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I prefer this version for sure.
Still a lot of 🧀




I might piss off some Persona fans with this, but this series is inherently cheesy. They absolutely know what they're doing. Let me preface that there's nothing wrong with this. It's fun. At the end of the day it's just fan service, though. Persona 3 is known for this kind of music style of mixing rap with your typical hip hop. (Every persona game has a different style it specializes in) You're not actually the first person I've heard that dislikes the mixing on the rapper. I recommend checking out other parts of the soundtrack like "It's Going Down Now" and especially "Color Your Night". I think they're mixed a bit better imo. If you wanna get spicey you can check out "Master of Shadow". If you wanna get tons of views you could compare "Mass Destruction" from the original game to "Mass Destruction" from the remake. People really love talking about how the new version is "bad". I'd love to see what you think of it. Cheers!


Yeah I agree the rap is a bit weird. Personally I prefer Persona 5 OST over 3. Hoping for more Persona 5 OST reactions :)

Tuny kun

I think this is the strongest I've ever seen you react to anything. The cringe was so powerful it was like physically manifesting lmao.

Eli L.

Lol as much as I personally enjoy this track, my favorite part of the analysis was Tony roasting the Lotus Juice (the male vocalist) parts!


I feel like this is the kind of song where while its new, you won't get as much out of it if you didn't play the original game all those years ago. There's little melodic references to the original opening song, the male singer is the same, and the original game really captured the vibe of being an emo sort of loner teenager in the mid 2000s. Also the music in this game basically takes place in the context of it being the music the protagonist listens to on his MP3 player, and yeah he's an edgy 16 year old in the 2000s that acts a bit moody and has no friends at the start of the game, that kind of rap is pretty much exactly the sort of stuff you can imagine him listening to. Its still got its strengths even without the context, but I think people expecting someone who has never played the game before to go into it and be amazed were always going to be disappointed. Also Lotus Juice's rapping is very much an acquired taste, I played Persona 3 over 10 years ago now and at the time I absolutely hated it, these days I really like it, but I also like a lot of "2000's cringe" like the theme songs from sonic games and such, its definitely something that can give you a bit of whiplash the first time you hear it.


There are plenty of reactors that just praise everything, speak your mind, you're not being rude about it. I get you gotta worry about the metrics too, just saying though.

Vincent Alexander

It would be one thing to say the series is cheesy/bad then back it up, but then you just talk about not liking the rap in one song of one game. Not a very intellectual post

Vincent Alexander

I'm gonna say this once and only once, but after looking through all the songs people have had you listen to and review (not watched all but seen the names of them), this fanbase has a very bad way of selecting music. So many anime, games, etc with interesting or good tracks that would be worth listening to, and then its like fans completely eschew the interesting tracks and submit the most generic or boring tracks for listening. Feels like people just randomly send random songs or the OP of anime/games they like without a thought to how interesting or good the music piece might actually be. Sorry just had to get it off my chest


I like how you managed to ignore how I said that the song was fun and that there's nothing wrong with being cheesy. Also, when did I say that the rap was bad? You talking to ghosts or something?


Vincent. I think you need to reread what they wrote. The criticism of the rap is about the mix. That means VOLUME LEVEL of the voice in comparison to the rest of the levels in the song. That's a pretty normal thing to discuss.

Vincent Alexander

You said the series is cheesy and then you talk about this one song. I am reading correctly

Vincent Alexander

I didn't say anything one way or the other about the song, rap, mix, or knowing what mix means. Did you prepare a speech in head that sounded good and just post it without thinking of the context or what you are replying to? The song sucks, I'm not defending it


His post opened with "I might piss off" I just didn't dig your ad hominem about intelligence. Like wtf. Shit is 11th grade as a mf

Vincent Alexander

Saying "I miss piss people off" makes it ok to commit murder, steal, rape, etc right? He said that so I just accept it and say nothing? "I criticize thousands of songs - this is 'chill'" "He criticizes an entire 20+ year franchise with nothing to back it up, starting shit - this is 'chill and not an ad hominem'" "This guy criticizes a post for making a scathing comment with nothing to back it up - this is NOT CHILL AND AN AD HOMINEM" You know whats 11 grade AF? Being a grown ass man not understanding the first thing about logic and thinking being a band dork makes you a music expert. You're small time "bRo"


LMAO Ice, since booting this guy he has resorted to youtube comments. As someone in the discord pointed out, This guy's persona IS personaJfc. 🤣🤣🤣

Dixon Hale

THE controversial video?!

Dixon Hale

To your point the mix is bad, full stop. There, imo, is no defense for a producer burying a vocal performance and not balancing his baritone into the mix better. People can like what the song means but the production quality is just not there. Like you talk about in the reaction, I think it is a mix of both engineer and performer. There a parts of the rap that are leveled but when he is lower in the register he is also snuffing his projection. He is "talking into his chest rather than his from it" as my old choir director would put it.


A little late here but awesome seeing your takes on the P3 music! Great to hear your honest opinions even if some people get super butt hurt lmao. As a big persona fan, I've to see your opinions on the old vs new recordings of "Burn My Dread - last battle." I have had mixed feelings about the new recordings (and the game remake in general), and I think this song in particular really shows off everything I did (and did not) like about the remake.


Tony you cracked me up with this analysis with the male Singer you tried so hard not to laugh when his verse came 😂

- JinRosé -

I haven’t played Persona, but Reload looks damn sick and this OP and overall OST has really piqued my interest further into the series. Your reaction though is so hilarious however 😂, tbh the cheese is an X factor imo. I’m also just a fan of songs that make you wanna just dive into the action. “Carpediem” is a good way to put it, but super cheesy, I agree. I thought the male and female vocals were meant to serve as a sort of dualistic harmony, but as I listened deeper as you’d mentioned the terrible mixing, it was definitely noticeable haha. I’m still a fan of this track and I loved the insightful reaction, ty!