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Hello lord Vader 



freshyjazzy12 .

Just a little bit of explanation to help understand things a bit more. Geto had been thinking about that incident with the girl for that whole year and after the talk with Yuki (the blonde Special Grade) where she said killing all Non-Sorcerers was an option, when he went out on a mission and these regular humans were now blaming the little girls for everything when it wasn't even their fault, had them locked up, battered, and beaten, that's when his switch flipped. As well, that moment with Gojo at the end, for a bit more clarity he was saying "You're so strong that if you wanted to kill every Non-Human it would be a piece of cake and yet you're telling me I'm not able to do it." These first five episodes are probably the most nuanced part of the story so far, things start becoming more clear and straightforward so hopefully that should help out a bit.


Gojo's voice acting is so good. You can hear the disbelief, anger, confusion, heartbreak, and desperation in his voice. Geto was his bff. Imagine getting told out of nowhere your bff has been sentenced to death because he slaughtered a village and his parents. Voice actor did so well with Gojo's reaction there. Made me tear up a little.


Strap your seatbelt for the next arc!


At the Gojo vs Geto confrontation I think Geto was trying to say that Gojo is so powerful it's realistic for him to wipe out every non-sorcerer if he wanted to, not that he actually secretely wants it. This series loves to constantly hype up how powerful Gojo is, as you might have noticed haha.


A big prevailing theme in JJK is something said by Gojo in season 1 “A Jujutsu Sorcerers growth curve, is not necessarily a gentle slope. It only takes the smallest trigger to change a person” This can not only be applied to their growth in combat where fits of rage or desperation spur on their development it also applies to their emotional and Moral adjustment too; a key example being Yuji in the mahito fight losing his compass and despite trying to reject the principal of “killing instead of Exorcising” only a few hours earlier he resolved himself to straight up murder mahito in cold blood. That’s why Getos development may feel sudden, he spent his life believing what he kept telling Gojo: “Survival of the weakest, that’s the shape society should take, humans who are blessed should use those blessing those who aren’t” only to over the course of a year see a young girl murdered for no reason aside from the circumstances of her birth while a group of cultists applauded as well as seeing two young girls beaten and imprisoned for something they didn’t do all because of the ignorance and bigotry of the people sorceres are risking themselves for every day. Now think about all the hate I’ve just mentioned and couple that with the fact that the ungrateful Bigots are literally what is causing the curses that Geto has to protect them from and also the curses that have killed so many of Getos friends Those few triggers are what changed him, very similar to Joker in the regard that one bad day began his downward spiral

Ethan Martin

IMO, explaining lore, story, and abilities in a way that's easy to digest all information has never been the author's strongsuit. It makes a lot more sense after going back but yeah, you're not alone in feeling lost with all this exposition. The next arc is much more down to the point and action packed.


If you’re still confused on this arc and the lore than yeah I recommend rewatching it again.


The blonde women who talks to geto, we actually see her in season 1 during Todo’s flashback when he was a grade schooler beating up a high schooler 😂. We see her with a motorcycle also asking him what his type is 😂.


I feel bad for the special grade lady here because I see a lot of people misinterpret her. A lot of people seem to be under the impression that she was literally suggesting to kill all the non-sorcerers, but really I think she was just being extremely irresponsible with her words and not realizing Geto was in the absolute worst state of mind to correctly interpret her in that moment. What she was really trying to say was "sure you could do that and it's easy, but the better way is the hard way" and she wanted to find a way to make everyone a sorcerer or have some other capability of fighting or extinguishing curses.


I meant rewatching these 5 in your own time. I haven’t finished the reaction yet, I was just going off what you said in the last episode reaction and these comments😅. But no worries you do you


I agree, she didn’t have bad intentions at all, she was just being dense/ non perceptive of how Geto was feeling and why he was asking these questions. Irresponsible for sure but not ill-willed.


That blonde woman, Yuki is the same one who presumably taught Todo about Jujutsu Sorcery. We briefly saw her in season 1 asking him the same famous question when he was a kid. Todo seemed to ask people their taste in women to get a judge of their character. I wonder if Geto had answered her back then, if she would have forseen his full descent coming and stopped it


I call her ‘The Special Grade Gaslighter’, but it’s more as a joke 😂.


That last sentence is an interesting thought. 😯🤔


Tbh she probably wouldn’t have stopped him. Not sure how far you are series wise but she makes a comment to Yuji later after shibuya about not helping out sooner because she isn’t necessarily on their side. While she didn’t intend to lead Geto to any conclusion, he clearly stated an idea to murder people that she didn’t dissuade him from. Instead she mulled it over as a real option and only mentioned she wasn’t going to try it out. She was just the worse person for someone so depressed and so deep in to talk to.


