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Hi everyone!!

I just wanted to give you all a little update- I don’t like going a week without any posts here and I’m sorry about that! If you follow me on twitter then you might’ve already seen this, but me and my partner got a puppy on Saturday 😭💖 

I knew this would make work difficult for a bit so I spent that whole week thumbnailing ahead in Sparks- thumbnailing is what requires the most focus/energy for me, so this way I’ve got plenty of pages ready to be worked on whenever I get the chance! I didn’t realize how exhausted I’d be from waking up all night to take her out while we’re toilet training her though so the past few days have been a wash lol- but we’ve got a routine going now and I’m about to start working on pages right after I send this, so I’m confident I can still hit my regular monthly goals for Nov 💪 

Thank you all for your patience, and here’s some cute pup photos!



cute little puppy what’s her name


Juno is a cutie pie 🥺💕


Aarghhghaggaggggghhh, I lub himb!


She is precious!! Enjoy the littleness while it lasts. My dog is now a horse 😳

Kaitlin Anderson

What a precious pup!!!! I recently got a kitten too, they're bundles of nonstop energy aren't they??


Yes omg!! I’m assuming it’s the same with kittens and they play hard and then nap hard? I’m so thankful for the nap parts LOL I hope you’re having a wonderful time with your kitten!!


I’m taking so many photos because I want to be able to remember how tiny she is!! It’ll be interesting to see how big she ends up getting hahaha thank you! 💖


Oh my god they're so stumpy and cute!! Look at that little dough ball!!!


Puppies will always be a good reason for anything


blue heelers r the best such sweethearts!! congrats on the beautiful baby 🥺💞


My dog has the same ball. Congrats on the new pup, so cute


Right she’s sooo tiny 😭 she was one of 2 runts of the litter hahaha


AGREEEED we had a red heeler when I was a kid! Such beautiful dogs 🥺 thank you!! 💖


Hahaha did it also come with the chuck it thrower thing?? 😂 it throws too far for her for now but one day… thank you!!


My heart, im dead 💀