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The Silver Castle is shrouded in mysteries but the case of the shrinking dress is the most uncanny of them all.

Another YGO "monster" is getting a big powerup - at this rate we might end up with enough cards to make a whole deck before the year ends (no) !




As a wise man once said "LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO!" Now her name fits, being lovely. Love all the small details like how her arms look and the band digs into em. But I especially like the reference to miss knight and the funny elements from her reference art with her munching on those cookies. Makes me wish there's a sequel with miss knight actually reacting to her appearance. Maybe with her """armor""" from lady labrynth of the silver castle. Regardless, great pic! For once, I'm really happy to see her!


I'm more of a Dragonmaid man myself but Lovely Labrynth looking like this is a fine specimen.