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Wow, this episode took us right back to the evil factor in this Anime




Jet Man

Yes, there was a live adaptation of Death Note done on Netflix. And yes, it was not of the greatest quality. However, they did make Ryuk a badass by getting William Defoe to do his voice.


There are also Japanese live action adaptations from years before the netflix one which were better quality but still weren't the best at least they didn't mess up the story as bad. There is also a sequel type of live action following a different set of characters with access to death notes called Light Up The New World


Yeah, they made live action adaptations in Japan years ago. They were eh... it's like... why not just watch the anime or the manga?. And then Netflix made another one that's atrocious as an adaptation, it's just a different thing... which is okay, you can't really adapt everything in one movie so making something different is the only way, but it's still bad even if you treat it as its own thing. There's no reason to watch it imo. (unless you want to laugh)


It breaks my heart that people exist whose only experience of death note is the awful Netflix movie lol

Walt D

As annoying as L is, he should get major props. One guy with no powers, going up against two people with powers. I know life isn't fair, but damn. I can't even say more.

David Butt

So there are multiple live action Death Note projects and some people have mentioned them already. But I want to talk about one that hasn't been mentioned yet. There’s a stage adaptation called Death Note The Musical and it is actually really good. It was written in English first and was then translated into Japanese and Korean, and has had multiple successful runs in both Japan and Korea. The entire Japanese musical can be found on YouTube but in addition to that, the original New York Demo Song recordings starring a ton of Broadway stars are also online and there were 2 recent concert performances in London and they’re going to sell the Soundtrack from that version.


There is a 2-part Japanese movie series from 2006 that adapted the anime with slight variations, which is quite good. I highly recommend it if you want to see more from this story in live action format, it was also dubbed in English with the voice actors from the anime. There are also 2 spin-off movies from 2008 and 2016 respectively, with the 2008 movie being a side story about L with the actor from the 2006 movies. The 2016 movie is somewhat of a sequel spin-off that takes place 10 years after the original story. Then there is also, ofcourse, the Netflix adaptation from 2017, but we don't talk about that one.