fair. I picked up a stray after I sent you back thanks in large part to your meddling. He is officially now your problem. I solve two problems at one time, and… would it kill you to pay attention to more than half of my sentences?.”

Edwin sorely wished he had some sort of invisibility skill, or whatever it was that the one thief had had, because Lefi- actually, he may well have been a couple years younger than Edwin- was intensely studying him.

“So, you found some poor sap and figured you’d want to punish me with him?” a statement which made Edwin feel decidedly uncomfortable, but Tara ignored, “What’s your name? How’d you end up with an Alchemist class? Do you have any idea how long I’ve been trying to get the Alchemy skill?” he gasped, and he got a far-off yet greedy look in his eyes, “You can help me!”

“No. Edwin is forbidden from helping you get more skills. You are in a strictly consulting position, and your monetary fee is going to take the form of kitting him out. Two gold minimum, and I will find out if you try to short-change him.”

“Edwin, eh? Where are you from?”

“He is also not to tell you anything about his background save what you already know; he originated from Fierisal and was caught in a teleport mishap.”

“Pity. Can he at least tell me about his skills from it?”


“Could somebody please tell me what’s going on?” Edwin protested, “I am so very lost.”

Tara huffed, “Very well. Lefi?”

“You honor me, dearest Tara,” Lefi turned back to Edwin, “I! Am Lefi Forolorzal! Adventurer-Mage extraordinaire! As a mere child, I managed to gain the Exceptional skill, which showed me that I was never destined to be another mere farmboy. No, I gained Skill after Skill and managed to accumulate so many skills they didn’t know what to do with me! So, I became a brave adventurer” he puffed his chest out, “Righting wrongs and slaying brave monsters! Er, slaying monsters bravely!”

Tara sighed, “He managed to somehow get past the Management as a six-year-old and took a ton of skills, now nobody wants him around so he goes around killing predators and interfering with Empire work.”

“And yet I do so magnificently!”

“He also has a head bigger than his skills list. Yet somehow, he isn’t a completely hopeless buffoon. Well, in terms of efficacy. He’s still an idiot.”

Edwin raised an eyebrow incredulously, dying internally slightly about having to be trapped with an extrovert for the near future, “And I’m supposed to learn from this guy?”

Tara sighed, “He somehow manages to avoid ever interfering with anything extensively enough or important enough for me to do any worse for him than drop him in prison for a few days and give him a community service project,” Huh. Apparently Tara wasn’t the complete rule of law in this province, if that were the case, “but the idiot just takes it as a challenge and seems to enjoy being sent into the Verdant to chop down a few trees, and despite my best efforts, he keeps surviving.”

“Well but of course, my fairest lady! I could never possibly fail such a monumental quest when I have your faith behind me!”

“I’ve been trying for three years, yet having faith against you doesn’t do anything,” Tara muttered, which Lefi seemed to be wholly oblivious to. She took a deep breath, “But yes. He’s good at what he does,” turning to Lefi, she very pointedly cleared her throat until he was actually paying attention to her, “You have until tomorrow evening to get Edwin all kitted up, then I don’t want to see you back in Vinstead for at least two moons. Give him some pointers, help him optimize his skills, assist him in getting his feet.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Edwin warily asked, “You think he’ll actually be able to help me? You don’t sound confident in his capabilities. Am I really able to tell him my skills and be fine?”

Tara rolled her eyes, “I’ve yet to see him fail a task-”

“-a Quest!”

Huh, so he was listening.

“-a task that I’ve given him. I figure best-case scenario he might actually learn how to be responsible, but that’s not about to happen any time soon. Still, you will be in safe hands. He can also keep a secret, can’t he?” the last part was asked very pointedly, and Lefi nodded furiously.


“See? You’ll be fine. I imagine I’ll be seeing you around at some point, Edwin. Please try to not make me regret this,” her voice took on an almost pleading tone as she started to move out of the room, “I already have to deal with him.”

After the door latched behind Tara, Edwin had a blessed two seconds of peace before the extrovert switched his attention from the now-absent Enforcer onto him, and it was far too short.

“So! Edwin! My dearest friend. You are an alchemist, yes? From the long-lost continent of Fierisal,”

“I don’t think it’s really-”

“From the long-lost continent of Fierisal! And what sorts of secrets have you brought to this side of Joriah, pray tell?”

“I think that’s the sort of thing I’m not allowed to tell you.”

“Ah, but that’s the mentality of one who cares! They don’t care about us, why should we care about them?” Lefi asked with a ridiculous grin on his face, clapping his arm around Edwin.

“In this instance? Because I want to keep quiet about it too,” he responded, ducking out of the half-hug, “And I don’t want to annoy Tara besides.”

“Ah, that softie!” Lefi flicked his hand, “She likes to talk a big talk but she really isn’t as tough as she acts! All protocols and formalities, it was only a little bit of an obstruction, no need for her overreaction.”

“…Right. Anyway, I need help with my skills.”

“Sadly, you will never be as Exceptional as I! I have tried many times to share my greatness with others, yet none are as destined for greatness as I!” He looked off into the distance (really just a stone wall) and his hair’s motion changed from being like tongues of fire to blowing in an imaginary wind. It wasn’t quite long enough to flutter properly, but it certainly tried.

“Whatever you say. But I more just bumbled my way into having a lot of skills, and you’re supposed to be good at that sort of thing?”

“Naturally! Let us leave this dreary hole and find a more suitable establishment for our magnificence! Though perhaps Skills must wait until the morn, today we shall prepare for our departure!” he strode to the door and grasped its latch, finding that it wouldn’t budge. He deflated slightly before propping himself back up, “After you, fine sir!” he sheepishly motioned for Edwin to open the door, “It seems as though I haven’t been properly keyed out of the locks, if you would do the honors?”

Edwin sighed but swung the door open anyway, letting Lefi by him, who immediately turned to the right, before swinging around, and going to the left, “This way! I must retrieve my possessions!” Then he changed his mind again, heading back once more to the right, confidently striding down the hallway.

Edwin let out a low whine. This was going to be great, he could tell.


Scott Frederiksen

Time travel would be really useful for me to read more... 😭


One minor plot point that bugs me. On other mysterious continents they don’t have skills and paths? So much so that the MC only starts getting them when he arrives from his teleport accident


That is a bit of a weakness with his cover story, yes. But there’s enough legends about it that it might generally pass muster. There’s a reason Tara thought it up, after all


Primarily Inattentive ADHD introvert meets Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD extrovert 😂


Hm. I suppose Lecturer will jump onto Polyglot if you let it. The upgraded Skill would make Edwin even better understood, increasing teaching. Of course, it's pretty much the closest thing Edwin has to a Charisma Path, so maybe it will unlock the stat instead....


Would a high-level Status Skill allow you to predict whether a Path would unlock a stat or upgrade a Skill? Hm, I guess Edwin could try to mark the Path with Outsider's Almanac and target its existence as a "Path that will grant Charisma", but I don't really expect that to work. Anyway, it would be nice for Edwin to spend those precise Paths that would grant Attributes (and ideally the lowest-point Path that would do so), since that gives him extra time to gain the Paths again, increasing his options. At the same time, it's against his interests to actually upgrade a Skill before he can properly grind it... Maybe there's a reference book for this stuff?