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Thank You YikesBradley for the Patreon Request
Full listen at the start and analysis starts at 4:02 mark



Jet Man

Lol. The analogy for fried potatoes gave me a good laugh.

ML Snow

Love it, I hope that somehow you will hear another track from this series. Evan Call man.

ML Snow

Same composer off Frieren, btw


Violet Evergarden is from the same studio that does Sound Euphonium, so the visuals, sound/music and direction is top notch. The overall story and vibe is somewhat simillar to frieren. A really nice piece of media.


this piece hits much harder when you have seen the anime. its a really emotional anime and the feelings comes right back when this piece plays. one of my favorites anime


This is neither here nor there and completely off the point, but: excellent seltzer choice. Nothing like that watermelon Waterloo on a hot day.


Thank you for the react as always! Sometimes I forget people haven't watched it so the music doesn't have the same emotional response I have to it lol


Violet Evergarden is my #1 anime of all time, in 18 years of watching anime seasonally. Everything comes together in a culmination of introspective, bittersweet, human beauty. Visuals are amazing with KyoAni's top tier animation, and Evan Call knocks it out of the park with the soundtrack, really driving in those emotional story beats. It's not sad for the sake of being sad, but more of a healing, hopeful kind of thing. Also Evan Call's use of french horn, oboe, and cello in particular throughout the album is exceptional.