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I feel like this is gonna get dark.
Those audio sfx towards the end of the Ep are nightmare fuel 👀






oh whoa already starting this one! Lets goooo this one is a ride


Btw this show plays it kind of fast and loose with the splash screens and credits, so sometimes you'll get the episode title halfway through the episode, and sometimes you'll have after credit scenes.


Don't worry if you get confused with all the info they throw around, you'll get it in the end. Also, like other people are saying be careful with skipping outros because they throw scenes after practically every episode.


I will mention details that you may have missed or overlooked to better understand the episode, without spoilers and avoiding things that will be explained later. - The sequence with which the episode starts is just when the fifth handler loses his head before being removed from his position. - Vaclav is the father of the female protagonist. - The boy who was badly wounded and shot to end his suffering is called Kujo, he is the one who called the cat just before the transition to the fight where he dies. He's also the one who wrote the blackboard that appears in the episode. You can see that Undertaker took a small part of his machine and carved out his name. - It is mentioned that they eat artificial food and it is implied that it is difficult, or perhaps expensive, to get products like milk and eggs, but you can see that Spearhead Squadron does have access to them.


Really excited that you're checking this one out! Hope you dig it.


Love this show, altho I always laugh when I see military-grade thigh highs


Hey Tony love the reactions. I was just wondering if you have a schedule for every anime you’re watching and posting? Love your reactions and thanks for reacting to 86 it’s an awesome show!

ジェイス「 j a c e 」

one thing i can add, this show has alot of symbolism. Some, if not most, will be missed, because theres no context. Similar to spider lilies meaning "death" but can also mean "reborn" or the like.

Jet Man

Never heard of the movie Robot Jox, but after looking it up, it appears that it took inspiration from Transformers, which in turn took inspiration from Japanese Mecha anime such as Macross. The plot of Robot Jox very much seems like the the plot of some older Mech anime, haha.


Fun fact: The animation studio is A1 Pictures. This is the same animation studio that did Your Lie in April. The contrast between the 2 shows is astonishing, and both are amazing in their own right


I never seen 86 and the first episode is crazy I’m exited to see what happens next

Luis Arispe

I won't miss this for nothing. Btw, San Magnolia is heavely influenced by Paris and France in general.

Clayton Odom

Big hype for 86. Also big hype for the Robot Jox call out; loved that movie as a kid as well and started my love of big giant stompy robots. A lot of depth and emotion to this show, and I am digging the reactions.


I'm so glad to be watching this show again. It's got some of the best direction I've ever experienced and the sound design (and of course the sound track) is top tier. There's so much that I could pick up on in just episode 1 having watched it before, excited to go through it all again.

Alexiel Knight

Yay, always happy to see someone starting 86. You probably have been told already but starting with episode 2, there is almost always a post credit scene.


I joined right on time. So excited for my second rewatch of 86. Such a great anime. The story, characters, and music won’t disappoint whatsoever.


The sound design in this show goes hard, from the ambience to the sounds of combat and to the music it's top notch.


do not forget to watch for after ending scenes (sometimes there's one)