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Here we go!! Sorry it's later in the day than usual lol- I had work this morning!

All righty here comes a life update- I wanted to say sorry there's been a bigger gap than usual between Sparks page uploads and explain why- 

We were very lucky and doing very well in regards to covid in Nova Scotia, but unfortunately we've had a big outbreak and we now have more cases than we did at the start of the pandemic. It really sucks! A lot! And now they're all variant cases as well! We've gone into hard lockdown, but because I work in a pharmacy we're considered essential and we're still open. My work hours have doubled because we're short staffed, and I'm incredibly stressed out and anxious because I have to catch public transit to/from work and there's been multiple exposure warnings on the routes I take that have barely missed being the busses I was on. It's also just hit me really hard still being unable to return to Australia to see my family :( 

Luckily this kind of thing is exactly why I like to have such a large buffer for Sparks! I'm still planning to hit my goal of 12 pages again in May, I just need to find my footing again. It might still be a little while before the next page as I see how the situation plays out- depending how bad it gets I'm considering trying to negotiate taking a leave of absence from my job, or potentially just quitting lol.. hopefully it won't come to that but we'll see! Fingers crossed! I hope you're all doing better than me LOL and thank you for being patient with me <33 

In much better news, tapas emailed me this morning to ask if I'd like Sparks to join the early access program! So that's exciting! I said yes of course hahaha, if you don't know what it is- essentially readers on tapas will be able to spend ink (tapas currency) to read ahead of the updates by about 4 pages, and I get a split of the revenue from the ink! I'm not expecting much from it money-wise at all (I'm assuming it doesn't make much lol) but tapas tends to promo their early access comics more, so that'll be cool! 




Stay safe out there 😷 and congrats on Tapas early access!


Your situation sounds pretty stressful and tiring, but hang on in there! The sketch book is so great, I really love the coloured wingless dragon, it's so cool! 🥰


I will!! 💖 and thank you so much!! I hadn’t drawn dragons in forever but then my friends brought them up and I couldn’t resist hahaha 😂