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Happy new year y'all, and best wishes for 2023. I hope you've had some nice holidays, or could at least blow off some steam these past couple of weeks !
Although December wasn't exactly relaxing for me - plenty of things to draw, and a lot more to do - I'm back somehow energized, so without further ado...

Here's a recap of what's changing, and what's not, in no particular order:

  • Monthly fanart polls remain the same except the polls will happen at the start of the month - the fanart itself will still be posted around the 20th;
  • I'll be switching to subscription billing (something Patreon implemented recently and seems to work fine) which means newcomers will be charged monthly on the day you joined instead of the 1st of every month, if you've already subscribed nothing changes for you;
  • Annihilating My Beloved Big Fat Bully goes on, with the new goal to make 5 or 6 pages a month since we've passed a milestone in the subscription goals. Since you seem to enjoy the comic so far I got three more chapters written and sketched, which should keep me busy for at least a couple more years... which is somehow both exciting and worrying. I'll likely take breaks from it every once in a while to publish one shots too because I've got a lot of ideas for comics and not everything can fit in ABBFB no matter how permissive my wonky narration is;
  • There'll be bonus stuff on a regular basis too, like seasonal Fire Emblem pics like the ones I made for Christmas and Thanksgiving or extra Lazy Holidays parts because I can and everyone like these, right ?
  • I'm considering to open a few discussion and images sharing channels on the Discord server so we all can be nerds about anime and videogames and share fanart and reviews of our favourite characters, fattened or not.

And I think that's about it for the news. If you've got questions, rants, or anything to say I'll read all the comments and Discord messages as usual ! Thank you for supporting my horny scribbles last year, and may 2023 bless us with plenty of quality fat art :)


On a side note: people sometimes (and increasingly during last year) blame me for being falsely and perpetually good-humored and cheerful in my posts and messages despite life being shit in general, awful events happening and not expressing concern toward certain - otherwise definitely dire - events and just keep posting fatty art. I would like to use this post to remind you that it is not my role to comment events or news. I solely use this avatar to post, well, the cheerful content I enjoy making. That being said, rest assured that as someone who *shocking, I know !* actually exists outside of the internet, I am affected and concerned by a lot of things too. Now what you see - and will keep seeing - of me is only this: fun fatty art I'll keep on making and posting whatever happens because it brings me, and judging by the nice messages I get, a lot of people as well, joy and amusement.

My apologies for this "serious" stage whisper, I think it needed to be said somehow. Stay safe y'all, and keep enjoying soft tummies ! Thank you for your time and your support !




Changing the polls to be at the start of the month is a good call, and hearing that there'll be more Lazy Hoildays makes me feel giddy!


If the Discord were to have real text channels, that sounds like something I'd be active in. Here's to another year of great content!


Exciting prospects, I'm looking forward to what you'll bring out this year! Also I appreciate how you use your account for fatty art only and don't comment on current events, its nice to have some space where you can just catch a break from whats happening


I will look forward to anything you make, you could have said that you were going to start posting pictures of dogs and I would be incredibly hyped!!! You always do incredible stuff with everything, so I'm not worried!


Aye, the shifted schedule of the polls is something I should have fixed earlier - I just never seemed able to catch up with the publication rythm.


Something I would love to see in 2023 is a sequel to Lucina's Journey! Anyway, I wish you a wonderful year Rounder!