Title of the “chaotic” piece you mentioned “Our Fellow Sorcerers’ Corpses” https://youtu.be/dFJcxEkrC5g?si=Kh1Vqnb9KTPP5Ahr Links to music in this episode. https://youtu.be/gENdOgf1PUs?si=aZrYkk26KIcMP3he 7:57 https://youtu.be/dFJcxEkrC5g?si=DDulWRPTYu91mjRz 14:38 https://youtu.be/ikEodeHOi-Q?si=6xrGp2_G1fgeipTX 18:32 https://youtu.be/_cJcWzKxb-E?si=jUuLAxQmzKw6tci1 21:32 https://youtu.be/wK2JnY5WyZ0?si=TRgf40E5-z6688x3 23:36 https://youtu.be/RuesYEREiD8?si=ImJDMCodA2DfdeG9 25:01 https://youtu.be/R_XJs7_TcSA?si=q53lIx4jflqFfkyS 26:49


The way I see Getos viewpoint is that either his friends die, or he does something to prevent it. And killing all non sorcerers just happens to be the most possible way of doing so. Of course, his interactions with normal people does NOT help their case as you’ve seen with the clapping scene and the locked up children.


I'd never considered your point about the curses but it makes sense. Geto makes a point of explaining how disgusting they taste and Yuki also makes a point of saying that only non-sorcerors contribute to the formation of them. it's all just an extra facet to Geto's hatred of "monkeys" that I didn't realise existed, an additional thankless burden that their very existence places on his soul.


The show will always be confusing because the author kind of makes up stuff on the spot a lot lol.


So yeah, basically the girl being killed by the religion group was for nothing (not like there was a proper reason before but)

Sebastian Stróż

If you are interested in rewatching i would highly recommend rewatching everything from season one as well. There is A LOT of things that are shown from different perspectives and makes you realise how well written jjk is.

Nick K

I think you'll find anime plots in general easier to follow as you consume more and more, because even though shows are quite different they have elements that are shared here and there and styles of storytelling that aren't common to western media. I think the beauty of it though is that as long as you're enjoying it, there's no need to "get" all of it if you don't feel the need to. You can enjoy them to the degree you want whether it's just a single watch and moving on or revisiting through a rewatch. Most anime are good about making sure to at least subtly reference old details if they're really important (if they don't just run a straight up flashback), so you're never required to rewatch anything because if it's a good show you can rely on it to bring up relevant context.

sojiro edit

Sir we need more jjk episodes 🗣️🙏🙏


I don't think it was even her misreading him, it was more like she realised he is wavering and in her mind she wanted to push back in the sense of "you may feel like gving up on it all is the natural conclusion, but you actually have a choice". Unfortunately he made a different one. No blame on her, people who say that clearly think that people can get talked out of everything, which is not realisitc at all (even Gojo says that at the end, you can only save people that are ready to be saved).


not true. i don't know if you've read the manga, but Riko dying instead of assimilating into Tengen does have far reaching consequences (without going into spoiler territory here).


I think Yuki's position is very nuanced. SPOILERS FOR ATTACK ON TITAN FROM HERE ON, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION-> Have you seen the first season of Aot? There's kind of a similar situation between Levi and Eren. Both Levi and Yuki are in a situation where they can empathize with their mentee, but also have the humility and wisdom to admit that they don't have the right answer (because there might be none) and ultimately leave it up to their mentees to decide for themselves. I had a hard time understanding the meaning of that scene when I watched Aot for the first time, but now I can see the impact that moment had on the trajectory of Eren's character. Same here with Geto, though the influence is much more tangible because we see the effects immediatedly and not after three more seasons of development.


I mean, idk, but without the manga info, the thing implied here is that her death was pointless.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

I honestly think it’s much easier to follow than many other anime. I get where the confusion comes from though

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

I think after the incident where he killed the villagers because they tortured the little sorcerer girls he HAD to believe in his mission 100%. Otherwise he’d just be a mass murderer. I find that very realistic - before this instance he was struggling to make sense of his feeling, but now there’s no room for doubt anymore. Geto hates curses. He has to eat them and he is the only one that knows how terrible and disgusting they really are. Curses kill his friends and make his live as a sorcerer hell. Who makes curses? Non sorcerers. Still, he has to protect them from what THEY cause? And who’s thanking him for it? Not them. They clapped when Amanai died, one of them almost killed him and his friend (remember that Toji mocked him and called himself a monkey when he defeated Geto, this also gives context to how much he hates Maki in the movie, she’s just a weaker version of the man who caused all his suffering) And now he sees them, the root for all his problems, incarcerating and hurting two little girls, sorcerers, blaming them for things they themselves caused? He reached a snapping point. He kills them. Now he can’t feel bad about it anymore. If he does hell be a murderer. We see in the short first part of the season that things "having a point" are very important to him. He thinks about morality a lot. Can he life with himself if he’s just a murderer? No. He’s justified. He will save the world from curses by eradicating non sorcerers. That’s the only thing he CAN do at this point. And here is Satoru, his best friend, who he still clearly values so much even in the movie, telling him it’s insane, that what he’s doing is impossible. It’s not though, is it? If he was Satorou he could kill all non sorcerers without issue. And then all his problems would be solved. That’s what I imagine is going on in his head. I find it very believable.


It’s insane to me that every single human being on earth is not dead in JJK because gojo chose to be good.