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A great setup for this test! WOW
Some epic DnD moments in this episode 




Loving your reaction, is there still a video planned for the second Opening?I was just wondering because i would really like to hear your thoughts on the full Version


I love Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, they were truly the gems of my middle school discovery of Fantasy (especially the relatively low-power adventuring in 1). BG3 of course is a blast as well but it's different from the games of bygone eras. I've never played Neverwinter but I think I'll check it out now.

Sebastian Stróż

If you didnt play it yet then I highly recommend checking out Divinity original sin 1 and 2. Same company that made BG3.


It's not HER dungeon. She doesn't own it or anything. She's just using it for the exam.


Ofc Frieren is THE final boss (probably). Whoever or w/e is behind the replica magic totally gets it. XD

Jet Man

On the subject of that conversation between Fern and the Proctor: imagine if you heard and saw an astonishing display of skill by a bass player and at the of it they said, "Yeah, I don't really have the passion for it anymore."


I wasn't trying to harsh on you or anything. Was just correcting you with completely neutral intention.


Ever play POE


Path of exile, free to play dungeon crawler mmo. Came out back In 2013. Basically Diablo 2 style game. Considered the best game in that genre ever made. Super fun and free. Soon hopefully they will be coming out of POE 2. If you like that style of game you should give it a try.


Oh that is such a cool idea, make the B group fight the replica Frieren, hoooly.


Also an acronym for Pillars of Eternity, ironically closer to DnD than Path of Exile as its a CRPG, though both are amazing games in their own right.


Raidboss Frieren