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Woaaahhh! I was not ready for that kind of band drama in this EP!
Sheeeeesh.  Great episode though , let's go agogo bell player! LOL 




My orchestra did that dance stuff. God, it's soooooo cringe!

Jet Man

Tony, I have some unfortunate news. You cannot be invited by Auska's mom to dinner because she is not real...


Asuka plays Euphonium, I think the context of the part change is just Taki changing what instrument does the solo.


I'm confused about what your comment is about. As far as the anime and novels go you should treat them as separate and only use the novels for contextual information that isn't mentioned in the anime. For example earlier in s2e1 where Nozomi mentioned that Minami Junior High wouldn't let them play flute unless they had their own. In this example you would pull from the novel to fill in that missing information. I don't want to read any spoilers nor give any spoilers but I will say that there are plenty of differences between the novels and the anime so in order to best enjoy the show, just think of them as separate and pull any context that's missing when needed. **Please put a spoiler warning on your post for anyone that may potentially want to read the novels. Thanks!**

Mariana Roca

@baqua15 Im terribly sorry if my comment comparing the novel and the anime is considered a spoiler, hence I deleted it. I will just comment of the foreshadowing that happened in the anime, then. When Asuka, in season 1, said "I wish summer lasted forever", it was because of this, the "mom incident" would come sooner and later to risk her stay in the club.


Oh don't worry about it too much lol. Asuka sure is an enigma though, both to the viewer as well as her classmates. Everyone knows her but no one really knows her.


The bari sax solo at the station concert is written for alto sax. I find this somewhat annoying because when I looked up the soundtrack to listen to the bari sax solo, it ended up being the alto sax version.

Red Menace

"just invite me over for dinner, sounds like you need someone around the house" had my DYING! LMAO

Red Menace

just got to say, i LOVE how invested tony is in this show and its characters, makes these re-actions super entertaining


Tony is down tremendous Also, the big glasses tuba playing dude's voice actor is the same voice actor as Money-Bags from JJK. Apparently half the cast is in this show too...

Stjames221 Alt Account

13:08 was a translation mess-up. Theyโ€™re changing who plays the solo.