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OK ...so now we getting into sudden character plot shots.




Yes so this is where the concept introduced in season 1 comes into play. As a refresher, Heavenly Pacts are cursed energy restrictions placed at random upon birth in exchange for physical enhancements OR vice versa. In this case, Toji (gambling man) has 0 cursed energy, but has insane physical capabilities. In season 1, Mechamaru (the robot/ puppet master) is basically bandaged head to toe, physically handicapped, but has enhanced cursed energy which allows him to manipulate puppets at a greater distance than normal. Heavenly Pacts are essentially random and not very common in this world, but that's the gist. Either physically enhanced, but handicapped cursed energy, or enhanced cursed energy, but physically handicapped and to reiterate a small detail, the blade that Gojo was stabbed with was called Inverted Spear of Heaven, with the power to forcefully release any active techniques, in this case Gojo's "infinity". Basically the only weapon that we know of at this point cabable of getting through his infinity, tied with Toji's insane broken Heavenly Pact, meant a very bad day for Gojo.


“Well, that guy needs to die.” Laughed out loud at this because he’s a BEAST. 😂 love how blown away reactors are by him.




I really do wish they would have silent scrolled the credits since they already played most of the ED before cutting it off for that moment, but it be like that sometimes

Lijnaito2021 !

The "shot" that changed the entire show


Can you react to Ending as well as it is also a banger.


Lots of good tracks here, the one you specifically asked for the name of is “our fellow sorcerers corpses”


Yes in the same way that maki was born with very low cursed energy in exchange a boost to physical strength, Toji is essentially a perfected form of that with 0 cursed energy whatsoever in exchange for physical strength that is beyond superhuman


The first time the ending was played during this episode gave me a false sense of security that she wasnt going to die to the assimilation and that we were gonna have a happy ending where she lived


Every piece of music played in these first 5 eps of season 2 have already been released. The majority if not all of these pieces are in the latest released JJK ost album. So maybe it’s easier for you to get the album and just sift through all of the tracks(should be around 20 iirc).


Fair enough. I’d still recommend finding the album though, that way it’ll be even quicker finding the music titles we’ve given you (in the album they are all titled in English).


Tojis voice actor is DIO by the way!


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think season 2 only ever has previews after the credits

Nick K

You are correct BUT there is a post credits scene at the end of episode 4 that is important to watch


Man actually fuck the directors of this show LMAO that fakeout happy ending with the early end credit song only for *that* to happen is SO CRUEL


Nah there’s 2 post credit scenes this season at least, episode 4 and episode 14(coincidentally lol)


Playing the ED early was such a dirty trick and it gets everyone lol. This one really sits with me though. Sudden and instant deaths in media (especially gunshots to the head) with no time for even a reaction really screw with me and leave me with a sinking feeling for a while after. It could be a major character or a random civilian caught in it and it always hits me like that.

Eli L.

Man lots of twists this episode. Also interesting to hear you enjoyed the juju strolls. I enjoyed the extra segments too, but I also get how some people might not like them because they thought they were too silly and/or didn't fit with the tone of the episodes.


this seasons soundtrack is super fun and even slightly unconventional for soundtrack standards at least so im glad you're enjoying it


i feel like after the first season (im up to date with the manga too) the atmosphere and tone of the show definitely got darker. therefore i think it fit more for the first season but after that everything just kinda flipped.


He’s a popular in demand VA with a unique voice, it’s natural for him to always be booked. Gojo’s VA was in 5 anime this season(fall) and Tanjiro’s VA was in 3


Oh it's amazing it's just absolutely heartbreaking. I cried

Walt D

So... DRT anime, coming soon, you get to pick the composers, who are you picking? This isn't far fetched. Subscribers make anime shorts for YouTube personalities sometimes.


So put simply heavenly pacts are handicaps placed on a person from birth that enhance another aspect of their abilities. This is first seen in mechamaru in season 1, he is physically handicapped and confined to a bathtub but has immense cursed energy and can transmit it over vast distances. Toji here is like the inverse of that, he has absolutely 0 cursed energy (even the average human in the JJK univers produces small amounts of it) but in return has an absurdly superhuman body.