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The story for Pearly Gates is pretty simple: Pearl finds a sleeping Greg, checks out his cool dongler, they fuck. End of story. The real challenge is finding appeal in that. Literally the worst thing is a shitty doujin of a character you like. Like... imagine stumbling across a really boring 20 page doujin of your favorite waifu, where she's essentially just a paper cut out parroting show phrases that dicks are slapped onto. I really, really super wanted to avoid that.

There's a lot of things to like about Pearl! Her bouncy mannerisms, her curiousity, the sterile way she approaches things like food. I wanted to make sure each page had a lead up and a follow through, whether it was a punchline or just a set of actions. It allows a lot of small character moments, expressions and motions to shine through.

If I had any regrets... I'm most used to reading doujins and comics as god intended: Scanned lovingly on mangafox or fuckin, exhentai. So I'm most used to each page standing on its own on a webpage, and I tried to imitate that without worrying how each page lead into each other. If I ever print Pearly Gates, I worry that it might be hard to follow. But maybe that's thinking too far ahead.

In the progress folder this week is 5 of my favorite inked pages so far! Please enjoy them.

 Pages are here, and password is eAEWKAE323@42#$@$___#$#WGGGG



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