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Thank You Lag Spike for the Patreon Request! 




Unfortunately this will be my last patreon request but thank you so much for the good times so far!


For some context, this is from a visual novel with the genre of "murder mystery" on its surface, published in episodes between 2007 and 2011 with a very passionate fanbase. The entirety of the novel is about twice the length of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy plus the Hobbit combined. To many, getting through it feels like a journey to hell and back with a life changing and spiritual conclusion, sort of like the Divine Comedy. The entire soundtrack has about 200 tracks composed by various artists, and are designed to loop infinitely as you read until you get to something that triggers a change in soundtrack. The tracks to me feel like a smaller piece of a much larger whole, considering the medium and how they are used. The majority of the tracks people make requests for are probably the ones that is a strange mix of baroque and EDM, used in the climatic moments of conflict in the story. Wanted to let you know since chances are you have gotten requests from it before and will probably get more in the future.