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The music at the end was 10/10
Scary choir is good choir 




Couple fun points: 1. Our floating cube AI and the boy Vivy watched grow up are both named Matsumoto! As Mr. Matsumoto listens to Vivy's song a companion calls out "Mr. Matsumoto" right there in the subtitles. In the first episode, as he and Diva first met, our cube said he named himself after his creator. 2. The song Vivy composed can already be heard in the show's ending. It's been present for many episodes now.


dang bro. Borderline spoiler. I know that was info given but there is a reveal moment in the anime later on for this. Sheesh


......... um I had not put that together so I don't know if that becomes more apparent later but please don't do that again


It’s an age old problem in tv show writing. If you hint at things too strongly, your audience yells that your plot was too simple and obvious. If you keep hints so small that most don’t notice they’ll yell that your plot is stupid and came out of nowhere. I’m someone who enjoys helping people remember the things that are freely available. I will never, ever bring up something that hasn’t been directly stated, seen, or (and these being MUSIC focused reactions) heard. To be honest, I think what you’ve done, pointing out that there are upcoming reveals on those topics… aka you revealing future content… is more a spoiler than my repeating what’s already been on the show. People who shout “spoilers” all too often reveal actual spoilers themselves. :(


I think the safer route is to be more like "hey, there is something I could remind you of that was previously shown but correlates to this episode. Do you want that reminder?" That is MUCH more of an organic method for me. Because in that situation, I will 100% say no so I can experience it as it comes. I would put heavy money on the fact that one name mentioned earlier in the show is not remembered by most folks as it's just not normal to jot down every bit of dialogue that includes names many hours ago.


The guy was only on screen for like a minute in the first episode, its absolutely normal for you to not have noticed right away. The show would have made it clear on its own soon.


Spoilers aren’t cool, bro. Let him put stuff together.