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This was one of the better episodes.  Epic quest setting and development 



Chris Hee

Imagine having to retake your driving exam every few months, with a completely different exam system every time haha Who's everyone's favourite new character so far?


The new opening is by Yorushika who has been getting a lot more popular over the last few months but you probably remember her from a few reactions you’ve done


Frieren is a WILD sleeper, wtf lmao.


Btw, I think your perception of what an opening is, is slightly wrong, because you haven't watched that much anime. It's pretty rare for openings to outright spoil a show. A lot of times, it's actually the opposite. Many openings are made to be watched before the episode, that's why they're placed there. They're also very rarely using clips directly from the show. I actually can't think of a singular opening that does that. A lot of work is put into making the opening have style and kind of feel like a condensed version of the show as a whole, without outright spoiling viewers that just started it. The point of an opening is often to watch it at least once at the beginning of a series, and once at the end, just to see how far your understanding of the show has come. In shows like Monogatari, the opening is directly linked to the actual plot of the show, with the opening changing every ~4 episodes or so. All this applies to the endings as well, which is why opening and ending reactions are so popular on Youtube. It's not just because of the music. If it were just because of the music, people would be watching the full versions of the songs instead. Personally, I never skip openings, not on any episode. But I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea. I implore you to at least react the openings of the shows you watch at least once. I understand if you're saving them for videos, but often those videos just don't come out, like for Your Lie in April (I understand you don't have all the time in the world to analyze every song of every show you watch btw. You already make a fuckton of great videos.). TLDR: Watch the openings of a show. Sorry this comment got so long.


I guess I could do opening reactions with a lot of opacity turned down but it's super risky. Maybe on the 2nd channel? Dunno. I'm not sure everyone who watches anime needs to do it just like you laid out. 🤷‍♂️ Especially the part about it being an assessment for understanding... like lol you gonna be disappointed. I feel like I did watch this opening. I didn't think of skipped it so not really sure


Nah all good. The reason I commented on this video is because I liked that you watched this opening. I'm not saying you should react to them on the main channel or anything. I'm just saying that you should continue to watch the openings of the shows you react to like you did here. Not like in (just as an example) sound euphonium, where you never watched the openings or endings (except one of them I think). It's not even that you have to do it *for* anyone else either. I just think you might enjoy the show more if you watch the opening, you know? Many people that are new to anime just assume that openings spoil everything and I wanted to clarify that not being the case. Sorry if my comment didn't explain my point well enough. (Btw the reason I write comments that are this long is mostly just because I enjoy writing in english for practice. It's not a serious topic or anything lmao.) Much love!


You should listen to the new version of the closing song too if you get a chance! =)