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And now,
Some news coming out of nowhere. Skip and scroll to the end if you don't want to read the wall of text !

Upcoming changes ! I've been looking back at what has been done here during the past few months and after a lot of pondering, here's what I have:

  • I think we've reached a limit with polls: they are a little tedious, we're running low on suggestions and in the end, one fanart a month is a bit slow even for me;

  • I also feel like I'm hitting a glass ceiling with comics and will take a break from them after Maid with an Appetite is over (which should happen in June);

  • I am doing less and less commissions since I've opened this patreon page despite being asked for more slots very regularly;

  • Changes are good every once in a while and on a personal level, I need some fresh air !

Instead, I'll be progressively making more fanart and OC pinups akin to the "daily pic" system some artists have, aiming to post more frequently and picking ideas from trends, recommendations from you and what I'd like to draw on a personal level. That calls for some changes in the tiers system, which will go like this:

  • Tier 1 still has access to most posts as soon as a new pinup is posted;

  • Tier 2 can suggest characters for the not-so-daily pinups in the relevant posts, the ones who are suggested the most;

  • Tier 3 can download high-res packs of all the pinups every month;

  • Tier 4 will become the "simplified commission" tier in which you can request a specific character for a daily pic for cheaper than a normal commission (those same commissions that have been closed since last year, yesss). It'll be limited to a few slots at first and I will add more progressively if this little experiment goes well.

I'll put these changes in place progressively during the next two months, today's poll is still relevant (will put it online later on) and the new pages of the current comic will still come out as planned until it's finished. ABBFB will still continue, although at a slower pace, as well as Lazy Holidays every once in a while.

If you all happen to hate this new, admittedly coming out of nowhere formula, I'll roll back to "normal" and do some more thinking :P


TL;DR : This month's poll will be the last one, I'll make a lot more pinup pics based on whim and recommendations from tier 2 and above, there'll be a few commissions slots opening in tier 4 and the comics will continue at a slower pace.

Please hit the #issue-reporting-and-feedback channel on discord or the comments section to discuss these changes and/or shoot your questions, if any !




Sounds reasonable. But about the tier 4 changes I would think it would be cool if it's possible to find a way to "rotate" it from time to time so that if you miss your chance for one of the limited slots, you won't be locked out of it for ever.


I’m always down for commission tiers.