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Hi all! 

As probably comes as a surprise to absolutely nobody, I can't quite pull off 7 chapters/week. It just doesn't give me any room for days where I just can't quite get a chapter written, to say nothing of having actual breathing room. That means that I've slowly been eating into my buffer a little bit at a time, to say nothing of the constant need to write another chapter has been having on my creativity. I'm not burning out, I plan to keep writing this story for a long time, this is just a preventative measure to prevent that.

While I would have liked to perhaps get another week in before reality caught up to me, I am going to have to start switching to 5 chapters/week. My current plan is to take this weekend as a breather, finish getting you all of your advance chapters, and then start in on my going-forward normal schedule. 

With that in mind, this poll is to ascertain which days you DO NOT want a chapter. Everyone gets two votes, for obvious reasons, and I will go with whatever the winners are (if it's really close or a tie, I'll go with whatever makes most sense to me). 

RoyalRoad will also get this poll with tomorrow's chapter, but all of your votes count double, because you guys give me money. Yes, this means you can also vote there and have your choices count as triple. Lucky you.



David Otis

I feel so lucky. We love you! Keep yourself healthy!


You kidding? I’m the one getting paid for my hobby. You guys are the best. I just want to make sure I can keep giving you what you apparently enjoy so much. Plus, I’ve been falling behind on my homework a bit and should *probably* take care of that.


Twas inevitable. . .*cracks whip* Now back to the slave arc mister.