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So, due to a frankly overwhelming number of responses on RoyalRoad that want me to take Saturday/Sunday off, despite the surprising popularity of Wednesday/Friday here, I will indeed be taking weekends off in the future. 

The purpose of this poll, however, is to determine how you want me to deal with a week off I will need to take in the near future. As I am a Senior, about to graduate college, I will simply not be able to write the week of the 10th-14th of May, two weeks from now, due to things like finals, saying goodbye to my friends, and moving out of my college apartment. As such, there will be no chapters that week. I plan to publish chapter 40 for the $5+ patrons on May 6th, then chapter 41 will come out again as normal on May 17th. This will also allow me to align my chapter numbers such that each 5 day/week posting cycle will align with numbers divisible by 5, which makes things easier to track.

Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. What I want to know is if I should likewise not post for the 5 chapter ahead and RoyalRoad reading groups that same week of the 10th-14th, or if I should not post between the 40th and the 41st chapter like for the fully advanced patrons. I have a slight preference for the latter, as it would give me an additional two weeks of possibly being on Trending for RR before almost inevitably falling off from a week of no new chapters. Ultimately up to you, though.

Regardless of what option is chosen, everyone will be able to look forward to me having more time to devote to writing while I continue to look for a job. Heck, if Patreon pays well enough, I may even make this full time.

Anyway, I've taken up enough of your time



The Human

No real preference, might as well let them read.

The Human

Heck, I'd even vote to just have them lose 5 chapters whenever you fall off trending for more than a few days, and until then we might not be as far ahead. Whatever is best for you.

Scott Frederiksen

Whichever one will give you tending exposure. 👌👌


I agree with the others. While I did vote my preference for the two options, you should pick the option that allows you to both better exposes your work, but also works best for you.


What sort of degree are you getting and what geographies/types of jobs are you looking for?


Physics/Comp Sci, looking mainly around Philadelphia and in WA for software engineering.