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Big sis might just come around 👀




I think Tapioca edges out Butterscotch for me but just by a little. Probably nostalgia playing a role. Also for anyone interested, the piece that Kumiko's sister's band plays at (0:52) is American Patrol by Frank W. Meacham. I've linked the extended version below as well as a rendition by "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band for reference. Extended cut Kumiko's sister's band https://youtu.be/ijojeR2MIv8?si=HNwargjYGNhnzwBn "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band https://youtu.be/UP0uQzZk-ug?si=72sxWSoEMjY8Ac3u The piece at (18:58) from the CD is titled "Kitauji Quartette No.1 Euphonium'' linked below. https://youtu.be/7-q3wGqFvBM?si=aBrf3IEocC2IqE9z This new update makes it damn near impossible to comment on mobile so sorry for format issues if any.

Jet Man

I fucking love Butterscotch pudding. Let's fucking gooooo! Tapioca would be a close second. Third place goes to Banana Cream Pie Pudding. Haven't had pudding in over a year though.


Obviously banana pudding wins. :|

Mariana Roca

Where I live, we definitively don't eat tapioca as a pudding flavour so I got confused for a bit. We make very different stuff with tapioca here.

Red Menace

LOL, he having ptsd flashbacks to the elementary class he taught